
/al'ig zan"dree euh, -zahn"-/, n.
1. Arabic, Al-Iskandarîyah. a seaport in N Egypt, in the Nile delta: founded in 332 B.C. by Alexander the Great; ancient center of learning. 2,201,000.
2. a city in NE Virginia, S of the District of Columbia. 103,217.
3. a city in central Louisiana, on the Red River. 51,565.

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City (metro. area pop., 1996: 3,328,196) and chief seaport, northern Egypt.

It lies on a strip of land between the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Mareotis. The ancient island of Pharos, whose lighthouse was one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is now a peninsula connected to the mainland. Alexandria's modern harbour is west of the peninsula. The city was founded in 332 BC by Alexander the Great and was noted as a centre of Hellenistic culture. Its library (destroyed early centuries AD) was the greatest in ancient times; a new library was opened in 2001. The city was captured by the Arabs in AD 640 and by the Ottoman Empire in 1517. After a long period of decline, caused by the rise of Cairo, Alexandria was revived commercially when Muhammad Alī joined it by a canal to the Nile River in the early 19th century. Modern Alexandria is a thriving commercial community; cotton is its chief export, and important oil fields lie nearby. See also Museum of Alexandria.
City (pop., 2000: 128,283), northern Virginia, U.S., on the Potomac River.

The site was settled in 1695, and in 1749 it was named for John Alexander, the land's original grantee. It was part of Washington, D.C., from 1791 to 1847, after which it was ceded back to Virginia. Many colonial buildings survive in "Old Alexandria"; George Washington's estate, Mount Vernon, is nearby.
(as used in expressions)
Alexandria Library of
Alexandria Museum of
Catherine of Alexandria Saint
Clement of Alexandria Saint
Ktesibios of Alexandria
Cyril of Alexandria Saint
Hero of Alexandria
Philo of Alexandria

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Arabic  Al-Iskandariyyah 
  major city and urban muḥāfaẓah (governorate) in Egypt. Once among the greatest cities of the Mediterranean world and a centre of Hellenic scholarship and science, Alexandria was the capital of Egypt from its founding by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE until its surrender to the Arab forces led by Amr ibn al-ʿĀṣʿ in 642 CE. One of Egypt's largest cities, Alexandria is also its principal seaport and a major industrial centre. The city lies on the Mediterranean Sea at the western edge of the Nile River delta, about 114 miles (183 km) northwest of Cairo in Lower Egypt. Area city, 116 square miles (300 square km). Pop. (2006) city, 4,110,015.

Character of the city
      Alexandria has long occupied a special place in the popular imagination by virtue of its association with Alexander and Cleopatra. Alexandria played an important role in preserving and transmitting Hellenic culture to the wider Mediterranean world and was a crucible of scholarship, piety, and ecclesiastical politics in early Christian history. Although it has been asserted that Alexandria declined as a result of its conquest by Muslim Arabs in the 7th century CE, such a statement is misleading. While the city's political primacy was lost when the capital was moved to the interior, Alexandria remained an important centre of naval operations, maritime commerce, and craft production. As late as the 15th century, the city prospered as a transit point in the trade conducted between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean basin.

      Beginning in the 16th century, however, the city suffered a period of protracted decline owing to epidemic disease and administrative neglect; by the end of the 18th century, traces of Alexandria's former splendour had largely vanished. By the time French troops invaded Egypt in 1798, Alexandria had been reduced to a town of some 10,000 inhabitants, significant mainly for its role in Ottoman (Ottoman Empire) maritime networks. Flourishing in the 19th century as a major centre of the booming cotton industry, the modern city had come to bear little in common with the ancient metropolis.

      Alexandria has generally been characterized by a cultural ambivalence inherent in the city's locationextending along a spit of land with its back to Egypt and its face to the Mediterranean. Throughout most of its history, Alexandria has thus remained a cosmopolitan town, belonging as muchor perhaps moreto the wider Mediterranean world as to its hinterland. The revival of the town in the 19th century, however, brought about a profound change in the city's identity. With the significant increase in agricultural exports, the influx of native Egyptians to the city, and the formation and integration of the Egyptian state, Alexandria became tied to the Nile valley more closely than ever before. As a result, it also became the locus of an emergent Egyptian national consciousness.

