
/blooh"ber'ee, -beuh ree/, n., pl. blueberries.
1. the edible, usually bluish berry of various shrubs belonging to the genus Vaccinium, of the heath family.
2. any of these shrubs.
[1700-10; BLUE + BERRY]

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Any of several shrubs, native to North America, of the genus Vaccinium in the heath family.

They are prized for their sweet edible fruits, a source of vitamin C and iron. Blueberries grow only in highly acidic and well-drained but moist soils. The highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum), economically and ornamentally the most important species, is in the U.S. cultivated primarily in Maine, New Jersey, southwestern Michigan, and eastern North Carolina.


Grant Heilman
EB Inc.

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 North American shrub of the species Vaccinium australe (family Ericaceae), prized for its sweet edible fruits, which provide a source of vitamin C and iron. Blueberries are eaten fresh, often with cream, as a dessert fruit, or baked in a variety of pastries.

      Blueberries grow only in highly acidic and well-drained but moist soils. About 36,000 acres (14,500 hectares) of the high-bush blueberry are cultivated, primarily in Maine, New Jersey, southwestern Michigan, and eastern North Carolina. See also bilberry.

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Universalium. 2010.

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