
/baht/, n., pl. bahts, baht.
a paper money and monetary unit of Thailand, equal to 100 satangs.
[1820-30; < Thai bà:t, earlier, a measure of weight, ult. < Pali pada FOOT]

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Thai currency
      monetary unit of Thailand. Each baht is subdivided into 100 satang. The Bank of Thailand has the exclusive authority to issue currency in Thailand; banknotes are issued in amounts ranging from 10 to 1,000 baht. The obverse side of each note is adorned with a picture of the reigning king of Thailand, accompanied by other symbols, such as the royal seal. On the reverse side are varying images associated with Thailand's history; for example, the 500-baht note shows a temple and a statue of Rama III, who reigned from 182451, and the 50-baht note depicts a statue of Chulalongkorn (Rama V), king of Siam from 1873 to 1910. Coins are issued in denominations ranging from 25 satang to 10 baht; coins feature King Rama I (reigned 1737 to 1809) on the obverse.

      Prior to the introduction of decimalization at the turn of the 20th century by Chulalongkorn, Thailand (Siam) had a highly complex monetary system. Currency units included (in order from largest to smallest) the chung, the tamuleng, the baht, the salueng, the feung, and even smaller units. By the late 20th century the baht was one of Asia's most important currencies. The baht was at the centre of an Asian currency crisiswhich had far-reaching global effectsin the late 1990s; the currency fell to record lows against the U.S. dollar, and the Thai economy suffered a severe contraction.

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Universalium. 2010.

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