- Gansu
/gahn"syuu"/, n. Pinyin.Also, Kansu.
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It is bordered by Mongolia, the autonomous regions of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Ningxia, and the provinces of Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Qinghai. It has an area of 141,500 sq mi (366,500 sq km). Its capital is Lanzhou. For centuries a passage between the upper Huang He (Yellow River) region and western China, it became part of Chinese territory in the 3rd century BC. It was renowned as the entranceway into China used by Marco Polo. Eastern Gansu is the main site of earthquakes in China; in 1920 an earthquake there destroyed many towns and caused 200,000 deaths. Wheat is the province's chief crop, and wheat flour rather than rice is the basis of the local diet.* * *
Introductionsheng (province), north-central and northwestern China. It is bordered by Mongolia to the north, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the northeast, the Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia (Ningsia) and the province of Shaanxi (Shensi) to the east, the provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai (Tsinghai) to the south and southwest, and the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (Sinkiang, Uygur Autonomous Region of) to the west. A vital strategic pivot linking the centre of the country with the vast territory in the extreme west, the narrow corridor of Gansu has served for several centuries as a passageway between the upper Huang He (Yellow River) area and Chinese Turkistan. The capital is Lanzhou in central Gansu, on the south bank of the Huang He. Area 141,500 square miles (366,500 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 26,060,000.LandReliefPlateaus are the dominant physical features of Gansu. Along the southern border, the lofty ranges of the Qilian Mountains separate Gansu from Qinghai. These ranges have an average elevation of 12,900 feet (3,900 metres) above sea level. Near Lanzhou the Huang He valley opens out, and excellent agricultural land is available. Some 120 miles (190 km) northwest of Lanzhou there is a stretch of interior drainage where the land is relatively flat and where glacier-fed streams, including the Hei River, disappear into the desert; this is the area referred to as the Hexi (Gansu) Corridor. The higher mountains nearby are covered with forests, and their lower slopes are green with grasses, but the floor of the corridor itself is monotonously flat and barren yellow earth. Geologically, Tertiary formations (about 1.8 to 65 million years old) appear in a number of basins in Gansu, with strata generally composed of red clays, conglomerates, red sandstones, and gypsum.The topographical features of Gansu are relatively uncomplicated in the west and northwest, in contrast to the southeast, where the land has suffered local dislocations from earthquakes (earthquake). In the northwest there are very few mountains but rather a hilly terrain that merges into the Gobi Desert to the east. The average elevation is about 3,000 feet (900 metres). The eastern part of Gansu is a major centre of earthquakes in China. From the 6th century CE to the present, major earthquakes have taken place an average of once every 65 years, while minor quakes occur at least once every 10 years. One of the greatest disasters of modern times occurred in 1920, when a violent earthquake centred in eastern Gansu caused great landslides. The death toll was estimated at 246,000, and many cities and towns totally vanished.ClimateThe climate in Gansu undergoes sharp temperature fluctuations in summer (June to August) and winter (December to February), with uneven and unpredictable precipitation throughout the year. In the west the average January temperature is 18 °F (−8 °C) in Jiuquan, for instance, and 19 °F (−7 °C) in Dunhuang, 200 miles (320 km) west of Jiuquan. The temperature in July in Jiuquan is 70 °F (21 °C), and in Dunhuang it is 81 °F (27 °C). Annual temperature variations for most parts of Gansu are more than 54 °F (30 °C); the range in the average number of frost-free days varies considerably, from 160 to 280.Precipitation is meagre throughout most of Gansu. As one goes farther inland, the precipitation becomes increasingly less frequent. In the western part of the province, annual rainfall ranges from 2 inches (50 mm) at Dunhuang to 3 inches (75 mm) at Jiuquan. Irrigation depends mainly on runoff from melting snow in the Qilian Mountains. The southeastern part of the province, something of an exception to the general pattern, receives a relatively abundant rainfall. In Pingliang, 170 miles (275 km) east of Lanzhou, rainfall reaches 20 inches (500 mm). Summer is usually the period of maximum precipitation.Plant and animal lifeAlthough vegetation is rather limited in the mountain area, primeval forests still exist in the high Liupan