
dadaism, n.dadaist, n.dadaistic, adj.dadaistically, adv.
/dah"dah/, n. (sometimes cap.)
the style and techniques of a group of artists, writers, etc., of the early 20th century who exploited accidental and incongruous effects in their work and who programmatically challenged established canons of art, thought, morality, etc.
[1915-20; < F: hobby horse, childish redupl. of da giddyap]

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Nihilistic movement in the arts.

It originated in Zürich, Switz., in 1916 and flourished in New York City, Paris, and the German cities of Berlin, Cologne, and Hannover in the early 20th century. The name, French for "hobbyhorse," was selected by a chance procedure and adopted by a group of artists, including Jean Arp, Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, and Francis Picabia, to symbolize their emphasis on the illogical and absurd. The movement grew out of disgust with bourgeois values and despair over World War I. The archetypal Dada forms of expression were the nonsense poem and the ready-made. Dada had far-reaching effects on the art of the 20th century; the creative techniques of accident and chance were sustained in Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, conceptual art, and Pop art.

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art movement
      nihilistic movement in the arts that flourished primarily in Zürich, Switzerland; New York City; Berlin, Cologne, and Hannover, Germany; and Paris in the early 20th century.

      Several explanations have been given by various members of the movement as to how it received its name. According to the most widely accepted account, the name was adopted at Hugo Ball (Ball, Hugo)'s Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich, during one of the meetings held in 1916 by a group of young artists and war resisters that included Jean Arp (Arp, Jean), Richard Hülsenbeck, Tristan Tzara (Tzara, Tristan), Marcel Janco, and Emmy Hennings. When a paper knife inserted into a French-German dictionary pointed to the French word dada (“hobby-horse”), it was seized upon by the group as appropriate for their anti-aesthetic creations and protest activities, which were engendered by disgust for bourgeois values and despair over World War I. Dada did not constitute an actual artistic style, but its proponents favoured group collaboration, spontaneity, and chance. In the desire to reject traditional modes of artistic creation, many Dadaists worked in collage, photomontage, and found-object construction, rather than in painting and sculpture.

      The movement in the United States was centred at Alfred Stieglitz (Stieglitz, Alfred)'s New York gallery291,” and at the studio of Walter Arensberg and his wife, both wealthy patrons of the arts. At these locations, Dada-like activities, arising independently but paralleling those in Zürich, were engaged in by such artists as Marcel Duchamp (Duchamp, Marcel), Man Ray, Morton Schamberg, and Francis Picabia (Picabia, Francis). The Zürich group was concerned with issues surrounding the war, but New York Dadaists largely focused on mocking the art establishment. For instance, Duchamp's ready-mades (ready-made)—the most famous being Fountain (1917), a porcelain urinalincited heated debate about the very definition of art. The New York group also collaborated on such publications as The Blind Man, Rongwrong, and New York Dada. Traveling between the United States and Europe, Picabia became a link between the Dada groups in New York, Zürich, and Paris; his Dada periodical, 291, was published in New York, Zürich, Paris, and Barcelona, Spain, from 1917 through 1924.

      In 1917 Hülsenbeck, one of the founders of the Zürich group, transmitted the Dada movement to Berlin, where it took on a more political character. Among the German artists involved were Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch, George Grosz (Grosz, George), Johannes Baader, Hülsenbeck, Otto Schmalhausen, and Wieland Herzfelde and his brother John Heartfield (formerly Helmut Herzfelde, but Anglicized as a protest against German patriotism). One of the chief means of expression used by these artists was the photomontage, which consists of fragments of pasted photographs combined with printed messages; the technique was most effectively employed by Heartfield, particularly in his later, anti-Nazi works (e.g., Kaiser Adolph, 1939). Like the groups in New York and Zürich, the Berlin artists staged public meetings, shocking and enraging the audience with their antics. They, too, issued Dada publications: the First German Dada Manifesto, (First German Dada Manifesto) Club Dada, Der Dada Jedermann sein eigner Fussball (“Everyman His Own Football”), and Dada Almanach. The First International Dada Fair was held in Berlin in June 1920.

      Dada activities were also carried on in other German cities. In Cologne in 1919 and 1920, the chief participants were Max Ernst (Ernst, Max) and Johannes Baargeld. Also affiliated with Dada was Kurt Schwitters (Schwitters, Kurt) of Hannover, who gave the nonsense name Merz to his collages, constructions, and literary productions. Although Schwitters used Dadaistic materialbits of rubbishto create his works, he achieved a refined formalism that was uncharacteristic of Dada anti-art.

      In Paris, Dada took on a literary emphasis under one of its founders, the poet Tristan Tzara. Most notable among the numerous Dada pamphlets and reviews was Littérature (published 191924), which contained writings by André Breton (Breton, André), Louis Aragon (Aragon, Louis), Philippe Soupault (Soupault, Philippe), Paul Éluard (Éluard, Paul), and Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. After 1922, however, Dada began to lose its force.

      Dada had far-reaching effects on the art of the 20th century. Its nihilistic, antirationalistic critiques of society and its unrestrained attacks on all formal artistic conventions found no immediate inheritors, but its preoccupation with the bizarre, the irrational, and the fantastic bore fruit in the Surrealist (Surrealism) movement. Dada artists' reliance on accident and chance were later employed by the Surrealists and Abstract Expressionists (Abstract Expressionism). Conceptual art is also rooted in Dada, for it was Duchamp who first asserted that the mental activity (“intellectual expression”) of the artist was of greater significance than the object created. Critics have even cited Dadaist influences on the punk rock movement of the 1970s.

Additional Reading
Stephen C. Foster (ed.), Crisis and the Arts: The History of Dada (1996– ), is a multivolume exploration of the history of the movement. William S. Rubin, Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage (1968, reissued 1982); and Dawn Ades, Dada and Surrealism Reviewed (1978), are comprehensive exhibition catalogs. German Dada is discussed in Charlotte Stokes and Stephen C. Foster (eds.), Dada Cologne Hanover (1997). Francis M. Naumann and Beth Venn, Making Mischief: Dada Invades New York (1996), focuses on the New York movement. Richard Huelsenbeck (ed.), The Dada Almanac, 2nd ed. (1998), is an English translation of a large 1920 collection of Dadaist text. The role of female Dadaists is discussed in Naomi Sawelson-Gorse (ed.), Women in Dada: Essays on Sex, Gender, and Identity (1998, reissued 2001).

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