
/rah"meuh/, n.
(in the Ramayana) any of the three avatars of Vishnu: Balarama, Parashurama, or Ramachandra.

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Major Hindu deity.

The name became associated with Ramacandra, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu, whose story is told in the Ramayana. Conceived as a model of reason, virtue, and right action, Rama was one of the chief objects of the bhakti cults. He is often depicted as a standing figure, holding an arrow in his right hand and a bow in his left. In temples his image is attended by the figures of his wife, Sita, his half brother, Laksmana, and the monkey general, Hanuman.
(as used in expressions)
Rama IV
Tirath Rama
Rama VI

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Hindu deity
      one of the most widely worshipped Hindu deities, the embodiment of chivalry and virtue. Although there are three Ramas mentioned in Indian tradition (Parashurama, Balarama, and Ramacandra), the name is specifically associated with Ramacandra, the seventh incarnation (avatara) of Lord Vishnu. It is possible that Rama was an actual historical figure, a tribal hero of ancient India who was later deified. His story is told briefly in the Mahabharata (“Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty”) and at great length in the Ramayana (Rāmāyaṇa) (“Romance of Rama”).

      References to Rama as an incarnation of Vishnu appear in the early centuries AD; there was, however, probably no special worship of him before the 11th century, and it was not until the 14th and 15th centuries that distinct sects appeared venerating him as the supreme god (see Ramananda). Rama's popularity was increased greatly by the retelling of the Sanskrit epics in the vernaculars, such as Tulsidas's celebrated Hindi version, the Ramcaritmanas (“Sacred Lake of the Acts of Rama”).

      Rama and Krishna (also an incarnation of Vishnu) were the two most popular recipients of adoration from the bhakti (devotional) cults that swept the country during that time. Whereas Krishna is adored for his mischievous pranks and amorous dalliances, Rama is conceived as a model of reason, right action, and desirable virtues. Temples to Rama faced by shrines to his monkey devotee Hanuman are widespread throughout India. Rama's name is a popular form of greeting among friends (“Ram! Ram!”), and Rama is the deity most invoked at death.

      In sculpture, Rama is represented as a standing figure, holding an arrow in his right hand and a bow in his left. His image in a shrine or temple is almost invariably attended by figures of his wife, Sita, his favourite half-brother, Lakamana, and his monkey devotee, Hanuman. In painting, he is depicted dark in colour (indicating his affinity with Lord Vishnu), with princely adornments and the kirita-makuta (tall conical cap) on his head indicating his royal status. Rama's exploits were depicted with great sympathy by the Rajasthani and Pahari schools of painting in the 17th and 18th centuries.

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