
/kod/, n.

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Large and economically important marine fish (Gadus morhua, family Gadidae) found on both sides of the North Atlantic, usually near the bottom in cold water.

It ranges from inshore regions to deep waters. It is valued for its edible flesh, the oil of its liver, and other products. The cod is dark-spotted and ranges from greenish or grayish to brown or blackish; it may also be dull to bright red. It usually weighs up to about 25 lbs (11.5 kg) but can reach a maximum length and weight of more than 6 ft (1.8 m) and 200 lbs (91 kg). It feeds largely on other fishes and various invertebrates.

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fish species
 (species Gadus morhua), large and economically important marine fish of the family Gadidae, found on both sides of the North Atlantic. The cod, a cold-water fish, generally remains near the bottom, ranging from inshore regions to deep waters. It is valued for its edible flesh, the oil of its liver, and other products. A dark-spotted fish, with three dorsal fins, two anal fins, and a chin barbel, it varies in colour from greenish or grayish to brown or blackish, though it may also be dull to bright red. It is usually caught at weights of up to about 11.5 kg (25 pounds) but can reach a maximum length and weight of more than 1.8 m (6 feet) and 91 kg (201 pounds). It is a voracious migratory fish, feeding largely on other fishes and various invertebrates.

      A North Pacific species of cod, G. macrocephalus, is very similar in appearance to the Atlantic form. In Japan this fish, which is found in both the eastern and western Pacific, is called tara; it is fished both for food and for liver oil. Smaller than the Atlantic cod, it grows to a maximum of about 75 cm (30 inches) long and is mottled brownish with a white lateral line.

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Universalium. 2010.

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(Morrhua vulgaris)

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