- Panathenaea
/pan'ath euh nee"euh/, n.a festival in honor of the goddess Athena, celebrated yearly in ancient Athens, with each fourth year reserved for greater pomp, marked by contests, as in athletics and music, and highlighted by a solemn procession to the Acropolis bearing a peplos embroidered for the goddess.Also, Panathenaia /pan'ath euh nay"euh/.
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Originally an annual event, it was eventually celebrated every fourth year, probably in deliberate rivalry to the Olympic Games. It consisted of the sacrifices and rites proper to the season (mid-August) in the cult of Athena, the city's protectress. Representatives of all the dependencies of Athens came to the Panathenaea. The great procession, made up of the heroes of the Battle of Marathon, is the subject of the frieze of the Parthenon. The participants offered Athena an embroidered robe and sacrificed animals; there were also poetry recitations (later replaced by a musical contest) and athletic competitions.* * *
▪ Greek festivalin Greek religion, an annual Athenian festival of great antiquity and importance. It was eventually celebrated every fourth year with great splendour, probably in deliberate rivalry to the Olympic Games. The festival consisted solely of the sacrifices and rites proper to the season (mid-August) in the cult of Athena, the city protectress. At the Great Panathenaea, representatives of all the dependencies of Athens were present, bringing sacrificial animals. After the presentation of a new embroidered robe to Athena, the sacrifice of several animals was offered. The great procession, which included the heroes of Marathon, is the subject of the frieze of the Parthenon. Musical contests were held, and portions of epic poems were recited, a long-standing accompaniment of the festival. The contests took place in the odeum, originally built for the purpose by Pericles himself.In addition to major athletic contests, many of which were not included at Olympia, several minor contests also were held between the Athenian tribes.* * *
Universalium. 2010.