Mountains in the eastern part of Gansu. On the floor of the Hexi Corridor, willows and poplars grow along the roads and ditches. Wild animals include marmots, deer, and foxes.PeoplePopulation compositionHan Chinese constitute the main ethnic group in Gansu. Other major groups include Hui, Monguors (Mongols), Turks (Salars and Sarig Uighurs), and Tibetans (Tibetan). There are Monguors to the west of Lanzhou and Tibetans scattered over an area enclosed by the Zhuanglang, Datong, and Huang rivers. Minority autonomous prefectures and counties are established in the area where minority settlements are more concentrated.The Han majority tends to follow the same traditional religious practices (e.g., Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism) that generally are observed elsewhere in China. The most important minority group in Gansu is the Hui (Chinese Muslims), living mostly in the north and west; some are of Arab, Turkish, or Mongol origin. A few Muslims are converted Han Chinese. The Hui include believers in both the Sunni and Shīʿite traditions. Tibetans and Monguors follow Tibetan Buddhism. Traditionally, almost every Tibetan family had at least one son in a Buddhist monastery, although that now is less common.Most of the ethnic groups, including the Tibetan minority, speak Chinese as a second language. The Monguors, however, whose language differs completely from either Western or Eastern Mongolian, rarely speak a second language. Hui use both Chinese and Arabic scripts, although Arabic is usually used only for religious purposes.Settlement patternsThe Han and the Hui are essentially agriculturists, although some engage in trade and industry. The Monguors are pastoralists or are seminomadic. Important urban areas are centred on Lanzhou. The largest city in eastern Gansu is Pingliang. A major urban centre in western Gansu is Jiuquan, and nearby are the respective oil and mining centres of Yumen and Jiayuguan. The population is concentrated in the Lanzhou Basin, in the fertile valley plains of the south and central sections there where irrigation is possible, and in the dry terrace land of the Liupan Mountains. In western Gansu, population is intensively concentrated in a number of small, isolated oases scattered along the bases of the high snow-capped ranges.Village life among the Han inhabitants is generally similar to that elsewhere in North China. In Hui villages, however, the religious-communal lifestyle is distinctly different. There is a small public building that serves as a mosque, where children gather regularly to receive religious instruction and to learn the alphabet and phonetics. Hui villages are, by comparison, more organized and possess more community spirit than is usual in the Han villages. Hitherto the two peoples have been mutually segregated.Tibetan villages are similar in many aspects to Han villages. Those Tibetans who are sedentary, however, have no clearly defined clan organization, and their family ties are much looser than among the Han.Village dwellings generally are mud huts. Some people live in caves—which may be elaborate, with fine furnishings, or simply scooped out of the porous yellow earth cliffs. Brick structures predominate in cities and towns. The eating habits of the people are slightly different from those of the Chinese in other parts of the country. Coarse grains and wheat flour, rather than rice, are consumed.EconomyTraditionally, Gansu has been an area of poverty. The frequency of earthquakes, droughts, and famines has contributed to the economic instability and low agricultural productivity of the region. Endowed with rich mineral resources, however, Gansu has been building itself into a vital industrial base to also utilize the resources of Qinghai to the south and the Xinjiang to the far west.AgricultureAlthough Gansu is predominantly an agricultural area, and despite the fact that the per capita landholding is much larger than the national average, output of food grain was long insufficient to feed the population. Some modernization has taken place since 1949, including increased irrigation and mechanization and the introduction of chemical fertilizers. By the late 1990s, using such new techniques as collecting and storing rain runoff and mulching with plastic film, the province's grain output had become sufficient to meet basic needs, but the total productivity remained low compared with other provinces. The extent of cultivation in different areas depends on the elevation, the steepness of the slope of the land, and the dryness of the climate. The higher elevations receive more precipitation and therefore are more favourable for farming. Terracing is prevalent and is practiced on about one-fifth of the cultivated land. Much of the hill land is cultivated by the use of a modified form of contour plowing. However, because the slopes of the fields are so steep and the fields