- full
—fullness, n.adj.1. completely filled; containing all that can be held; filled to utmost capacity: a full cup.2. complete; entire; maximum: a full supply of food for a three-day hike.3. of the maximum size, amount, extent, volume, etc.: a full load of five tons; to receive full pay.5. abundant; well-supplied: a yard full of litter; a cabinet full of medicine.6. filled or rounded out, as in form: a full bust.7. engrossed; occupied (usually fol. by of): She was full of her own anxieties.8. of the same parents: full brothers.9. Music. ample and complete in volume or richness of sound.10. (of wines) having considerable body.11. Baseball.a. (of the count on a batter) amounting to three balls and two strikes: He hit a slider for a homer on a full count.b. having base runners at first, second, and third bases; loaded.12. being slightly oversized, as a sheet of glass cut too large to fit into a frame.13. Poker. of or pertaining to the three cards of the same denomination in a full house: He won the hand with a pair of kings and sixes full.adv.14. exactly or directly: The blow struck him full in the face.15. very: You know full well what I mean.16. fully, completely, or entirely; quite; at least: The blow knocked him full around. It happened full 30 years ago.v.t.17. Sewing.a. to make full, as by gathering or pleating.b. to bring (the cloth) on one side of a seam to a little greater fullness than on the other by gathering or tucking very slightly.v.i.18. (of the moon) to become full.n.19. the highest or fullest state, condition, or degree: The moon is at the full.a. to or for the full or required amount.b. without abridgment: The book was reprinted in full.21. to the full, to the greatest extent; thoroughly: They enjoyed themselves to the full.[bef. 900; ME, OE full, ful; c. Goth fulls, ON fullr, OHG foll (G voll); akin to L plenus, Gk pléres]full2/fool/, v.t.v.i.2. (of cloth) to become compacted or felted.[1350-1400; ME fullen; back formation from FULLER1]
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Universalium. 2010.