- sheng
In Chinese belief, a mortal who attains extraordinary or supernatural powers by self-cultivation and serves as a model for others.II(as used in expressions)Adalbert SaintAgatha SaintAgnes SaintAidan SaintAlbertus Magnus SaintAlexander Nevsky SaintAmbrose SaintAndrew SaintAngilbert SaintAnselm of Canterbury SaintAnsgar SaintAnthony of Egypt SaintAnthony of Padua SaintAquinas Saint ThomasAthanasius SaintAugustine of Hippo SaintAugustine of Canterbury SaintBarbara SaintBarnabas SaintBartholomew SaintBasil the Great SaintBecket Saint ThomasBede SaintBellarmine Saint RobertBenedict of Nursia SaintBernadette of Lourdes SaintBernard de Clairvaux SaintBernardine of Siena SaintBolingbroke Henry Saint John 1st ViscountBonaventure SaintBoniface SaintBorromeo Saint CharlesBrébeuf Saint Jean deBrendan SaintBridget SaintBruno of Querfurt SaintSaint Boniface of QuerfurtCabrini Saint Frances XavierCatherine of Alexandria SaintCatherine of Siena SaintCecilia SaintChristopher SaintChrysostom Saint JohnCiaran of Clonmacnoise SaintClare of Assisi SaintClement of Alexandria SaintColumba SaintColumban SaintCuthbert SaintCyprian SaintCyril of Alexandria SaintCyril of Jerusalem SaintDenis SaintSaint DenysDominic SaintDrexel Saint KatherineDunstan of Canterbury SaintEdward the Confessor SaintElizabeth of Hungary SaintFrancis de Sales SaintFrancis of Assisi SaintGelasius I SaintGeorge SaintGodfrey of Saint VictorGregory I SaintGregory of Nazianzus SaintGregory of Nyssa SaintGregory of Tours SaintGregory VII SaintHelena SaintHugh of Saint VictorIgnatius of Antioch SaintIrenaeus SaintIsidore of Sevilla SaintJames SaintJerome SaintJoan of Arc SaintJohn of Damascus SaintSaint John DamasceneJohn the Baptist SaintJoseph SaintJustin Martyr SaintKolbe Saint Maksymilian MariaSaint LadislasLawrence SaintSaint LaurenceLeo I SaintLeo IX SaintLoyola Saint Ignatius ofLuke SaintMalachy SaintMargaret of Antioch SaintSaint MarinaMargaret of Scotland SaintMark the Evangelist SaintMartin of Tours SaintMary Magdalene SaintMatthew SaintMesrob SaintSaint Mesrop MashtotsMont Saint MichelMore Saint ThomasNeri Saint PhilipNerses I the Great SaintNicholas SaintSaint OlafOlga SaintSaint HelgaPalamas Saint GregoryPatrick SaintPaul SaintPeter Damian SaintPeter the Apostle SaintPhotius SaintPius V SaintPius X SaintPlunket Saint OliverRaymond of Saint GillesRaymond of Peñafort SaintRose of Lima SaintSaint Andrews University ofSaint Bartholomew's Day Massacre ofSaint Clair LakeSaint Elmo's fireSaint George'sSaint George's ChannelSaint Helens MountSaint John'sSaint Kitts NevisFederation of Saint Kitts and NevisSaint Laurent Louis StephenSaint Laurent Yves Henri Donat MathieuSaint Lawrence Gulf ofSaint Mark's BasilicaSaint Paul's CathedralSaint Peter's BasilicaSaint Vincent CapeSaint Vincent GulfSaint Cloud porcelainSaint DenisSaint Exupéry Antoine Marie Roger deSaint Gaudens AugustusSaint Germain Treaty ofSaint Jean LacSaint John's wortSaint Just Louis Antoine Léon deSaint Léon Charles Victor Arthur MichelSaint Malo Gulf ofSaint Maurice RiverSaint Saë ns Charles CamilleSaint Simon Claude Henri de Rouvroy comte deSebastian SaintSeton Saint Elizabeth AnnSimeon Stylites SaintSaint StephenStephen SaintTeresa of Ávila SaintTheodore of Canterbury SaintThérèse of Lisieux SaintThomas SaintUrsula SaintVardan Mamikonian SaintVincent de Paul SaintVladimir I SaintWilfrid SaintXavier Saint FrancisCrèvecoeur Michel Guillaume Saint Jean deJohn of the Cross SaintJohn the Apostle SaintMontcalm de Saint Véran Louis Joseph de Montcalm Grozon marquis deNorthcliffe of Saint Peter Alfred Charles William Harmsworth ViscountSaint John PerseMarie René Auguste Aléxis Saint Léger LégerHouse of the Hospitallers of Saint Mary of the TeutonsAll Saints' DayCyril and Methodius SaintsReorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day SaintsSage RussellSager Ruth
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Chinese free reed wind instrument consisting of usually 17 bamboo pipes set in a small wind-chest into which a musician blows through a mouthpiece. Each pipe has a free reed, made of metal (or formerly of bamboo or reed), that vibrates to produce sound when a finger hole on the pipe is covered. The acoustical length of each pipe is determined by a slot in the back of the pipe. The pipes, which are of five different lengths, are arranged in two triangular shapes to symbolize the folded wings of a phoenix bird. In addition to the traditional 13-, 14-, and 17-pipe sets, there are 21- and 24-pipe sets as well as a 36-pipe set based on the chromatic scale, with all 12 semitones. Other modern variants also exist. Images of sheng-like instruments exist from 1100 BC, and actual instruments survive from the Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD).Several instruments were derived from the sheng, including the Japanese shō and the Korean saenghwang. The Chinese instrument plays melodies with occasional fourth or fifth harmonies (e.g., F or G above C), whereas the Japanese shō normally plays 11-note chords, a tradition that may have emerged from a misinterpretation of ancient court notations. Contemporary Chinese ensembles include the larger sheng which is capable of playing Western chords.Instruments similar to the sheng are found throughout Southeast Asia, notably the khaen of Laos and parts of Thailand and Vietnam. A sheng taken to Russia in the 1770s helped to stimulate the invention of European instruments using free reeds—including the accordion, concertina, harmonium, and harmonica.* * *
Universalium. 2010.