Tzara, Tristan

Tzara, Tristan

French author
original name  Samuel Rosenstock 
born 1896, Moineşti, Rom.
died December 1963, Paris

      Romanian-born French poet and essayist known mainly as the founder of Dada, a nihilistic revolutionary movement in the arts, the purpose of which was the demolition of all the values of modern civilization.

      The Dadaist movement originated in Zürich during World War I, with the participation of the artists Jean Arp, Francis Picabia, and Marcel Duchamp. Tzara wrote the first Dada textsLa Première Aventure céleste de Monsieur Antipyrine (1916; “The First Heavenly Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine”) and Vingtcinq poèmes (1918; “Twenty-Five Poems”)—and the movement's manifestos, Sept Manifestes Dada (1924; “Seven Dada Manifestos”). In Paris he engaged in tumultuous activities with André Breton, Philippe Soupault, and Louis Aragon to shock the public and to disintegrate the structures of language. In about 1930, weary of nihilism and destruction, he joined his friends in the more constructive activities of Surrealism. He devoted much time to the reconciliation of Surrealism and Marxism and joined the Communist Party in 1936 and the French Resistance movement during World War II. These political commitments brought him closer to his fellowmen, and he gradually matured into a lyrical poet. His poems revealed the anguish of his soul, caught between revolt and wonderment at the daily tragedy of the human condition. His mature works started with L'Homme approximatif (1931; “The Approximate Man”) and continued with Parler seul (1950; “Speaking Alone”) and La Face intérieure (1953; “The Inner Face”). In these, the anarchically scrambled words of Dada were replaced with a difficult but humanized language.

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