
/al"beuh kerr'kee/; for 1 also Port. /awl'boo kerdd"keuh/, n.
1. Affonso de /euh fawonn"soo deuh/, 1453-1515, founder of the Portuguese empire in the East.
2. a city in central New Mexico. 331,767.

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City (pop., 2000: 448,607), New Mexico, U.S. The state's largest city, it lies on the Rio Grande southwest of Santa Fe.

Founded by the governor of New Mexico, it was named for the duke de Alburquerque (the first r was later dropped), the viceroy of New Spain. After 1800 growing commerce on the Santa Fe Trail brought an influx of settlers; an army post was established following U.S. occupation in 1846. With the coming of the railroad in 1880, the population expanded. The characteristically Spanish "old town" and its mission church (1706) have survived. Since the 1930s many defense-related federal agencies have been established there.

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  city, seat (1883) of Bernalillo county, west-central New Mexico, U.S., located on the Rio Grande opposite a pass between the Sandia (Sandia Mountains) and Manzano mountains to the east. The area was the site of Native American pueblos (villages) when Europeans first arrived in 1540. Founded in 1706 by Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdés, governor and captain general of New Mexico, it was named for the duke of Alburquerque, then viceroy of New Spain (New Spain, Viceroyalty of) (the first r was later dropped). It became an important trading centre on the Chihuahua Trail from Mexico.

      As a modern-day cultural and political centre, Albuquerque has long played a secondary role to the state capital, Santa Fe, which lies some 60 miles (100 km) to the northeast. Albuquerque is New Mexico's largest city and its economic capital, however, and it is served by an extensive network of railroads, airlines, and highways. At the heart of the city's economy are the military and high-technology sectors. Area 181 square miles (469 square km). Pop. (2000) city, 448,607; Albuquerque MSA 729,649;(2006 est.) city, 504,949; (2007 est.) Albuquerque MSA, 835,120.

Character of the city
      Enclosed by mountains, the Rio Grande, lava cliffs, military bases, and Native American pueblos, Albuquerque seemingly has reached its physical limits, barring expansion into adjacent valleys. Much of the city is made up of suburban developments. Older neighbourhoods line the banks of the broad Rio Grande, with Spanish-style adobe homes nestled among galleries of tall cottonwood and oak trees; they are artifacts of another age, however. Critics complain that Albuquerque is losing its distinctive identity in the face of centrifugal growth, a process that began in the mid-1940s with the city's rise as a centre of Cold War-related military research and production. Despite an increase in the crime rate and urban sprawl, the city continues to attract new residents, who are enticed by a lower cost of living than that of much of the United States as well as by the region's pleasant climate. As new residents arrive, longer-established inhabitants press for the preservation of the city's distinctive historic architecture and small-town way of life.


City site
      Albuquerque lies in the Chihuahuan Desert, in a broad valley that stretches about 30 miles (48 km) east-west. The valley is bounded for most of its length by the Sandia Mountains to the north, the slightly lower Manzano Mountains to the east, and the low but rugged lava escarpments to the south and west. The Rio Grande bisects the western end of the valley, and a highway follows the river's course through the city southward to the Texas border. To the west of the Rio Grande is a lava field and a cluster of dormant volcanoes. At the eastern end of the valley lies Tijeras Canyon, a rugged, boulder-strewn gorge that opens onto a broad plateau; a multilane highway passes through the canyon. The entire region is part of the tectonic Rio Grande rift valley, and minor earthquakes are common.

      Most of the city proper lies on hilly terraces composed of gravels from the Miocene (Miocene Epoch) (about 23 million to 5 million years ago) and Pliocene (Pliocene Epoch) (about 5 million to 1.8 million years ago) epochs. These terraces were formed over millennia by soils and rocks washing down from the nearby Sandia and Manzano mountains and deposited by periodic floods. Rich in nutrients, these soils have provided the basis for the region's long tradition of floodplain agriculture.

      Albuquerque's climate is mild and dry, with an annual average of more than 200 clear days. The average annual temperature is in the mid-50s F (about 13 °C). The Manzano Mountains to the east block much of the moisture-laden air that flows northward from the Gulf of Mexico, creating a rain shadow. As a result, the city receives only about 9 inches (230 mm) of rainfall annually, most of it falling in the summer. The Sandia Mountains receive about 30 inches (760 mm) of rain in the summer and about the same amount of snow in the winter.

City layout
 Suburbs and satellite communities have grown rapidly while the heart of the original citythe 18th-century Old Town and the 19th-century Downtownlong languished, despite the government's attempt to attract attention to these historic districts with new civic plazas, museums, and parks. In the early 21st century, however, Downtown again became attractive, especially to faculty from the University of New Mexico and students and artists. Like many cities in the western United States, Albuquerque has several widespread centres in place of a single downtown core.