      Beginning in the mid-18th century, these underlying changes would be overshadowed for roughly a century by the rise to power of a Levantine business community. Foreign dominance was reinforced by the overlay of British colonialism beginning in 1882 and by the formation of a foreign-dominated municipality in 1890. The arts flourished during this century-long interlude, and the city still boasts fine Neoclassical and Art Nouveau architecture dating from this period. The literary side of the city's flowering is reflected in the works of the Alexandria-born Greek writer Constantine Cavafy (Cavafy, Constantine), who drew on Alexandria's fabled past in his poetry. Likewise, the decadent cosmopolitanism of the foreign community in Alexandria was depicted by the English writer Lawrence Durrell (Durrell, Lawrence) in his famous series of novels, The Alexandria Quartet (195760). A contrasting portrayal of the modern city is given in Naguib Mahfouz (Mahfouz, Naguib)'s Miramar (1967); set in postcolonial Alexandria, Mahfouz's novella offers a view of the city as an integral part of Egyptian history and society. This process of integration was accelerated after the 1952 revolution, when most of the remaining foreign residents departed.

      At the beginning of the 21st century, Alexandria remained Egypt'ssecond capital.” It continued to contribute substantially to the national economy and was popular as a summer holiday destination.


City site
      The modern city extends 25 miles (40 km) east to west along a limestone ridge, 12 miles (1.63.2 km) wide, that separates the salt lake of Maryūṭ, or Mareotisnow partly drained and cultivatedfrom the Egyptian mainland. An hourglass-shaped promontory formed by the silting up of a mole (the Heptastadion), which was built soon after Alexandria's founding, links the island of Pharos with the city centre on the mainland. Its two steeply curving bays form the basins for the Eastern Harbour and the Western Harbour.

      The prevailing north wind, blowing across the Mediterranean, gives Alexandria a markedly different climate from that of the desert hinterland. The summers are relatively temperate, although humidity can build up in July and in August, the hottest month, when the average temperature reaches 87 °F (31 °C). Winters are cool and invariably marked by a series of violent storms that can bring torrential rain and even hail. The mean daily temperature in January, which is the coldest month, is 64 °F (18 °C).

City layout
      Designed by Alexander's personal architect, Dinocrates, the city incorporated the best in Hellenic planning and architecture. Within a century of its founding, its splendours rivaled anything known in the ancient world. The pride of ancient Alexandria was the great lighthouse, the Pharos of Alexandria, which stood on the eastern tip of the island of Pharos. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the lighthouse is reputed to have been more than 350 feet (110 metres) high and was still standing in the 12th century. In 1477, however, Sultan Qāʾit Bey used stones from the dilapidated structure to build a fort (named for him), which stands near or on the original site of the Pharos. In 1994 archaeologist Jean-Yves Empereur of the Centre for Alexandrian Studies (Centre d'Études Alexandrines) found many of the stones and some statuary that had belonged to the lighthouse in the waters off Pharos Island. The Egyptian government discussed turning the area into anunderwater museumto allow tourists to see the archaeological remains of the lighthouse, and various studies examining the project's feasibility continued into the early 21st century.

 The Canopic Way (now Ṭarīq al-Ḥurriyyah) was the principal thoroughfare of the Greek city, running east and west through its centre. Most Ptolemaic and Roman monuments stood nearby. The Canopic Way was intersected at its western end by the Street of the Soma (now Shāriʿ al-Nabī Dānyāl), along which is the legendary site of Alexander's tomb, thought by some to lie under the mosque of al-Nabī Dānyāl. Close to this intersection was the Mouseion (museum (Alexandrian Museum)), an academy of arts and sciences, which included the great Library of Alexandria (Alexandria, Library of). At the seaward end of the Street of the Soma were the two obelisks known as Cleopatra's Needles (Cleopatra's Needle). These obelisks were given in the 19th century to the cities of London and New York. One obelisk can be viewed on the banks of the River Thames in London, and the other stands in Central Park in New York City.

      Between Ṭarīq al-Ḥurriyyah and the railway station is the Roman Theatre, which was uncovered in 1959 at the Kawm al-Dikkah archaeological site. At the southwestern extremity of the ancient city are the Kawm al-Shuqāfah burial grounds, with their remarkable Hadrianic catacombs dating from the 2nd century CE. Nearby, on the site of the ancient fort of Rhakotis, is one of the few Classical monuments still standing: the 88-foot- (27-metre-) high marble column known as Pompey's Pillar (actually dedicated to Diocletian soon after 297). Parts of the Arab wall, encompassing a much smaller area than the Greco-Roman city, survive on Ṭarīq al-Ḥurriyyah, but in Ottoman times the city contracted to the stem of the promontory, now the Turkish Quarter. It is the oldest surviving section of the city and houses its finest mosques and worst slums.

