- hound
/hownd/, n.1. one of any of several breeds of dogs trained to pursue game either by sight or by scent, esp. one with a long face and large drooping ears.2. Informal. any dog.3. a mean, despicable person.4. Informal. an addict or devotee: an autograph hound.5. one of the pursuers in the game of hare and hounds.7. ride to hounds, Fox Hunting. to participate in a hunt, whether as a member of the field or of the hunt staff.v.t.8. to hunt or track with hounds, or as a hound does; pursue.9. to pursue or harass without respite: Her little brother wouldn't stop hounding her.10. to incite (a hound) to pursuit or attack; urge on.11. Informal. to incite or urge (a person) to do something (usually fol. by on).[bef. 900; ME h(o)und, OE hund; c. D hond, ON hundr, Dan, SW hund, G Hund, Goth hunds; akin to L canis, Gk kýon (gen. kynós), Skt sván (gen. sunas), OIr cú (gen. con), Welsh ci (pl. cwn), Tocharian A ku, Lith šuõ]hound2/hownd/, n.1. Naut. either of a pair of fore-and-aft members at the lower end of the head of a mast, for supporting the trestletrees, that support an upper mast at its heel. Cf. cheek (def. 12).2. a horizontal bar or brace, usually one of a pair, for strengthening the running gear of a horse-drawn wagon or the like.[1175-1225; ME hun < ON hunn knob at the masthead]
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Classification of hunting dogs that is more general than setter, retriever, pointer, or other sporting dog categories.Most hounds were bred and trained to track by scent or sight. Scent hounds (e.g., bloodhound, dachshund) are trained to scent in the air or on the ground. Sight hounds (e.g., saluki, Afghan hound) were developed to chase game by sight over long distances. Hounds such as beagles, basset hounds, and foxhounds run in packs; Afghan hounds, borzois, salukis, and others run alone.* * *
Universalium. 2010.