
/seuh looh"kee/, n.
(sometimes l.c.) one of a breed of black and tan, white, gold, or tricolor dogs resembling the greyhound and having fringes of long hair on the ears, legs, and thighs, raised originally in Egypt and southwestern Asia. Also called gazelle hound.
[1800-10; < Ar saluqi lit., of Saluq city in Arabia]

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Breed of hound whose ancestors may date to 7000 BC.

It was sacred to the Egyptians, who called it the "royal dog of Egypt" and used it to hunt gazelle. Keen-sighted and hardy, it resembles a greyhound, with long ears and silky coat. Colours can be solid white, tan, or reddish brown or a combination of black, tan, and white. It stands 1828 in. (4671 cm) tall and weighs 4560 lb (2027 kg).

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breed of dog
 breed of hound whose ancestors may date to 7000 to 6000 BCE. Sacred to the Egyptians, who called it theroyal dog of Egypt,” the saluki was used to hunt gazelles. Graceful, keen-sighted, and generally hardy, it is a slender, greyhoundlike dog with long ears and a silky coat; in one variety the hair is longer on the ears, legs, and tail. Colours include white, pale tan, reddish brown, black-and-tan, and a combination of black, tan, and white. Male salukis stand 23 to 28 inches (58 to 71 cm) and weigh 45 to 60 pounds (20 to 27 kg); females are considerably smaller.

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