 In the 19th century the renascent city's commercial hub was a long rectangular piazza, once called Al-Manshiyyah Square and now called Al-Taḥrīr Square (“Liberation Square”). An equestrian statue of Egypt's most famous viceroy, Muḥammad ʿAlī Pasha, still adorns the square. The commercial centre later moved eastward to Saʿd Zaghlūl (Zaghlūl, Saʿd) Square, where the Cecil and Metropole hotels are located, and inland toward the railway station. Blocked to the west by the port and the industrial area, urban development moved eastward, both inland and along the Corniche, a seaside promenade. Today the Corniche is a ribbon of beach huts, bathing clubs, and restaurants faced across the road by a continuous wall of hotels and apartment blocks.

      From the late 19th century to the 1980s the population grew 10-fold, the result of high birth rates and migration from the countryside. In the decade following the 1952 revolution, the city's population reached roughly 1.5 million; by 1976 the population stood at more than 2 million, with half the people under 20 years of age. The city's population continued to grow, reaching more than 4 million in the early 21st century.

      Though Arabic-speaking Egyptians represent the vast majority of the city's population, Alexandria was once home to a polyglot foreign community made up principally of immigrants from other Mediterranean countries, including Greece, Italy, Syria, and France; for this communityand for most educated EgyptiansFrench was the lingua franca. This community, which represented about one-tenth of the population in 1947, virtually disappeared following the widespread nationalization of industries and services of the Nasser era and the concentration of state investment and administration in Cairo, the capital city. Most Alexandrians, like most Egyptians, are Sunni (Sunnite) Muslims; the city's Christian minority consists mainly of members of the indigenous church of Egypt, the Coptic Orthodox Church (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria).


Manufacturing, finance, and other services
      Alexandria's industrial and commercial activitiesmanufacturing, shipping, warehousing, banking, food processing, and the production of petrochemicals and cementindicate the importance of the city's output for the national economy. Alexandria and its environs account for roughly two-fifths of Egypt's industrial production. Most industrial development has taken place in the western approaches to the city, around the more modern Western Harbour and along its southern flank; industry is the city's chief employment sector.

      The area around the port known as Mīnāʾ al-Baṣal contains warehouses and was once home to the Cotton Exchange. West across the Al-Maḥmūdiyyah Canal is the Al-Qabbārī neighbourhood, site of the asphalt works and rice and paper mills. Farther to the west is Al-Maks, with its salt and tanning industries, an oil refinery, a cement works, and, farther on, the limestone quarries. Other industrial development has taken place still farther west in Al-Dukhaylah. To the south lies the area of Al-ʿAmiriyyah, the site of two more refineries, including the Middle East Oil Refinery (Midor), which was designed to meet stringent environmental standards. Lighter industry is concentrated on the banks of the Al-Maḥmūdiyyah Canal.

      Agriculture is an important economic activity in the hinterland, and land reclamation has been attempted with some success. In one such project implemented near Alexandria, the Egyptian government has aimed to encourage food production and divert job seekers from overcrowded urban areas by offering graduates of universities and other institutes of higher education parcels of reclaimed land, which they are able to purchase using long-term loans.

      Europe's increasing demand for cottonintroduced into Egypt in the 1820swas by the 1840s contributing substantially to the city's wealth. As a result, Alexandria became an increasingly important centre for banking and commerce. The Alexandria Stock Exchange, founded in 1883, was followed by the Cairo Stock Exchange in 1903; they eventually linked their operations and continued as the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges (CASE). Though some banks, such as the Alexandria Commercial and Maritime Bank, are based in Alexandria, a majority of banksincluding the Bank of Alexandriaare headquartered in Cairo.

      Alexandria is linked to other Egyptian cities by railway, road, and air service. It also is connected by canal with the Nile (Nile River). Transport within the city is provided by tram service, as well as a system of taxis and buses. The main rail link to Cairo has been upgraded several times, and Alexandria is also the terminus for the rail line that runs to Al-Sallūm on the Libyan border. The Alexandria-Cairo desert highway is one of Egypt's best roads; it has relieved pressure on the agricultural route through the delta region as well as encouraging desert development. Air transport services generally operate to Cairo, though a number of international carriers have begun service out of Alexandria as well. Severe limitations constricted the capacity for expansion of the old airport at Nuzhah, which was built on land reclaimed from Lake Maryūṭ; as a result, an airport located some 30 miles (50 km) southwest of the city at Burj al-ʿArab (Burg el-ʿArab) was opened to receive international flights in 2000. Another international airport, funded by private investment and designed to attract European tourists to Egypt's Mediterranean beaches, opened at Al-ʿAlamayn in 2005.

