analytic geometry

analytic geometry
a branch of mathematics in which algebraic procedures are applied to geometry and position is represented analytically by coordinates. Also called coordinate geometry.

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Investigation of geometric objects using coordinate systems.

Because René Descartes was the first to apply algebra to geometry, it is also known as Cartesian geometry. It springs from the idea that any point in two-dimensional space can be represented by two numbers and any point in three-dimensional space by three. Because lines, circles, spheres, and other figures can be thought of as collections of points in space that satisfy certain equations, they can be explored via equations and formulas rather than graphs. Most of analytic geometry deals with the conic sections. Because these are defined using the notion of fixed distance, each section can be represented by a general equation derived from the distance formula.

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also called  coordinate geometry 

      mathematical subject in which algebraic symbolism and methods are used to represent and solve problems in geometry. The importance of analytic geometry is that it establishes a correspondence between geometric curves and algebraic equations (algebraic equation). This correspondence makes it possible to reformulate problems in geometry as equivalent problems in algebra, and vice versa; the methods of either subject can then be used to solve problems in the other. For example, computers create animations for display in games and films by manipulating algebraic equations.

Elementary analytic geometry
  Apollonius of Perga (c. 262190 BC), known by his contemporaries as theGreat Geometer,” foreshadowed the development of analytic geometry by more than 1,800 years with his book Conics. He defined a conic as the intersection of a cone and a plane (see figure—>). Using Euclid's results on similar triangles and on secants of circles, he found a relation satisfied by the distances from any point P of a conic to two perpendicular lines, the major axis of the conic and the tangent at an endpoint of the axis. These distances correspond to coordinates of P, and the relation between these coordinates corresponds to a quadratic equation of the conic. Apollonius used this relation to deduce fundamental properties of conics (conic section). See conic section.

 Further development of coordinate systems (see figure—>) in mathematics emerged only after algebra had matured under Islamic and Indian mathematicians. (See mathematics: The Islamic world (8th15th centuries) (mathematics) and mathematics, South Asian.) At the end of the 16th century, the French mathematician François Viète (Viète, François, Seigneur De La Bigotiere) introduced the first systematic algebraic notation, using letters to represent known and unknown numerical quantities, and he developed powerful general methods for working with algebraic expressions and solving algebraic equations. With the power of algebraic notation, mathematicians were no longer completely dependent upon geometric figures and geometric intuition to solve problems. The more daring began to leave behind the standard geometric way of thinking in which linear (first power) variables corresponded to lengths, squares (second power) to areas, and cubics (third power) to volumes, with higher powers lackingphysicalinterpretation. Two Frenchmen, the mathematician-philosopher René Descartes (Descartes, René) and the lawyer-mathematician Pierre de Fermat (Fermat, Pierre de), were among the first to take this daring step.

      Descartes (Descartes, René) and Fermat (Fermat, Pierre de) independently founded analytic geometry in the 1630s by adapting Viète's algebra to the study of geometric loci. They moved decisively beyond Viète by using letters to represent distances that are variable instead of fixed. Descartes used equations to study curves defined geometrically, and he stressed the need to consider general algebraic curvesgraphs of polynomial equations in x and y of all degrees. He demonstrated his method on a classical problem: finding all points P such that the product of the distances from P to certain lines equals the product of the distances to other lines. See geometry: Cartesian geometry (geometry).

 Fermat emphasized that any relation between x and y coordinates determines a curve (see figure—>). Using this idea, he recast Apollonius's arguments in algebraic terms and restored lost work. Fermat indicated that any quadratic equation in x and y can be put into the standard form of one of the conic sections.

 Fermat did not publish his work, and Descartes deliberately made his hard to read in order to discouragedabblers.” Their ideas gained general acceptance only through the efforts of other mathematicians in the latter half of the 17th century. In particular, the Dutch mathematician Frans van Schooten translated Descartes's writings from French to Latin. He added vital explanatory material, as did the French lawyer Florimond de Beaune, and the Dutch mathematician Johan de Witt. In England, the mathematician John Wallis (Wallis, John) popularized analytic geometry, using equations to define conics and derive their properties. He used negative coordinates freely, although it was Isaac Newton (Newton, Sir Isaac) who unequivocally used two (oblique) axes to divide the plane into four quadrants, as shown in the figure—>.

      Analytic geometry had its greatest impact on mathematics via calculus. Without access to the power of analytic geometry, classical Greek mathematicians such as Archimedes (c. 285212/211 BC) solved special cases of the basic problems of calculus: finding tangents and extreme points (differential calculus) and arc lengths, areas, and volumes (integral calculus). Renaissance mathematicians were led back to these problems by the needs of astronomy, optics, navigation, warfare, and commerce. They naturally sought to use the power of algebra to define and analyze a growing range of curves.