      The Uptown district, to the north of Old Town, boasts shopping centres, hotels, and office and industrial parks. The downtown area south of Old Town comprises government buildings, hospitals, and museums. To the east of Old Town is the home of the University of New Mexico (New Mexico, University of) as well as a number of attractive, tree-lined neighbourhoods. Extending from Uptown to the foothills of the Sandia Mountains is Far Heights, mainly a sprawl of suburban homes, retail giants, and restaurants. Beyond the city proper to the north and south, respectively, lie the North Valley and the South Valley, which comprise several old farming settlements; both areas are largely Hispanic and industrial or agricultural in character. To the far northwest of Old Town lies Rio Rancho, an independent entity that was a retirement centre but is now a small upscale city.

      Because Albuquerque was a distant outpost of the Spanish empire, its residents were mostly of Hispanic or mixed HispanicNative American ancestry until the late 19th century. Influxes of Protestant settlers (generally of northern European descent) throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries reduced the predominantly Roman Catholic Hispanic population to a minority by the late 1880s. Nevertheless, in the early 21st century more than two-fifths of Albuquerque's residents were of Hispanic origin. The core of this population was made up of descendants of families who came to New Mexico during the long period of Spanish rule (before Mexico became independent). Calling themselves Hispanos, they distinguish themselves from other Latinos, especially those who have more recently arrived from Mexico and who are locally referred to as Chicanos or Mexicans. Members of the older Hispano families remain prominent in city politics.

      The majority of the remainder of the population consists of descendants of Europeans (about two-fifths). The city has a small population of Native Americans, many of whom arrived as university students from the Apache and Navajo reservations of Arizona and New Mexico and remained in the city to work after graduating. Most of the area's American Indians, however, live in independent pueblos to the north and south of the city; all but a few of Albuquerque's pueblos lie within an hour's drive of Downtown. Albuquerque also has a growing community of South and Southeast Asians, many of whom began to work in the high-technology and service sectors in the mid-1970s.

      Albuquerque's recent pattern of growth, with suburbs expanding farther from the city centre, has created de facto segregation in housing. Members of ethnic minorities are concentrated in older sections of the city along the Rio Grande, and those of thewhitemajority tend to reside in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains.

      For hundreds of years before and after the arrival of the Spanish, the basis of Albuquerque's economy was agricultural, and small farms and large cattle ranches surrounded the pueblos and Old Town. During Spanish rule, Albuquerque served as a shipping point for metal ores and timber brought in from nearby mines and mills, though the city's distance from Mexico kept Albuquerque from gaining economic importance outside the region. After the arrival of transcontinental rail lines in the early 1880s, however, Albuquerque became an important distribution centre for imported and locally produced goods. Since the mid-20th century, agriculture has been of relatively little economic importance to the city, and only a few ranches still operate. Albuquerque's modern economy is based on light manufacturing, services, and research and development.

      Present-day Albuquerque serves as a transportation centre for commerce and industry. Manufactures include electronics, lumber, machinery, and foodstuffs. By the early 1990s, several high-technology firms had established plants for the manufacture of semiconductors and other computer components.

Finance and other services
 Sandia National Laboratories, an assemblage of government laboratories and offices, military installations, and other manufacturing firms, and the University of New Mexico are the city's largest employers. However, most of Albuquerque's workforce is employed in service jobs, particularly in restaurants, hotels, and retail shops. In the late 1990s the average income of city dwellers was the second lowest in the Southwest, and unemployment and underemployment were prevalent, particularly in the predominantly Hispanic South Valley. Conditions improved in the following decade, with Albuquerque's economy generally resembling those of other southwestern cities.

  Tourism is an important adjunct to the economy. Old Town, the original Spanish settlement, draws many visitors. The Sandia Peak Ski Area, with an aerial tramway, is a few miles northeast.

      By virtue of its location along the Rio Grande, running north-south, and across level uplands leading to the mountains to the east and west, Albuquerque has long been a transportation centre. Beginning in the 19th century, several railroad lines ran through the city, which today is served by the Union Pacific (Union Pacific Railroad Company) and Amtrak. Two major interstate highways pass through the city, intersecting in the heart of Downtown. Both highways, as well as local arterials, are regularly congested; alternatives to relieve some of the crowding in the city itself (such as light rail service and streetcars) have been discussed by city officials. A short-run commuter railroad runs along the main interstate corridor from the northern town of Bernalillo to the outlier southern town of Belen through downtown Albuquerque. Albuquerque International Airport is among the busiest in the western United States, with direct flights to domestic cities and connections to numerous international destinations.

Administration and society

Government and municipal services
      Albuquerque is governed by a mayor and a nine-member city council. Like many cities in the West, the elected council's power is secondary to that of the appointed city manager, whose office controls the budget and most day-to-day governmental operations. The city provides waste-collection services, police and fire protection, and the maintenance of a network of municipal parks.

