
/kran"ber'ee, -beuh ree/, n., pl. cranberries.
1. the red, acid fruit or berry of certain plants of the genus Vaccinium, of the heath family, as V. macrocarpon (large cranberry or American cranberry) or V. oxycoccus (small cranberry or European cranberry), used in making sauce, relish, jelly, or juice.
2. the plant itself, growing wild in bogs or cultivated in acid soils, esp. in the northeastern U.S.
[1640-50, Amer.; < LG kraanbere. See CRANE, BERRY]

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Fruit of any of several small creeping or trailing plants of the genus Vaccinium (heath family), related to the blueberry.

The small-fruited, or northern, cranberry (V. oxycoccus) is found in marshy land in northern North America and Asia and in northern and central Europe. Its crimson berries, about the size of currants and often spotted, have an acid taste. The American cranberry (V. macrocarpon), found wild in most of the northeastern U.S. and grown extensively in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Wisconsin and near the Pacific coast in Washington and Oregon, is more robust than V. oxycoccus, with larger, pink to very dark red or mottled red-and-white berries. Cranberries are used in drinks, sauces, jellies, and baked goods.

Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)

Walter Chandoha

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  fruit of any of several small creeping or trailing plants of the genus Vaccinium (family Ericaceae), related to the blueberries. The small-fruited, or northern, cranberry (V. oxycoccus) is found in marshy land in northern North America and Asia and in northern and central Europe. Its stems are wiry and creeping; the leaves are evergreen, oval or elliptical, and less than 1.2 cm (0.5 inch) long. Its small flowers appear in June and have a four-lobed, rose-tinted corolla. Its round, crimson berries, which ripen in September, are about the size of currants and are often spotted; they have an acid taste.

      The American cranberry (V. macrocarpon) is found wild in the greater part of the northeastern United States. It is more robust than is V. oxycoccus, with larger, round, oblong, or pear-shaped berries that vary in colour from pink to very dark red or mottled red and white. It is cultivated on acid soils of peat or vegetable mold with a surface layer of sand. Additional sand is applied every few years. The American cranberry is grown extensively in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Wisconsin and near the Pacific coast in Washington and Oregon. Early Black and Howes are the principal varieties in the east, McFarlin and Searls in Wisconsin, and McFarlin in the far west. Three recently developed varieties are Beckwith, Stevens, and Wilcox.

      False-blossom virus and various types of fruit rot are the main diseases affecting cranberry crops. The vines are protected from frost by flooding.

      Berry picking begins in early September and continues until late October. More than 110,000 metric tons are produced in the United States annually. Most cranberry products are consumed in the United States and Canada. In regions where they are grown, cranberries are a popular pie filling; their juice is widely marketed as a beverage; and in sauce and relish form, cranberries are traditionally associated with American and Canadian Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

      Other fruits of species in the genus Vaccinium are erroneously called cranberries. The cowberry, or foxberry (V. vitis-idaea), also known as mountain, or rock, cranberry, or as lingonberry, is not cultivated but is used in northern Europe and by Scandinavians in the United States. The southern cranberry, or red huckleberry (V. erythrocarpum), is found in mountainous areas from West Virginia to Georgia; its large berries are dark red in colour and of exceptionally fine flavour. The fruit of the cranberry tree (see viburnum) is sometimes substituted for true cranberries in Canada and the northern United States.

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Universalium. 2010.

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