
/pest/; Hung. /pesht/, n.
See under Budapest.

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Any organism, usually an animal, judged as a threat to humans.

Most pests either compete with humans for natural resources or transmit disease to humans, their crops, or their livestock. Invertebrate pests include some protozoans, flatworms, nematodes, mollusks, arachnids, and especially insects. Mammals and birds can also be pests. Human activities, such as monocultural farming practices, use of broad-spectrum pesticides, and introduction of exotic species, often result in the proliferation of pest species. Certain fungi, bacteria, and viruses are also considered pests. Plant pests are usually called weeds.

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 megye (county), central Hungary. It borders Slovakia to the north and the counties of Nógrád and Heves to the northeast, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok to the east, Bács-Kiskun to the south, and Komárom-Esztergom and Fejér to the west. Pest is by far the most-populous and most-industrialized county in Hungary. Budapest, the national capital, is the county seat despite being administratively independent. The majority of county-level institutions are located in Budapest, and only a few operate outside the city boundaries: notably, the cultural centre and the museum directorate in Szentendre, the county hospital in Kistarcsa, and the social security directorate in Cegléd. The population of Pest county, due to its 18th-century resettlement, is of diverse origins. Besides a Hungarian majority, there are significant ethnic German, Slovakian, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, and Roma (Gypsy) communities.

      Pest county lies at the junction of the Great Alfold (Great Hungarian Plain, or Nagy Magyar Alföld) and the Transdanubian Mountains. Hills and mountains cover the northern part of the county. In the region known as the Danube Bend, the Börzsöny and Pilis hills force the Danube River to turn south and flow past Szentendre and Csepel islands. The southern part of the county gives way to the Great Alfold, including the sandy plains that lie between the Tisza River and the Danube.

      Pest has a varied agriculture and is noted for its fruit production (particularly apples) as well as its sugar beet and tomato crops. The principal towns and cities of the county have a mixture of industries. Vác (which has been an Episcopal centre for centuries), is the industrial heart of the county, with a cement factory and photo chemical and light industry units. Gödöllő is an important centre for agricultural research and home to two automotive factories. Szászhalombatta has a major oil refinery.

      The most-visited tourist area of the county is the Danube Bend, which stretches from Esztergom to Szentendre. Szentendre still reflects the influence of its Dalmatian Serb founders in its Mediterranean-style cityscape, Baroque buildings, and numerous museumsincluding the Hungarian Open Air Museum (an ethnographical village that re-creates aspects of historic Hungarian folklife); the museums featuring the artworks of the Ferenczy family, of Jenő Barcsay, and of Béla Czóbel (Czóbel, Béla); and the collection of Serbian religious art at the Belgrade Cathedral. Visegrád boasts a partly renovated medieval fortress and the ruins of a Renaissance castle, a memorial museum of the world-famous traveler and hunter Kálmán Kittenberger is in Nagymaros, and Zebegény is home to a memorial museum of painter István Szonyi. Hot-water spas are in Szentendre, Leányfalu, and Lepence, in the vicinity of Visegrád. The Ráckeve arm of the Danube is noted for freshwater fishing. The county's territory neighbours Duna-Ipoly and Kiskunság national parks. Area 2,468 square miles (6,394 square km). Pop. (2004 est.) 996,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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