
/kweng"kah/, n.
a city in SW Ecuador. 104,470.

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in full  Santa Ana de Cuenca  
 city, south-central Ecuador. It lies in an intermontane basin (cuenca) at an elevation of 8,517 feet (2,596 metres) on the Río Matadero, a tributary of the Río Paute. The Spanish colonial city was founded in 1557 by the conquistador Gil Ramírez Davalos on the ruins of the former residence of the Inca ruler Huayna Capac, who had conquered the kingdom of Quitu in the 15th century. The historic centre of Cuenca was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999.

      The third largest city in the country and the commercial centre for most of southern Ecuador, Cuenca trades in agricultural products, cattle, hides, and marble. Principal industries include the manufacture of Panama hats, textiles and lace, leather goods, jewelry, and food products. The weekly Indian market, in addition to serving an important economic function, is a popular tourist attraction. Low-grade copper deposits have been discovered west of Cuenca.

      Cuenca is home to several outstanding examples of Spanish colonial architecture, including La Concepción convent (founded 1599) and El Carmen de la Asunción church (founded 1682). Among other notable landmarks are two cathedrals and several other churches. Cuenca became an episcopal see in 1786 and an archbishopric in 1957. It is the seat of the University of Cuenca (1868) and of a Catholic university (1970). The Pan-American Highway passes through the city. Pop. (2003 est.) 303,994.

 city, capital of Cuenca provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of CastileLa Mancha, east-central Spain. It lies on a pyramid-like hill above the confluence of the Júcar and Huécar rivers. Originally the Roman Conca, the city was captured from the Moors in 1177 by Alfonso VIII of Castile, who made it an episcopal see in 1182. It served as a cultural and textile centre in the Middle Ages. During the 19th century the city expanded onto nearby lowland and in fact became two cities: the upper, old city and the lower, modern one close to the railway from Madrid. Viewed from below, the Casas Colgantes (“Hanging Houses”) of the old city appear to be suspended. The old city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996. The Romanesque-Gothic cathedral (13th century) is notable, and the city is the site of the Provincial Archaeological and Spanish Abstract Art museums.

      Cuenca has a considerable trade in timber. Industrial development is slight (tanning, sawmilling, paper milling, and flour milling); manufactured goods include furniture, soap, leather, and woolen goods. Local commerce and services are Cuenca's main economic activities. Pop. (2007 est.) 52,980.

      provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of CastileLa Mancha, east-central Spain, formed in 1833 from part of the ancient region of New Castile; it lies on the southern Meseta Central (plateau). The population density is low because of the large area of mountainous terrain; much of the land is uncultivated. The Serranía de Cuenca, a region of great mountain blocks, pine forests, and pastures, occupies the eastern and central parts of the province. The Júcar and Tagus rivers run through deep valleys in an eroded limestone zone, called Ciudad Encantada (“Enchanted City”), a fantastic formation of rocks resembling a city, near Cuenca, the provincial capital.

      The undulating hills of the Alcarria, a semiarid region receiving less than 20 inches (500 mm) of rain per year, lie to the north; to the south the plain of La Mancha begins. Westward lies the Sierra de Altomira. Agriculture (barley and to a lesser extent olives, mushrooms, sunflowers, saffron, and fruit) and viticulture predominate in Cuenca, but the main natural source of wealth is timber (pine), used for casks, carpentry, and construction work. Sheep and goats are grazed. Honey, beeswax, goat cheese, and wool are exported. Area 6,618 square miles (17,141 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 211,375.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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