      More than half of Egypt's foreign trade passes through the city's two main commercial harbours, Alexandria and nearby Al-Dukhaylah. Much of the country's oil, gas, and cotton are exported through these ports, as are traditional items such as fruits, vegetables, perfumes, and a variety of finished goods. By far the largest import is grain. Improvements have been implemented to relieve congestion, which can be severe. Egypt's dependence on Alexandria's ports has diminished somewhat with the opening of new container-handling facilities at Damietta (Dumyāṭ) and the development of ports along the coast of the Red Sea.

Administration and society

      In 1890, Alexandria became the first fully constituted municipality in Egypt. Based upon an earlier organization formed by the foreign export merchants, the municipality enjoyed a high degree of autonomy in directing urban development until its suspension in 1926 and its reorganization by the Egyptian government in 1935. The liquidation of municipal autonomy was the prelude to an increasingly centralized control of urban administration through the governorate. Since the revolution led by Gamal Abdel Nasser (Nasser, Gamal Abdel) in 1952, the president of the republic has appointed the governor, who is assisted by an elected local council; the governorate is responsible to the Ministry of Local Affairs.

Health and municipal services
      In terms of city services, Alexandria is generally on a par with other urban governorates of Egypt, providing electricity and pure drinking water to all but a small percentage of homes. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, a number of high-profile programs to improve municipal services and refurbish the city's image were implemented. Significant improvements have been made to the city's waste-management infrastructure, and some services have been privatized. However, pollution of the beaches is a continuing health hazard. The city has been blamed for pumping vast quantities of sewage into the Mediterranean, although efforts have been made to control the release of untreated effluent.

      Alexandrians receive medical services at a number of private and public clinics and hospitals; among these are the Alexandria Fever Hospital and a medical complex in Al-Shāṭibī (El-Shatbi) providing pediatric and gynecological care. Located to the east of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the complex was the focus of debate in the early 21st century, when it was rumoured there were plans to demolish the unattractive yet important structure.

      The state supervises education, as is the rule throughout Egypt. The state system is divided into primary, preparatory, and secondary schools, and advanced education is available in university faculties and technical institutes. Alexandria University (1942), the principal public university, lies just east of the city centre. Instruction is generally given in Arabic, although English is an important second language and is widely used in a number of professional programs. A private, francophone, international university named in honour of the famous Senegalese statesman Léopold Senghor (Senghor, Léopold) was inaugurated in 1990.

      Prior to 1952, Alexandria had a large number of private schools supported by various national and religious communities. Perhaps the most notable among these was Victoria College, an elite British institution founded in 1902. Its many famous students have included the Arab nationalist historian and advocate George Antonius (18911942) and King Ḥussein (Ḥussein) of Jordan.

Cultural life
 Alexandria's most important museum, the Greco-Roman Museum, situated behind the Municipality Building on Ṭarīq al-Ḥurriyyah, is noted for its fine collection of antiquities, most of which come from finds in or near the city. Renewed interest in the Classical period has revived archaeological exploration, which is focusing on Kawm al-Dikkah and the underwater site of the Pharos lighthouse. The Museum of Fine Art, located across the railway line from the city's stadium, presents exhibitions of modern and local art. In addition, the royal palace at Al-Muntazah has spacious public gardens and access to the Mediterranean. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina has also been an important addition to the city's cultural menu. The idea of reviving the ancient library was first proposed in 1972 by Mostafa El-Abbadi, a professor at Alexandria University. The Egyptian government decided to sponsor the project, and it received international publicity and support through UNESCO. Opened in 2002, the Bibliotheca Alexandrinalocated adjacent to Alexandria University and near the site of the ancient structurecontains a working library, a repository for manuscripts, a planetarium, museums, art galleries, and conference facilities.


Foundation and medieval growth
Greek period
       Alexander the Great founded the city in 332 BCE after the start of his Persian campaign; it was to be the capital of his new Egyptian dominion and a naval base that would control the Mediterranean. The choice of the site that included the ancient settlement of Rhakotis (which dates to 1500 BCE) was determined by the abundance of water from Lake Maryūṭ, then fed by a spur of the Canopic Nile, and by the good anchorage provided offshore by the island of Pharos.

