
/dahks"hoont', -hoond', -euhnd, daks"-, dash"-/, n.
one of a German breed of dogs having short legs, a long body and ears, and a usually tan or black-and-tan coat.
[1840-50; < G, equiv. to Dachs badger + Hund dog]

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Dog breed of hound and terrier ancestry developed in Germany to pursue badgers (German, Dachs) into their burrows.

It is a long-bodied, lively dog with a deep chest, short legs, tapering muzzle, and long ears. Usually reddish brown, or black and tan, it is bred in two sizes (standard and miniature) and in three coat types (smooth, long, and wiry). The standard dachshund stands about 710 in. (1825 cm) high and weighs 1632 lbs (714.5 kg); the miniature is shorter and weighs less than 9 lbs (4 kg).

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breed of dog
Germanbadger dog
  dog breed of hound and terrier ancestry developed in Germany to pursue badgers into their burrows. The dachshund is a long-bodied, characteristically lively dog with a deep chest, short legs, tapering muzzle, and long ears. Usually reddish brown or black-and-tan, it is bred in two sizesstandard and miniatureand in three coat typessmooth, longhaired, and wirehaired. The standard dachshund stands about 7 to 10 inches (18 to 25 cm) and weighs 16 to 32 pounds (7 to 14.5 kg); the miniature is shorter and weighs no more than 11 pounds (5 kg).

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