West Midlands

West Midlands
a metropolitan county in central England. 2,777,500; 347 sq. mi. (899 sq. km).

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Metropolitan county (pop., 2001: 2,555,596), west-central England.

Its main centre is Birmingham. From 1974 to 1986 West Midlands was an administrative metropolitan county; in 1986 its administrative functions were dispersed, and it is now a geographic and ceremonial county without administrative authority. Early settlement was sparse until Saxon colonists arrived; Coventry was the region's only significant town by the late 14th century. Small metalworking industries began in Birmingham in the 16th century, and by the 18th century the area's coalfields were important for ironworking. Many of the West Midlands' traditional metallurgical and manufacturing industries persisted into the 21st century, alongside the growth of electrical engineering and the manufacture of motor vehicles, aircraft, and synthetic fibres. The West Midlands name is also applied to the western portions of the Midlands region comprising Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Worcestershire; this combined area constitutes one of England's so-called standard regions.

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      metropolitan county of England, comprising seven metropolitan boroughs: the city of Birmingham (England's second largest city), the city of Coventry, and the boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall, and Wolverhampton. The metropolitan county incorporates parts of three historic counties. In the northwest, the boroughs of Wolverhampton and Walsall and parts of the boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, and Birmingham belong to the historic county of Staffordshire. In the southwest, parts of the boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, and Birmingham lie in the historic county of Worcestershire. In the centre and the east, part of Birmingham, including the city's historic core, and the entire boroughs of Solihull and Coventry belong to the historic county of Warwickshire. From 1974 to 1986 West Midlands was an administrative metropolitan county. In 1986 the metropolitan county lost its administrative powers, and its constituent boroughs became autonomous administrative units, or unitary authorities. West Midlands is now a geographic and ceremonial county without administrative authority.

      The West Midlands is situated in a predominantly lowland area of sandstones, clays, and underlying coal measures dominated by the plateau area around Birmingham, from where the Rivers Stour, Avon, and Tame drain basically southward. Climatically the area fluctuates between the milder and wetter weather of the west and the drier and colder conditions of the east. The area's distance from the sea results in a somewhat larger range of climatic conditions. The city of Birmingham, for example, has one of the highest annual temperature ranges in Britain, with relatively high summer and low winter temperatures.

      Early settlement was sparse in the remote and heavily wooded countryside until Saxon colonists penetrated the river valleys. Birmingham originated as a small Saxon settlement near a crossing of the River Rea, though it long remained but a minor town. Dudley and its castle dominated the remote and sparsely populated area now known (from its grimy landscape) as the Black Country. Coventry was in fact the region's only significant town by the late 14th century, when, as the fourth largest town in England (after London, York, and Bristol), it had a population of 7,000.

      The area's rich coal seams and deposits of iron and limestone made it almost inevitable that it would become an important iron-producing centre. Small metalworking industries had begun in Birmingham as early as the 16th century, and by the 18th century the coalfield towns of Dudley, Walsall, and Wolverhampton had become important for ironworking. Birmingham, by contrast, became a centre for the skilled manufacture of smaller articles, such as buttons, guns, and jewelry. By the 19th century particular towns were known for particular products: Dudley for chains, Wolverhampton for locks and keys, and West Bromwich for springs and weighing machines. The construction of many canals, which remain more conspicuous in the landscape than the region's few small rivers, facilitated commerce.

      Many of the West Midlands' traditional metallurgical and manufacturing industries persisted into the 20th century, and the region has proved less vulnerable to economic recession than other old industrial areas. Electrical engineering and the manufacture of motor vehicles, aircraft, and synthetic fibres are now the most important industries. A mood of civic activism has been inherited from the well-known 19th-century mayor of Birmingham, Joseph Chamberlain. The West Midlands' urban centres, especially Coventry, were remodeled and rebuilt following severe bomb damage during World War II. Housing for the area's many immigrant workers is an object of public concern. The region's key position in England's motorway and railway networks contributed to its selection as the site of the National Exhibition Centre, opened in 1976 between Birmingham and Coventry. West Midlands has several universities, colleges, and cultural institutions; but it remains best known for its manufactures, ranging from the luxuriousRover cars from Solihullto the everydaychocolate and cocoa from Cadbury's model workers' settlement at Bournville. Area 347 square miles (898 square km). Pop. (2001) 2,555,592; (2005 est.) 2,591,300.

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