      After Alexander left Egypt his viceroy, Cleomenes, continued the creation of Alexandria. With the breakup of the empire upon Alexander's death in 323 BCE, control of the city passed to his viceroy, Ptolemy I Soter, who founded the dynasty that took his name. The early Ptolemies successfully blended the religions of ancient Greece and Egypt in the cult of Serapis (Sarapis) and presided over Alexandria's golden age. Alexandria profited from the demise of Phoenician power after Alexander sacked Tyre (332 BCE) and from Rome's growing trade with the East via the Nile and the canal that then linked it with the Red Sea. Indeed, Alexandria became, within a century of its founding, one of the Mediterranean's largest cities and a centre of Greek scholarship and science. Such scholars as Euclid, Archimedes, Plotinus the philosopher, and Ptolemy and Eratosthenes (Eratosthenes of Cyrene) the geographers studied at the Mouseion (Alexandrian Museum), the great research institute founded in the beginning of the 3rd century BCE by the Ptolemies that included the city's famed library (Alexandria, Library of). The ancient library housed numerous texts, the majority of them in Greek; adaughter librarywas established at the temple of Serapis about 235 BCE. The library itself was later destroyed in the civil war that occurred under the Roman emperor Aurelian in the late 3rd century CE, while the subsidiary branch was destroyed in 391 CE (see Alexandria, Library of).

      Alexandria was also home to a populous Jewish (Jew) colony and was a major centre of Jewish learning; the translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew (Hebrew language) to Greek, the Septuagint, was produced there. Many other ethnic and religious groups were represented in the city, and Alexandria was the scene of much interethnic strife during this period.

Roman (ancient Rome) and Byzantine periods
      The decline of the Ptolemies in the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE was matched by the rise of Rome. Alexandria played a major part in the intrigues that led to the establishment of imperial Rome.

      It was at Alexandria that Cleopatra, the last of the Ptolemies, courted Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius) and claimed to have borne him a son. Her attempts at restoring the fortunes of the Ptolemaic dynasty, however, were thwarted by Caesar's assassination and her unsuccessful support of Mark Antony against Caesar's great-nephew Octavian. In 30 BCE Octavian (later the emperor Augustus) formally brought Alexandria and Egypt under Roman rule. The city held the key to the Egyptian granary on which Rome increasingly came to rely.

      St. Mark, author of the second gospel in the New Testament, is said to have preached in Alexandria in the mid-1st century CE. Several outstanding Bible scholars and theologians of the early Christian (Christianity) era were educated in Alexandria, including Origen (c. 185c. 254), who contributed to an evolving synthesis of Christianity and Greco-Roman philosophy and who headed the city's famous catechetical school. Alexandria's Christian community continued to grow in numbers and influence and resisted Rome's attempts to impose emperor worship. State-directed persecutions and spontaneous attacks by pagans upon Christians occurred intermittently; Diocletian initiated a particularly vicious campaign in 303 in which many Egyptian Christians were martyred, a number of them in Alexandria. Nevertheless, persecution failed to stem the growing spiritual movement, and the empire finally legalized Christianity under Constantine I, though the new alliance with the state set the stage for schisms within the church.

      Among the first doctrinal questions to rend the church was a dispute between two Alexandrian prelates, Athanasius (Athanasius, Saint) and Arius, over the nature of Jesus Christ's relationship to God the Father. The issue was addressed in 325 at the Council of Nicaea (Nicaea, Council of), which affirmed Christ's full deity and branded Arianismthe belief that Christ, though preexistent, was inferior to Godas heresy. Arianism, however, had many imperial champions, and this sharpened the conflict between the Alexandrian church and the state. The doctrinal issue was not finally settled until the Council of Constantinople (Constantinople, Council of) in 381. By the close of the 4th century, elements of the Christian establishment in Alexandria had also mobilized against the remnants of paganism, destroying the temple of Serapis; other violent clashes broke out between rival gangs and factions based in the city around this time.

      During the course of the 4th century, the patriarchs of Alexandria consolidated their position over Egypt's clergy. The pope of Alexandria, as the post of patriarch was also known, exercised great influence in the church and vied with the patriarch of Constantinople for ecclesiastical preeminence in the eastern Roman Empire. A decisive break occurred at the Council of Chalcedon (Chalcedon, Council of) in 451; the council deposed Dioscorus, the Alexandrian pope, and adopted a Christological statement that was regarded by Egyptian Christians as compromising belief in the divine Son. For dogmatic and political reasons, the Egyptian monophysite church rejected the Chalcedonian formula and resisted Constantinople's attempts to bring it into line. A dissident church developed to oppose state-supported orthodoxy and became a focus of indigenous Egyptian loyalties. Disaffection with Byzantine rule created the conditions in which Alexandria fell first to the Persians, in 616, and then to the Arabs (Arab), in 642.