are so extensive, erosion is a serious problem, and some of the land has been abandoned. Agriculture in this area depends on improved irrigation methods.The fertile Hexi Corridor produces most of the province's food crops, which include wheat, barley, millet, corn (maize), and tubers. The province is also a modest producer of sugar beets, rapeseed, soybeans, and a variety of fruits. Attempts have been made to increase agricultural output by transforming vast areas of wasteland along the Hexi Corridor into cotton fields. More than one-third of this area is suitable for cotton. In addition, wool and tobacco are produced as cash crops. Gansu is famous for its water-pipe tobacco, which is raised near Lanzhou and farther west. Gansu's vast grasslands support large herds of livestock, about half of which are sheep. Bactrian (two-humped) camels are raised in the Hexi Corridor. Fishery production, such as rainbow trout, is also developed along the river valleys and some reservoirs in the southeast of the province. More recently, plantations for growing herbs for Chinese medicine (e.g., Chinese angelica root and rhubarb) have been developed in the province.Resources and powerGansu's mineral concentrations of greatest value are the petroleum reserves of Yumen, in northwestern Gansu, and coal reserves, the chief mine of which is located about 20 miles south of Lanzhou. There is a large deposit of iron ore in the Zoulangnan Mountains area in western Gansu. Other mineral resources include nickel, copper, lead, zinc, antimony, and rare earth metals. There are also deposits of limestone, gypsum, quartz, and other materials used in construction.Gansu has an abundance of renewable energy resources. Hydroelectricity is generated at several locations; of note is the installation at the Liujiaxia Gorge on the Huang He, above Lanzhou. In addition, there is considerable solar power potential in the province, areas of which receive an average of up to 2,900 to 3,300 hours of sunshine annually. Solar cookers are commonly used in the Hexi Corridor. Wind power also has great potential: much of the province is buffeted by strong and consistent prevailing winds, which are ideal for generating electricity; in some areas, the effective wind generating capacity reaches some 60 watts per square foot (200 watts per square metre). Several wind-turbine farms were in operation by the early 21st century.ManufacturingSince 1950 strenuous efforts have been made to develop Gansu into an industrial base for northwestern China, with Lanzhou as its focus. A traditional regional base located at the crossroads to Central Asia and the old Silk Road, Lanzhou has been a processing centre and entrepôt for centuries. Modern industrial development began only with the arrival of the railroad to the city in 1952 and its penetration through the Hexi Corridor to Yumen and beyond in the mid-1950s. At first, emphasis was placed on establishing the province's heavy industry in Lanzhou. The city became a major producer of petroleum and now has dozens of other large industrial enterprises including plants that produce petroleum drilling and refining equipment, locomotive equipment, chemical fertilizers, and petrochemicals. Efforts were also made to build Lanzhou into a base for the nuclear industry.Other important earlier industrial installations in Gansu included an oil refinery at Yumen and an iron-and-steel plant at Jiuquan. These became part of a well-diversified industrial system in the province that includes such sectors as energy, nonferrous metals, machinery and electronics, textiles, processed foods, and building materials. Large and medium-sized state-owned enterprise conglomerates have been the backbone of this industrial development. Gansu's production of nickel and aluminum is among the highest in China, and the output of ferroalloys, crude oil, plastics, and chemicals is also significant nationally. In addition to the regional speciality of shredded tobacco from Lanzhou, such handicrafts as pebble and calabash carvings, bronze galloping horses from Wuwei, and painted pottery are well known throughout the country.TransportationThe major barrier to development in this area was the absence of transportation facilities. Before 1952 only the Longhai Railway connected Gansu with the coastal area; in that year an extension between Lanzhou and Tianshui to the southeast was completed. In addition, a railway extends northwestward from Lanzhou via Yumen to Ürümqi (Wulumuqi), the capital of Xinjiang. Railways have also been built connecting Lanzhou to Inner Mongolia and to the rich mineral area of the Qaidam (Chaidamu) Basin in northwestern Qinghai. The highway system has been greatly expanded. Highways radiate from Lanzhou toward Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, and Sichuan. Because of considerable silting and the river's seasonal flow, navigation on the Huang He