Aragon, Louis

Aragon, Louis
orig. Louis Andrieux

born Oct. 3, 1897, Paris, Fr.
died Dec. 24, 1982, Paris

French poet, novelist, and essayist.

He was introduced by André Breton into avant-garde circles, and the two cofounded the Surrealist review Littérature in 1919. From 1927 he was increasingly a political activist and spokesman for communism, which resulted in a break with the Surrealists. Among his works are the novel tetralogy Le Monde réel, 4 vol. (193344), describing the class struggle of the proletariat; the huge novel Les Communistes, 6 vol. (194951); novels of veiled autobiography; and volumes of poems expressing patriotism and love for his wife. He was editor of the communist weekly of arts and literature, Les Lettres françaises, 195372.

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French author
original name  Louis Andrieux  
born Oct. 3, 1897, Paris, France
died Dec. 24, 1982, Paris

      French poet, novelist, and essayist who was a political activist and spokesperson for communism.

      Through the Surrealist poet André Breton (Breton, André), Aragon was introduced to avant-garde movements such as Dadaism. Together with Philippe Soupault (Soupault, Philippe), he and Breton founded the Surrealist review Littérature (1919). Aragon's first poems, Feu de joie (1920; “Bonfire”) and Le Mouvement perpétuel (1925; “Perpetual Motion”), were followed by a novel, Le Paysan de Paris (1926; The Nightwalker). In 1927 his search for an ideology led him to the French Communist Party, with which he was identified thereafter, as he came to exercise a continuing authority over its literary and artistic expression.

      In 1930 Aragon visited the Soviet Union, and in 1933 his political commitment to communism resulted in a break with the Surrealists. The four volumes of his long novel series, Le Monde réel (193344; “The Real World”), describe in historical perspective the class struggle of the proletariat toward social revolution. Aragon continued to employ Socialist Realism in another long novel, Les Communistes (6 vol., 194951), a bleak chronicle of the party from 1939 to 1940. His next three novelsLa Semaine sainte (1958; Holy Week), La Mise à mort (1965; “The Moment of Truth”), and Blanche ou l'oubli (1967; “Blanche, or Forgetfulness”)—became a veiled autobiography, laced with pleas for the Communist Party. They reflected the newer novelistic techniques of the day.

      The poems of Le Crève-Coeur (1941; “Heartbreak”) and La Diane française (1945) express Aragon's ardent patriotism, and those of Les Yeux d'Elsa (1942; “Elsa's Eyes”) and Le fou d'Elsa (1963; “Elsa's Madman”) contain deep sentiments of love for his wife. From 1953 to 1972 Aragon was editor of the communist cultural weekly Les Lettres Françaises. He was made a member of the French Legion of Honour in 1981.

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