      Though Alexandria surrendered to Muslim Arab expansion without resistance, the conquest was followed by a substantial exodus of the leading elements of the Greek population. Thenceforth, apart from an interlude in 645 when the city was briefly retaken by the Byzantine fleet, Alexandria's fortunes were tied to political and cultural developments in Islam (Islām). Alexandria was eclipsed politically by the new Arab capital at Al-Fusṭāṭ (Fusṭāṭ, Al-) (which later was absorbed into the modern capital, Cairo); the Coptic patriarchate was transferred there from Alexandria in the 11th century. Nevertheless, Alexandria continued to flourish as a trading centre, principally for textiles and luxury goods, as Arab influence expanded westward through North Africa and then into Europe. The city also was important as a naval base, especially under the Fāṭimids (Fāṭimid Dynasty) and the Mamlūks (Mamlūk), but already it was contracting in size in line with its new, more modest status. The Arab walls (rebuilt in the 13th and 14th centuries and torn down in the 19th century) encompassed less than half the area of the Greco-Roman city.

      Following its recovery from the devastation of the bubonic plague in the mid-14th century, Alexandria was able to profit from the growth of the East-West spice trade, which flowed through Egypt. The eventual loss of this trade following the Portuguese discovery of a sea route to India in 1498 was a severe blow to the city's fortunes and to the Mamlūk state. With the Ottoman (Ottoman Empire) defeat of the Mamlūks in 1517, Egypt's status shifted to that of a province within a wider empire, charge of which fell to the Ottomans. Under Ottoman rule, the canal linking Alexandria to the Rosetta branch of the Nile was allowed to silt up, strangling the city's commercial lifeline. By the time Napoleon (Napoleon I) invaded Egypt in 1798, Alexandria had been reduced to a small Ottoman port.

Evolution of the modern city
      Alexandria's rebirth began when Muḥammad ʿAlī was appointed Ottoman viceroy and pasha of Egypt in 1805. Seeking to use Egypt as a base from which to expand his own power, he reopened Alexandria's access to the Nile by building the 45-mile- (72-km-) long Al-Maḥmūdiyyah Canal (completed between 1818 and 1820), as well as an arsenal in which to locally produce the warships intended to rebuild his fleet. Some Egyptians were conscripted into the urban labour force, but most were drawn by the expanding economic opportunities. Foreign traders were encouraged by the Capitulations, which gave them certain legal rights and privileges (for instance, to be tried in their own courts), and they too began to settle in the city. cotton was introduced into Egypt in the 1820s, and by the 1840s Europe's growing appetite for the commodity was making Alexandria rich. The city became an increasingly important banking and commercial centre. The opening of the Cairo railway in 1856, the cotton boom created by the American Civil War in the early 1860s, and the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, which reestablished Egypt as the principal staging post to India, led to another cycle of growth and to a rapid increase in both the indigenous and foreign populations.

      The British (British Empire) bombardment of the city in 1882 to put down a local nationalist revolt led directly to the British occupation that lasted until 1922. The city nevertheless continued to prosper and expand, retaining its position as the second city and summer capital of Egypt. Under British patronage the foreign communitysome 100,000 strongcontinued to flourish. A self-governing municipality, founded in 1890, undertook several notable projects; among these were the creation of the Greco-Roman Museum, the construction of a public library, improvements in the street and sewage systems, and the reclamation of land from the sea, upon which the waterfront Corniche was later laid out. The municipal franchise was, however, extremely restricted; the city council was controlled by a coterie of European and Levantine merchants and property owners, despite the fact that the great majority of Alexandria's inhabitants were Egyptian.

      During World War I, Alexandria was the chief Allied (Allied Powers) naval base of the eastern Mediterranean. The city was much more actively involved in World War II, as it came perilously close to being captured by Axis (Axis Powers) armies and was repeatedly bombarded. British forces left the city in 1946.

      Alexandria meanwhile played its part in the nationalist (nationalism) struggle between and after the world wars. In 1952 it was the point of departure from Egyptian soil for King Farouk (Farouk I) after he was deposed in the revolution led by the Alexandria-born Gamal Abdel Nasser (Nasser, Gamal Abdel). In 1956 the failure of the tripartite British, French, and Israeli attack on Egypt, following President Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal, led to the seizure of French and British assets. Subsequent laws mandating the Egyptianization of foreign-owned banks, firms, and insurance companies resulted in the departure of thousands of foreign residents.