is limited to the section between Lanzhou and Zhongwei. Major airports are at Lanzhou, Dunhuang, and Jiayuguan.Government and societyConstitutional frameworkFrom 1949 to 1954 Gansu was subject to the authority of the Northwest Military Affairs Commission. After 1954 the province came directly under the jurisdiction of the central government in Beijing. Lanzhou, however, remained a military regional headquarters.The provincial government has its headquarters in Lanzhou. Administratively, the province is divided into 12 prefecture-level municipalities (dijishi), which are under the direct supervision of the provincial government, and two autonomous prefectures (zizhizhou)—Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture, inhabited by Hui, and Gannan Zang autonomous prefecture, inhabited by Tibetans. These in turn are further divided into counties (xian), autonomous counties (zizhixian), and county-level municipalities (xianjishi).Health and welfareBy Western standards, the rural area in the province has poorly developed health and sanitation facilities. The most common diseases are fecal-borne intestinal disorders spread through the use of human waste as fertilizer. The shortage of water supplies and the lack of modern doctors, nurses, and pharmacists constitute a serious problem. The state has funded projects to dig wells and channel water in afflicted areas. Medical clinics have been established in remote areas, where most people previously relied on local herb doctors.Welfare is more concerned with the victims of natural disasters than with the poor in general. Frequent earthquakes and severe droughts require the government to assume responsibility for relief. In the Hui community, a part of the public welfare is organized by the Muslims themselves; Muslim officials collect obligatory charity for this purpose. Since 1949 the government has made general progress in Gansu with its welfare program for workers and peasants. New residential areas, for instance, have been built in Jiuquan for families of workers in the Yumen oil fields.EducationThe educational standard is comparatively lower than elsewhere in North China, and the percentage of people with at least a primary-level education is below the national average. Since 1950 educational facilities have been greatly expanded, however. Universities and colleges are mostly located in Lanzhou, including Lanzhou University, the Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou University of Technology, and the Northwest University of Nationalities. Special colleges providing training for railway work, the petroleum industry, animal husbandry, and veterinary medicine are also established in Lanzhou.Cultural lifeGansu represents a colourful mixture of ethnicities, customs, and cultures. The land abounds with mosques, monasteries of lamas, and Chinese temples.Communal life in Han villages is marked by religious observances, particularly rituals connected with ancestor worship; seasonal celebrations, such as the New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Moon Festival; and customs relating to birth, marriage, funerals, and burials. All these activities are similar to those of the Han throughout the country. Village theatricals provide another type of communal activity.Most of the Monguors and Tibetans (Tibetan) have abandoned their nomadic way of life and have become sedentary villagers. They live in brick and mud houses resembling their former tents (yurts). Tibetans insist on simultaneous group actions within the village. For instance, every year, when the first day of spring planting is determined by the horoscope, the villagers go to the fields in their best clothing. The fields are then plowed simultaneously, and the seeds are sown at the same time in each field. During the course of the growing season, the villagers periodically parade through the fields carrying holy books on their heads.The Hui are faithful followers of Islam (Islāmic world) and strictly observe the monthlong fast of Ramadan, during which they abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse between sunrise and sunset. Before darkness falls, pious, bearded men say their prayers in public, and one or two of the elders may preach on points of theology, quoting the Qurʾān in their own versions of Arabic. At nightfall a communal feast is eaten; the community fires blaze all night, and people call and shout to one another. Among the Hui, the hajjis (those who have completed the pilgrimage to Mecca) are highly respected in the community.The western part of Gansu has long been renowned for ancient and classic artistic works. The Mogao Caves, a Buddhist cave-temple complex in Dunhuang, have many kinds of religious paintings on their walls, dating from the Tang dynasty (618–907 CE); the Mogao complex was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. Within the Mogao complex a