Zaghlūl, Saʿd

Zaghlūl, Saʿd

Egyptian statesman
in full  Saʿd Zaghlūl Pasha Ibn Ibrāhīm  
born July 1857, Ibyānah, Egypt
died August 23, 1927, Cairo
 Egyptian statesman and patriot, leader of the Wafd party and of the nationalist movement of 191819, which led Britain to give Egypt nominal independence in 1922. He was briefly prime minister in 1924.

      Zaghlūl was from a well-to-do peasant family in Ibyānah in the Nile River delta. He was educated at the Muslim Al-Azhar University (Azhar University, al-) in Cairo and at the Egyptian School of Law, then practiced as an advocate and also dabbled in journalism. Becoming a judge in the Court of Appeal in 1892, he married, in 1895, a daughter of Muṣṭafā Pasha Fahmī, the prime minister of Egypt. In 1906 he was made head of the newly created Ministry of Education and, soon after, took a leading part in the formation of the Ḥizb al-Ummah (“People's Party”), which, at a time when Egyptian nationalism was beginning to assert itself against the British occupation, was referred to appreciatively by Evelyn Baring, 1st earl of Cromer (Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of, Viscount Errington Of Hexham, Viscount Cromer, Baron Cromer Of Cromer), the British consul general and virtual ruler of the country, as advocating a policy ofcooperation with Europeans in the introduction of Western civilization into the country.”

      He remained as minister of education until 1910, when he became minister of justice, a post from which he resigned in 1912 after a disagreement with the khedive Abbās IIʿ (Ḥilmī). During his six years as a minister, he had served in a series of governments that had collaborated with the British occupiers and the members of which were thus regarded almost as traitors by the extreme nationalists. In 1912, however, Zaghlūl's attitude changed. Elected to the Legislative Assembly, a unicameral parliament with limited powers, in 1913, he became its vice president and in the course of one year rehabilitated himself in the eyes of the nationalists by his criticisms of the government.

      With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Egypt became a British protectorate. The khedive was deposed, martial law declared, and the Legislative Assembly dissolved by the British. For the next four years overt political activity in Egypt was at a standstill. Ordinary Egyptians suffered from the effects of inflation, requisitioning, and conscription, and the intelligentsia and the professional classes were frustrated by restrictions on personal freedom and by the evident British intention to convert a temporary protectorate into a permanent colony. By the time the armistice was signed in November 1918, the country was seething with discontent.

      Zaghlūl and several former members of the defunct Legislative Assembly, free of the taint of collaboration, had spent the war years forming activist groups throughout Egypt for the ultimate purpose of political agitation and action. On November 13, 1918, two days after the armistice, a delegation ( Wafd) of three prominent former members of the Legislative Assembly, led by Zaghlūl, called on Sir Reginald Wingate (Wingate, Sir Reginald, 1st Baronet), the high commissioner (as the British representative in Egypt was now called). They informed him that they regarded themselves and not the government as the true representatives of the Egyptian people and demanded that the protectorate be abolished and replaced by a treaty of alliance. They also demanded that they be allowed to proceed to London to negotiate such a treaty directly with the British government.

      When these demands were refused, widespread disorder broke out, organized through the clandestine bodies set up by Zaghlūl and his associates. In March 1919 Zaghlūl and three of his associates were arrested and deported to Malta, an act that increased the disorder. The British government dismissed Wingate and replaced him with General Edmund Allenby (Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, 1st Viscount), the wartime conqueror of Palestine. Allenby, faced with the resignation of the government and the prospect of a continuing military campaign to put down a countrywide rebellion, released Zaghlūl and his associates in an attempt to appease Egyptian opinion. Zaghlūl immediately proceeded to Paris, where the Peace Conference was in session, to present Egypt's case to the Allies. He met with very little success there, but in Egypt he had become a national hero and the master of the situation.

      Zaghlūl's release put a temporary end to public disorder in Egypt, and in the fall of 1919, on Allenby's recommendation, a mission headed by Lord Milner (Milner, Alfred Milner, Viscount), the British colonial secretary, proceeded to Egypt to make recommendations for the future relationship between the two countries. Zaghlūl, determined that nobody but himself should negotiate with the British, saw to it that the mission was boycotted by all shades of Egyptian opinion. In the summer of 1920 he himself had a series of meetings with Milner in London, at which Milner agreedunofficiallyto the essence of what Zaghlūl himself had demanded of Wingate in November 1918: the substitution of a treaty of alliance for the protectorate. But Zaghlūl had come to fear that any agreement he made with the British would undermine his position in Egypt, which was based on opposition to the British, so he refused to endorse any agreement and returned to Egypt, where he was greeted with wild enthusiasm. The Milner Report, recommending the end of the protectorate and the negotiation of a treaty, was published in February 1921. A government formed by ʿAdlī Pasha Yakan, one of Zaghlūl's rivals, spent most of the year trying to negotiate such a treaty but was inhibited by Zaghlūl's virtual veto power. When ʿAdlī consequently resigned, Zaghlūl brought his supporters onto the streets to prevent the formation of any alternative government. Allenby then had Zaghlūl arrested and deported to the Seychelles and prevailed on a reluctant British government to promulgate a unilateral declaration that incorporated the Milner recommendations and conferred a limited measure of independence on Egypt (February 1922).

      By this time a number of Egyptian politicians, including some of Zaghlūl's previous supporters, alarmed at the social implications of the agitation that Zaghlūl had released, were prepared to cooperate with the British under the new dispensation. A new party, the Liberal Constitutionalists, was formed and a constitution promulgated. But the forces unleashed by Zaghlūl could not so easily be suppressed, either by his opponents or even by Zaghlūl himself. Zaghlūl was released to take part in the first elections under the new constitution. His party, the Wafd, swept the board, and in January 1924 he became prime minister. In office he showed himself quite unable to control the violent agitation he had set in motion. In November 1924, after a year in which numerous British officials and Egyptiancollaborationistshad been murdered by extremists, the British commander in chief of the Egyptian army was assassinated. After the receipt of what amounted to an ultimatum from Allenby, Zaghlūl resigned. The shock resulting from the violent British reaction rallied the moderates and discouraged the extremiststhough, in a general election held in May 1926, the Wafd still held the allegiance of the country. But Zaghlūl, an old man of nearly 70, was no longer eager for office. Under pressure from Lord Lloyd, the new British high commissioner, he agreed to the formation of a coalition government and contented himself with the presidency of the Chamber. In this capacity he succeeded, by and large, in controlling the actions of his more extreme followers until his death.

      Zaghlūl was not a constructive statesman. Rather, he was the catalyst whose injection into Egyptian political life set in motion that long course of popular protest against foreign occupation, indigenous despotism, and social feudalism whose end product was the revolution of 1952. His influence resided both in his eloquence and in the fact thatunlike most of his generation in positions of power, which were mainly occupied by members of the old, Turkish-descended aristocracyhe was a purebred Egyptian of peasant stock, a man of the people who became the incarnation of their virtues and their limitations.

John Marlowe

Additional Reading
Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, Saʿd Zaghlūl (1936), a full-length biography (in Arabic and not available in translation), is uncritically favourable to the subject. In English see E. Kedourie, “Saʿad Zaghlul and the British,” in A. Hourani (ed.), Middle Eastern Affairs: Number Two, pp. 139160 (1961), written by a hostile critic with a wide knowledge of Arabic sources; and the reasonably impartial obituary notice in The (London) Times (Aug. 24, 1927).

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