      During the 1960s, Alexandria benefited from Nasser's industrialization program; this boon was felt especially in the food-processing and textile-manufacturing industries, which had expanded considerably between the wars. The city was adversely affected by Egypt's devastating defeat by Israel in the Six-Day War (June 1967; see Arab-Israeli wars), by the dislocation created when the Suez Canal was closed as a result of the war, and by the evacuation of Egyptian residents from the canal zone. Alexandria's port became swamped by trade diverted from Port Said, and it had not fully recovered when in 1974 the Egyptian government introduced an open-door trade policy that led to a flood of consumer imports.

      Liberalization, coupled with tentative moves at decentralization under Anwar el-Sādāt (Sādāt, Anwar el-), Nasser's successor, revived calls by the merchant community for greater financial autonomy. These in turn created a new sense of civic identity and pride. The discovery in 1976 of natural gas reserves offshore and in the Nile delta spurred industrial development; the principal beneficiary was Al-Dukhaylah, which became a major iron and steel centre. In addition, refinery facilities underwent a number of upgrades, especially after the completion of a crude-oil pipeline from the city of Suez to the Mediterranean near Alexandria in the late 1970s and of another pipeline linking Musṭurud (north of Cairo) with Alexandria.

      Alexandria's access to the outside world has also been promoted to encourage the development of light industry. A free-trade zone was established in Al-ʿĀmiriyyah. Although Alexandria's stock and cotton exchanges were closed in the 1960s, the stock exchange was later allowed to reopen. The city launched a master plan designed to bring major civic improvements. Work on these projects was partly responsible for a renewed interest in Alexandria's cultural heritage in the 1990s, as wide-scale demolition to make way for new construction revealed layers of the ancient city long thought to be lost. In particular, archaeological surveys along the waterfront near Alexandria revealed a trove of ancient ruins, some of which have been retrieved. Efforts have also been made to document and protect the city's historic architecture, most notably by architect Mohamed Awad, head of the Alexandria Preservation Trust. The revival of the city's ancient library, a project first proposed in the 1970s, materialized with the opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in 2002.

Mary Rowlatt J. Alan Mackie Michael J. Reimer

Additional Reading
Mostafa El-Abbadi, The Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria, 2nd ed., rev. (1992), is an insightful analysis of the famous library's role in the internationalization of knowledge. Roy MacLeod (ed.), The Library of Alexandria: Centre of Learning in the Ancient World (2000), contains interesting articles about literature, philosophy, and education in ancient Alexandria. P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, 3 vol. (1972, reissued 2001), is a voluminous study of the social and cultural life of the ancient metropolis. Jean-Yves Empereur and Stéphane Compoint, Alexandria Rediscovered (1998; originally published in French, 1998), is a superbly illustrated study of the Classical city based on 20th-century archaeological finds within the city and offshore. Michael J. Reimer, Colonial Bridgehead: Government and Society in Alexandria, 18071882 (1997), is a study of the demographic and political dynamics that led to the establishment of colonial rule. E.M. Forster, Alexandria: A History and a Guide (1922, reissued 1986), is a classic guide to the city that describes it as it was in the 1920s. Robert Ilbert, Alexandrie, 18301930: histoire d'une communauté citadine, 2 vol. (1996), is a profound social history of Alexandria that focuses on the rise and fall of the municipality and the foreign communities it represented. Robert Ilbert, Ilios Yannakakis, and Jacques Hassoun (eds.), Alexandria, 18601960: The Brief Life of a Cosmopolitan Community (1997; originally published in French, 1992), is a useful study of the city's multiethnic and multicultural fabric.Michael J. Reimer

      city, seat of Rapides parish, central Louisiana, U.S. The city lies along the Red River, opposite Pineville, about 100 miles (160 km) northwest of Baton Rouge. It was laid out (1805) at the rapids that then marked the head of river navigation and was named for the daughter of Alexander Fulton, on whose Spanish land grant the first settlement was made in the 1780s. Prior to the American Civil War, the community thrived on river commerce (cotton, sugarcane, and lumber). In May 1863 and again in March 1864 it was occupied by Union forces under Admiral David D. Porter (Porter, David Dixon) and General Nathaniel P. Banks (Banks, Nathaniel P.). When finally vacated (May 1213, 1864), Alexandria was burned, and all civic records were lost. Railroad expansion and exploitation of the dense pine and hardwood forests of the area helped in the town's restoration after the war.

