
/bat"euhr/, v.t.
1. to beat persistently or hard; pound repeatedly.
2. to damage by beating or hard usage: Rough roads had battered the car. High winds were battering the coast.
3. to deal heavy, repeated blows; pound steadily: continuing to batter at the front door.
4. Print.
a. a damaged area on the face of type or plate.
b. the resulting defect in print.
[1300-50; ME bateren, prob. < MF, OF batre to beat (see BATE2), with the inf. ending identified with -ER6; cf. AF baterer]
Syn. 1. belabor, smite, pelt. 2. bruise, wound; smash, shatter, shiver; destroy, ruin.
/bat"euhr/, n.
1. a mixture of flour, milk or water, eggs, etc., beaten together for use in cookery.
2. to coat with batter.
[1350-1400; ME bat(o)ur, bat(e)re, perh. < AF bature, OF bat(e)ure act of beating (bat(re) to beat (see BATE2) + -eure < *-atura; see -ATE2, -URE), reinforced by BATTER1]
/bat"euhr/, n.
a player who swings a bat or whose turn it is to bat, as in baseball or cricket.
[1765-75; BAT1 + -ER1]
/bat"euhr/, Archit.
1. (of the face of a wall or the like) to slope backward and upward.
2. a backward and upward slope of the face of a wall or the like.
[1540-50; of obscure orig.]

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      mixture of flour and liquid with other ingredients, such as leavening agents, shortening, sugar, salt, eggs, and various flavouring materials, used to make baked products.

      Such mixturescalled doughs (dough)—are thick and flexible, allowing them to be shaped and rolled. Batters, however, contain higher proportions of liquids, are thinner than doughs, and can be stirred, poured, and dropped from a spoon. Batter products are mainly shaped by the form of the containers in which they are baked and include biscuits, muffins, scones, corn bread, pancakes, layer cakes, and angel food cakes. Angel food and sponge-cake batters, usually made without leavening ingredients, are leavened during baking by the expansion of the many small air bubbles incorporated in the batter by vigorous mixing or beating. Batters are also used as coatings for foods that are to be sautéed or fried.

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  • Batter — may refer to: * Batter (cooking) * Batter (baseball) * Batsman (cricket), sometimes called a batter * To hit or strike a person, as in committing the crime of battery * To hit or strike a person, as in committing the tort of battery, a common law …   Wikipedia

  • Batter — Bat ter, n. A backward slope in the face of a wall or of a bank; receding slope. [1913 Webster] {Batter rule}, an instrument consisting of a rule or frame, and a plumb line, by which the batter or slope of a wall is regulated in building. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Batter — Bat ter, n. [OE. batere, batire; cf. OF. bateure, bature, a beating. See {Batter}, v. t.] 1. A semi liquid mixture of several ingredients, as, flour, eggs, milk, etc., beaten together and used in cookery. King. [1913 Webster] 2. Paste of clay or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Batter — Bat ter (b[a^]t t[ e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Battered} (b[a^]t t[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Battering}.] [OE. bateren, OF. batre, F. battre, fr. LL. battere, for L. batuere to strike, beat; of unknown origin. Cf. {Abate}, {Bate} to abate.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • batter — vb mangle, *maim, mutilate, cripple Analogous words: *beat, pound, pummel, thrash, buffet, belabor, baste batter n *dough, paste battle n Battle, engagement, action denote a hostile meeting between opposing military forces …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • batter — [n] mixture before baking concoction, dough, mix, mush*, paste, preparation, recipe; concepts 457,466 batter [v] strike and damage assault, bash, beat, break, bruise, buffet, clobber, contuse, cripple, crush, dash, deface, demolish, destroy,… …   New thesaurus

  • batter — Ⅰ. batter [1] ► VERB ▪ strike repeatedly with hard blows. DERIVATIVES batterer noun. ORIGIN Old French batre to beat . Ⅱ. batter [2] ► NOUN …   English terms dictionary

  • batter — batter1 [bat′ər] vt. [ME bateren < OFr battre < VL battere < L battuere, to beat, via Gaul < IE base * bhāt , to strike > L fatuus, foolish & Sans bátati, (he) strikes; also, in part, freq. of BAT1, v.] 1. a) to beat or strike with …   English World dictionary

  • Batter — Bat ter, v. i. (Arch.) To slope gently backward. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Batter — Bat ter (b[a^]t t[ e]r), n. The one who wields the bat in baseball; the one whose turn it is at bat; formerly called the {batsman}. [1913 Webster +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • batter — index beat (strike), force (break), lash (strike), mishandle (maltreat), mutilate …   Law dictionary

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