
/kusk/, n., pl. cusks, (esp. collectively) cusk.
1. an edible marine fish, Brosme brosme, of North Atlantic coastal waters.
2. the burbot.
[1610-20, Amer.; prob. var. of tusk kind of fish < Scand; cf. Norw tosk, var. of TORSK, c. ON thorskr codfish]

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Long-bodied food fish (Brosme brosme) of the cod family, found along the bottom of deep offshore waters on either side of the North Atlantic Ocean.

It is a small-scaled fish with a large mouth and a barbel (fleshy feeler) on its chin. It has one dorsal and one anal fin, both long and both connected to the rounded tail. It may grow to a length of 33.5 ft (90110 cm). It varies from yellowish or brownish to a slaty colour and, when young, may be vertically barred with yellow.

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also called  torsk (Brosme brosme) 
 long-bodied food fish of the cod family, Gadidae, found along the bottom in deep, offshore waters on either side of the North Atlantic. The cusk is a small-scaled fish with a large mouth and a barbel on its chin. It has one dorsal and one anal fin, both long and both connected, though only at the base, to the rounded tail. The cusk may grow about 90 to 110 centimetres (3 to 3 1/2 feet) long. It varies from yellowish or brownish to a slaty colour and when young may be vertically barred with yellow.

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