
fullness, n.
/fool/, adj., fuller, fullest, adv., v., n.
1. completely filled; containing all that can be held; filled to utmost capacity: a full cup.
2. complete; entire; maximum: a full supply of food for a three-day hike.
3. of the maximum size, amount, extent, volume, etc.: a full load of five tons; to receive full pay.
4. (of garments, drapery, etc.) wide, ample, or having ample folds.
5. abundant; well-supplied: a yard full of litter; a cabinet full of medicine.
6. filled or rounded out, as in form: a full bust.
7. engrossed; occupied (usually fol. by of): She was full of her own anxieties.
8. of the same parents: full brothers.
9. Music. ample and complete in volume or richness of sound.
10. (of wines) having considerable body.
11. Baseball.
a. (of the count on a batter) amounting to three balls and two strikes: He hit a slider for a homer on a full count.
b. having base runners at first, second, and third bases; loaded.
12. being slightly oversized, as a sheet of glass cut too large to fit into a frame.
13. Poker. of or pertaining to the three cards of the same denomination in a full house: He won the hand with a pair of kings and sixes full.
14. exactly or directly: The blow struck him full in the face.
15. very: You know full well what I mean.
16. fully, completely, or entirely; quite; at least: The blow knocked him full around. It happened full 30 years ago.
17. Sewing.
a. to make full, as by gathering or pleating.
b. to bring (the cloth) on one side of a seam to a little greater fullness than on the other by gathering or tucking very slightly.
18. (of the moon) to become full.
19. the highest or fullest state, condition, or degree: The moon is at the full.
20. in full,
a. to or for the full or required amount.
b. without abridgment: The book was reprinted in full.
21. to the full, to the greatest extent; thoroughly: They enjoyed themselves to the full.
[bef. 900; ME, OE full, ful; c. Goth fulls, ON fullr, OHG foll (G voll); akin to L plenus, Gk pléres]
/fool/, v.t.
1. to cleanse and thicken (cloth) by special processes in manufacture.
2. (of cloth) to become compacted or felted.
[1350-1400; ME fullen; back formation from FULLER1]

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