
/bayt/, v., bated, bating.
1. to moderate or restrain: unable to bate our enthusiasm.
2. to lessen or diminish; abate: setbacks that bated his hopes.
3. to diminish or subside; abate.
4. with bated breath, with breath drawn in or held because of anticipation or suspense: We watched with bated breath as the runners approached the finish line.
[1250-1300; ME, aph. var. of ABATE]
/bayt/, v., bated, bating, n.
1. (of a hawk) to flutter its wings and attempt to escape in a fit of anger or fear.
2. a state of violent anger or fear.
[1250-1300; ME baten to beat, flap (wings, etc.) < MF (se) batre L battuere to beat; cf. ABATE]
/bayt/, v., bated, bating, n.
v.t., v.i.
1. Tanning. to soak (leather) after liming in an alkaline solution to soften it and remove the lime.
2. the solution used.
[1870-75; var. of beat to pare off turf, OE baetan to BAIT; c. Sw beta to tan, G beissen to macerate]

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