vast library was discovered that had been immured there in the year 1035. It consisted of voluminous rolls of texts, including many valuable paintings and Buddhist classics. In Wuwei large numbers of writings on bamboo slips have been found on the sites of the old frontier garrisons of the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE). In 1964 a coherent bamboo text comprising a large part of one of the classic works on ritual (the Yi li (I li)) came to light in western Gansu.The world-famous ancient Silk Road traverses the province from east to west and is associated with a rich array of cultural relics and places of historic interest, making the area a growing tourist destination. In addition to the Mogao Caves, Mounts Maiji, Kongtong, and Mingsha are among the major scenic spots of the country. Jiayuguan, near Yumen, is the westernmost gate in the Great Wall (Great Wall of China) (which runs from northwest to southeast through the province). Other noted tourist attractions include the stone caves in Bingling Temple at Yongjing, the Blabrang Lamasery at Xiahe, the Grand Buddha Temple at Zhangye, and the Temple of Fuxi at Tianshui.HistoryThe vast Neolithic culture site of Dadiwan around Qin'an in eastern Gansu province—the excavation of which began in the late 1970s—indicates that the area has been inhabited since about 6000 BCE. During the Qin dynasty (221–207 BCE) Chinese power began to extend up to the Hexi Corridor and into the region of present-day Ningxia and Qinghai. In ancient times all traffic between China proper and the far west was funneled through the Hexi Corridor. Along the ancient Silk Road, which began at Chang'an (present-day Xi'an) and continued through the corridor, camel caravans carried the tea, silk, and porcelain of China to bazaars in the Middle East and even to the markets of Byzantium and Rome. In the train of caravans from the West, such travelers as the Buddhist missionary Kumarajiva and the Venetian merchant Marco Polo (Polo, Marco) entered China.The name of Gansu first came into existence in the Yuan (or Mongol) dynasty (Yuan dynasty) (1206–1368), when it comprised the districts of Ganzhou and Suzhou. During the Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12) Gansu covered the present-day provinces of Gansu and Ningxia and portions of Qinghai and Xinjiang. The area was under the administration of a governor-general of Shaanxi-Gansu, who was stationed at Lanzhou and had authority over both provinces.One of the most prominent governors-general was Zuo Zongtang (1812–85), who after 1878 brought a half century of peace to Gansu. A hero in the suppression of the Taiping Rebellion (1850–64), Zuo also helped the Qing court to put down the Muslim rebellion in Gansu, which lasted 16 years (1862–78) and affected more than 10 million people. Before Zuo assumed the governorship, Gansu was an area without law and order. The Hui in Gansu were in open rebellion, which was accompanied by much bloodshed and destruction. After having effectively destroyed their strongholds, Zuo extended Chinese educational and civil service systems into the conquered districts for the benefit of Hui and non-Hui alike. As a result, the violence subsided and peace prevailed.Gansu remained a province of China during the period of the Chinese republic (1911–49). However, the territory shrank substantially when Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Ningxia became independent provinces in 1928. During the 1920s and '30s the province was controlled by Muslim warlords. The provincial leader of the Ma clan in Gansu was wooed by both the Japanese and Russians, but Ma came to accept nominal Nationalist Party authority in the region.Communist (Chinese Communist Party) influence in Gansu began in the early 1930s and expanded after the Chinese Red Army had withdrawn from southeastern China to Shaanxi (the Long March), and a communist-controlled Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border government was established in the late 1930s. In the final stages of the civil war, the People's Liberation Army defeated Ma's troops and took Lanzhou in August 1949.The area within Gansu's jurisdiction has undergone several changes since 1950. In 1954 Gansu annexed the province of Ningxia (Ningsia). In 1956 the Alashan You (Alax You) Qi and Ejina (Ejin) Qi banners in northwestern Gansu were detached and incorporated into the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In 1958 the affixed Ningxia province was separated from Gansu to become the Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia. In 1969 the two aforementioned banners were returned to Gansu again, leaving the territory of Gansu almost unchanged when compared with its 1950 area. In 1979, however, the banners received a decade earlier from Inner Mongolia were again detached from Gansu and transferred to Inner Mongolia.* * *
Universalium. 2010.