      Alexandria, with Pineville, is a distribution centre for farm products, timber, and livestock. Light manufacturing (chemicals, soap, and fertilizers) also is important. The two-year Louisiana State University at Alexandria was opened in 1960; Louisiana College (1906; Baptist) is in Pineville. Nearby are the Hot Wells Health Resort, Cotile Lake Recreation Area, and units of Kisatchie National Forest (headquartered in Alexandria). Inc. town, 1818; city, 1882. Pop. (1990) city, 49,188; Alexandria MSA, 131,556; (2000) city, 46,342; Alexandria MSA, 126,337.

      city, seat of Douglas county, west-central Minnesota, U.S. It is situated about 70 miles (115 km) northwest of St. Cloud (Saint Cloud) in a lake-resort and dairy-farm region. Settled in 1858 on land that was once part of Ojibwa and Sioux camping grounds, Alexandria was organized as a township in 1866 and named for Alexander Kinkead, an early settler. It became a resort spot in the 1870s. The controversial Kensington Stone, with runic inscriptions describing a visit by Norsemen to the area in 1362, wasunearthedin 1898 and is in the Runestone Museum. A 28-foot (9-metre) statue of a Viking, along with the Kensington Runestone Monument, a large reproduction of the original, promotes the belief in early Norse exploration. Diversified farming (including oats, dairy products, soybeans, corn [maize], and livestock), manufacturing (including packaging machinery, abrasives, metal products, and plastics), and tourism are the city's economic mainstays. A technical college is located in the city. Lake Carlos State Park is a few miles north. Inc. village, 1877; city, 1908. Pop. (1990) 7,838; (2000) 8,820.

      town, capital of Teleorman judeţ (county), southern Romania. It lies along the southward-flowing Vedea River in the Danube floodplain. Alexandria is a regional marketing centre for agricultural produce, mostly grain. The town also has flour mills and other food-processing plants. Manufactures include construction materials, chemicals, and rubber products. The town has a historical museum. Highways and railway connections extend throughout the county, from Alexandria to Roşiori de Vede, Videle, and Turnu Măgurele. Pop. (2007 est.) 50,847.

 city, adjoining Arlington and Fairfax counties, northern Virginia, U.S. It lies on the Potomac River (there bridged at the Maryland state line), 6 miles (10 km) south of the District of Columbia. A fort was built on the site in 1676 to defend the area from attacks by Susquehannock (Susquehanna) Indians. The site was settled in the late 1600s, and a community known as Belhaven was founded there in 1731. English and Scottish merchants then established a tobacco warehouse in Belhaven, and the settlement soon became an important shipping centre. It was organized in 1749 and renamed for John Alexander, who had originally been granted the land, and in 1779 it was incorporated as a town. Alexandria has the unique distinction of being designated an independent city (without county affiliation) by an act of Congress (1852). George Washington (Washington, George) helped to lay out its streets and drilled troops there during the French and Indian War.

      From 1789 to 1846 Alexandria was part of the District of Columbia, after which it was ceded back to Virginia. Throughout the American Civil War (186165), Alexandria was occupied by Union troops. Its postwar development as a river port for shipping flour and tobacco was overshadowed by the growth of Baltimore, Maryland. Local trade and commerce were flourishing by World War I, when the Naval Torpedo Station was constructed there and the shipyards were reopened.

      Although now mainly residential, Alexandria has large commercial and freight-rail operations and some manufactures (agricultural equipment, fertilizer, chemicals, lumber products). Many colonial-era buildings survive, some of which are associated with George Washington (Washington, George) and with Henry (“Light-Horse Harry”) Lee (Lee, Henry), father of Robert E. Lee (Lee, Robert E.). Carlyle House (1752) was headquarters to British General Edward Braddock (Braddock, Edward) during the French and Indian War. Gadsby's Tavern (c. 1785) and the adjacent City Hotel (1792), two buildings that were frequented by Washington, have been restored as a historic site and museum. The Alexandria Academy was established in 1785 and still exists. Washington, who maintained a house (now reconstructed) at Alexandria, served on the town council. Washington's estate, Mount Vernon (9 miles [15 km] south), is a national historic landmark and contains his grave and that of his wife, Martha. The 330-foot (100-metre) George Washington Masonic National Monument (192332), modeled on an ancient Egyptian lighthouse, holds objects and relics owned by Washington. Pop. (2000) 128,283; (2006 est.) 136,974.

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