      Fermat developed an algebraic algorithm for finding the tangent to an algebraic curve at a point by finding a line that has a double intersection with the curve at the pointin essence, inventing differential calculus. Descartes introduced a similar but more complicated algorithm using a circle. Fermat computed areas under the curves y = axk for all rational numbers k ≠ −1 by summing areas of inscribed and circumscribed rectangles. (See exhaustion, method of.) For the rest of the 17th century, the groundwork for calculus was continued by many mathematicians, including the Frenchman Gilles Personne de Roberval (Roberval, Gilles Personne de), the Italian Bonaventura Cavalieri (Cavalieri, Bonaventura), and the Britons James Gregory (Gregory, James), John Wallis, and Isaac Barrow (Barrow, Isaac).

      Newton (Newton, Sir Isaac) and the German Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm) revolutionized mathematics at the end of the 17th century by independently demonstrating the power of calculus. Both men used coordinates to develop notations that expressed the ideas of calculus in full generality and led naturally to differentiation rules and the fundamental theorem of calculus (connecting differential and integral calculus). See analysis.

      Newton demonstrated the importance of analytic methods in geometry, apart from their role in calculus, when he asserted that any cubicor, algebraic curve of degree threehas one of four standard equations,

xy2 + ey = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d,
xy = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d,
y2 = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d,
y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d,
for suitable coordinate axes. The Scottish mathematician James Stirling (Stirling, James) proved this assertion in 1717, possibly with Newton's aid. Newton divided cubics into 72 species, a total later corrected to 78.

      Newton also showed how to express an algebraic curve near the origin in terms of the fractional power series y = a1x1/k + a2x2/k + … for a positive integer k. Mathematicians have since used this technique to study algebraic curves of all degrees.

Analytic geometry of three and more dimensions
 Although both Descartes and Fermat suggested using three coordinates to study curves and surfaces in space, three-dimensional analytic geometry developed slowly until about 1730, when the Swiss mathematicians Leonhard Euler (Euler, Leonhard) and Jakob Hermann and the French mathematician Alexis Clairaut produced general equations for cylinders, cones, and surfaces of revolution. For example, Euler and Hermann showed that the equation f(z) = x2 + y2 gives the surface that is produced by revolving the curve f(z) = x2 about the z-axis (see the figure—>, which shows the elliptic paraboloid z = x2 + y2).

      Newton made the remarkable claim that all plane cubics arise from those in his third standard form by projection between planes. This was proved independently in 1731 by Clairaut and the French mathematician François Nicole. Clairaut obtained all the cubics in Newton's four standard forms as sections of the cubical cone

zy2 = ax3 + bx2z + cxz2 + dz3
consisting of the lines in space that join the origin (000) to the points on the third standard cubic in the plane z = 1.

      In 1748 Euler used equations for rotations and translations in space to transform the general quadric surface

ax2 + by2 + cz2 + dxy + exz + fyz + gx + hy + iz + j = 0
so that its principal axes coincide with the coordinate axes. Euler and the French mathematicians Joseph-Louis Lagrange (Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, comte de l'Empire) and Gaspard Monge (Monge, Gaspard, comte de Péluse) made analytic geometry independent of synthetic (nonanalytic) geometry.

      In Euclidean space of any dimension, vectors (vector)—directed line segmentscan be specified by coordinates. An n-tuple (a1, …, an) represents the vector in n-dimensional space that projects onto the real numbers a1, …, an on the coordinate axes.

      In 1843 the Irish mathematician-astronomer William Rowan Hamilton (Hamilton, Sir William Rowan) represented four-dimensional vectors algebraically and invented the quaternions, the first noncommutative algebra to be extensively studied. Multiplying quaternions with one coordinate zero led Hamilton to discover fundamental operations on vectors. Nevertheless, mathematical physicists found the notation used in vector analysis more flexiblein particular, it is readily extendable to infinite-dimensional spaces. The quaternions remained of interest algebraically and were incorporated in the 1960s into certain new particle physics models.

      As readily available computing power grew exponentially in the last decades of the 20th century, computer animation and computer-aided design became ubiquitous. These applications are based on three-dimensional analytic geometry. Coordinates are used to determine the edges or parametric curves that form boundaries of the surfaces of virtual objects. Vector analysis is used to model lighting and determine realistic shadings of surfaces.

      As early as 1850, Julius Plücker had united analytic and projective geometry by introducing homogeneous coordinates that represent points in the Euclidean plane (see Euclidean geometry) and at infinity in a uniform way as triples. Projective transformations, which are invertible linear changes of homogeneous coordinates, are given by matrix multiplication. This lets computer graphics programs efficiently change the shape or the view of pictured objects and project them from three-dimensional virtual space to the two-dimensional viewing screen.

Robert Alan Bix Harry Joseph D'Souza

Additional Reading
Carl B. Boyer, History of Analytic Geometry (1956, reissued 1988), traces the early development of analytic geometry. Julian Lowell Coolidge, A History of Geometrical Methods (1940, reissued 1963), provides proofs of important results in the history of analytic geometry. Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater, Analytic Geometry, 7th ed. (1992, reissued 1994), is a classic introduction to the subject. Robert Bix, Conics and Cubics: A Concrete Introduction to Algebraic Curves (1998), provides a transition from analytic to algebraic geometry.

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Universalium. 2010.

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