
chalcid [kalsid]
< ModL Chalcis (gen. Chalcidis), name of the type genus < Gr chalkos, copper: so named because of their metallic color
any of a large family (Chalcididae) of very small wasps, either four-winged or wingless, many of whose larvae live as parasites in the eggs, larvae, or pupae of other insects: also chalcid fly (or wasp)
of these insects

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chal·cid (kălʹsĭd) n.
Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects.
  [From New Latin Chalcis, type genus, from Greek khalkos, copper (from the wasp's metallic color).]

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      any of more than 22,000 species of rather small parasitic wasps (order Hymenoptera). Some authorities believe that this superfamily may actually contain about 100,000 species, although these have not been documented. The average size is about 2 to 3 mm (0.08 to 0.12 inch). Chalcids are usually black or yellow with transparent wings. The adults feed on plant nectar or on the fluids from the wounds of animals. The larvae of most species are parasitic on insects that are pests of food crops, making them beneficial to humans.

      The Chalcidoidea is a widely distributed group that is divided into about 19 families, chief among which are the Mymaridae (fairyfly), Trichogrammatidae, Eulophidae, Encyrtidae, Eupelmidae, Perilampidae, Agaonidae ( fig wasp, q.v.), Torymidae, Pteromalidae, Eurytomidae (seed chalcid), and Chalcididae. Some of the Leucospidae, largest of the chalcids, reach 15 mm in length.

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  • chalcid — [kal′sid] n. [< ModL Chalcis (gen. Chalcidis), name of the type genus < Gr chalkos, copper: so named because of their metallic color] any of a large family (Chalcididae) of very small wasps, either four winged or wingless, many of whose… …   English World dictionary

  • chalcid — noun any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects • Syn: ↑chalcid fly, ↑chalcidfly, ↑chalcid wasp • Hypernyms: ↑hymenopterous insect, ↑hymenopteran …   Useful english dictionary

  • chalcid — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek chalkos copper, bronze Date: 1893 any of a large superfamily (Chalcidoidea) of mostly minute wasps parasitic in the larval state on the larvae or pupae of other insects • chalcid adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • chalcid fly — noun any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects • Syn: ↑chalcidfly, ↑chalcid, ↑chalcid wasp • Hypernyms: ↑hymenopterous insect, ↑hymenopteran,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • chalcid wasp — noun any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects • Syn: ↑chalcid fly, ↑chalcidfly, ↑chalcid • Hypernyms: ↑hymenopterous insect, ↑hymenopteran,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • chalcid fly — /ˈkælsəd flaɪ/ (say kalsuhd fluy) noun any of the Chalcidoidea, a superfamily of small hymenopterous insects, often of bright metallic colours, whose larvae are mostly parasitic on various stages of other insects. Also, chalcid. {New Latin… …  

  • chalcid — noun Any of many small wasps, of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, having parasitic larvae …   Wiktionary

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