


      city, western Gansu sheng (province), northwestern China. It is situated on the ancient Silk Road from China into Central Asia.

      The site was first brought under Chinese control in the last years of the 2nd century BCE, when it was given the name Yumen (“Jade Gate”). Known as Huiji in the 5th century CE, when the area was recovered by the Bei (Northern) Wei dynasty (386534/535), it was renamed Yumen in 581. Under the Tang dynasty (618907), Yumen county's seat was at Chijinzhen, east of the contemporary city. After about 770 the area fell to the Tibetans, who retained control for some 70 years. After the end of the Tang dynasty, in 907, Yumen became a part of the Xi (Western) Xia (Xi Xia) (Tangut) state (10381227). During the Ming (Ming dynasty) period (13681644) it again became a Tibetan territory, and the county was reestablished only in the early Qing (Qing dynasty) (16441911/12) period. Until the end of the Tang dynasty the overland route to western Asia flourished, and Yumen consequently also prospered. When sea transport subsequently replaced the old route, however, Yumen became a backwater, although the establishment of Qing hegemony in Central Asia to some extent revived the overland route.

      Two important developments in the late 1930s and '40s led to the city's spectacular revival. The first was the construction of a modern highway, paved as far west as Yumen, along the old caravan route to Ürümqi (Urumchi; now in the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang) and continuing westward to what is now Kazakhstan. This became a vital supply line during the Sino-Japanese War (193745). Since 1949 the highway has been improved, and its line is followed by a railway joining Lanzhou in Gansu to Ürümqi.

      The second was the discovery of oil in the Jiuquan basin, to the north of the Qilian (Nan) Mountains (Qilian Mountains). The first oil was drilled at Laojunmiao near Yumen in 1939. Appreciable production was achieved by 1941, but it was only after 1949 that large-scale development began. Prospecting after 1950 revealed vastly larger reserves than had been suspected. Yumen has its own refinery, but the fields are also linked to the major refinery at Lanzhou by a pipeline, and some of the crude oil is shipped by rail for refining. Besides oil drilling and refining, Yumen has thermal and wind power-generating facilities and factories that produce machinery, building materials, and chemical fertilizers and process agricultural products. Pop. (2002 est.) 106,812.

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Universalium. 2010.

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