      Albuquerque enjoys a long tradition of excellent health care, with several modern private and public hospitals, a legacy of both the military presence in the area and the city's role as a convalescent centre during the nationwide tuberculosis epidemic in the early 20th century. In addition to private and public facilities, both the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Indian Health Service operate clinics and hospitals in Albuquerque.

 Albuquerque boasts several fine private schools and the state's principal higher educational institution, the University of New Mexico (New Mexico, University of) (1889). The city is also the site of the Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute. At the beginning of the 21st century, however, Albuquerque's public education system suffered from overcrowding and a lack of funding.

Cultural life
  As a cultural centre, Albuquerque has long been overshadowed by its northern neighbour, Santa Fe, with its carefully preserved historic architecture and thriving arts district. Since the 1990s, however, Nob Hill, the area along Central Avenue (old Route 66) east of the University of New Mexico campus, has grown to become the heart of Albuquerque's culture and nightlife. Restaurants, art galleries, theatres, and cinemas are plentiful, as are bookstores that sometimes feature readings and appearances by well-known local writers such as novelists Tony Hillerman and Rudolfo A. Anaya (Anaya, Rudolfo A.) and poets Jimmy Santiago Baca and Patricia Clark Smith.

    Recreational areas include the Albuquerque Biological Park, which encompasses the Rio Grande Zoo, the Albuquerque Aquarium, and the Rio Grande Botanic Gardens and Conservatory. Downtown Albuquerque houses the KiMo Theater, a restored masterpiece of Pueblo Deco, a blend of Pueblo Indian and Art Deco styles; the Albuquerque Museum, a repository for historical documents and artworks; and the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, on the campus of the University of New Mexico, holds important collections of Native American artifacts, as does the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

  Albuquerque's most popular annual events are the New Mexico State Fair, held in mid-September, and the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, one of the largest ballooning festivals in the world, which takes place in early October.


The early period
      Archaeological evidence indicates that humans have lived in the area of what is now Albuquerque for at least 10,000 years, making it one of the longest continuously settled sites in the Americas. When Spanish explorers under conquistador Francisco Vásquez de Coronado (Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de) entered the area in 1540, the Tiwa people were living in pueblos along the Rio Grande and its tributary streams, cultivating extensive gardens in the river's floodplain. Distance from other settlements had not kept the Tiwa from participating in a trade network that extended as far east as the Great Plains and as far south as Mexico. Coronado's expedition used one pueblo, Kuaua (preserved as the Coronado State Monument), as a base of operations from 1540 to 1541, sending scouting parties deep into present-day Kansas in its quest for the Seven Golden Cities of Cíbola (Cíbola, Seven Cities of).

Spanish and Mexican rule
      In 1610 the Spanish government established the provincial capital of New Mexico at Santa Fe, some 60 miles (100 km) northeast of present-day Albuquerque. The capital and other Spanish centres were abandoned following the violent Pueblo Rebellion of 1680. After the reconquest of 1692, the Spanish governors wanted to establish a stronger military presence in the region. In 1706 provincial governor Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdés ordered that a Spanish garrison (the future Albuquerque) be established near the Tiwa pueblos. By Spanish law, to gain recognition as a village, the new settlement was required to have a population of 30 Spanish families. Only 18 families came to the area with the first group of settlers, but Cuervo y Valdés managed to entice others by providing military protection and by constructing a small, pleasant town that became known for its cleanliness and orderliness, as well as its mission church, San Felipe de Neri. In the next century, a growing Spanish population joined the Tiwa people who were spread across the valley. Albuquerque grew from a few dozen adobe houses and pueblos to several hundred sturdy structures, nourished by an extensive system of acequias, or irrigation canals.

 In 1806 Spanish soldiers intercepted an American exploring party led by U.S. Army Lt. Zebulon Montgomery Pike (Pike, Zebulon Montgomery), who was then surveying the newly acquired lands of the Louisiana Purchase. Pike protested that he did not know that he was in Spanish territory, and the Spanish governor released him and escorted him to the border. Pike returned to Washington with a report that praised Albuquerque and Santa Fe. His report encouraged the arrival of American traders, buffalo hunters, and travelers in Albuquerque, many of whom followed the Santa Fe Trail.

      By 1820 Anglo-American settlers had become a regular presence in the Albuquerque area, a cause of concern for the Spanish government. When Mexico won independence from Spain in 1821, New Mexico came under Mexican rule. During the Mexican-American War (184648), American troops under Gen. Stephen Watts Kearny (Kearny, Stephen Watts) occupied Albuquerque and encountered no resistance. Most of Kearny's troops moved on to California, but he left a small garrison to protect the area. At the end of the war, after defeating Mexico, the American government made New Mexico an official U.S. territory in 1850. Santa Fe remained the territorial capital, and a fort was established in Albuquerque.

Growth of Albuquerque
      Albuquerque's fort and federal garrison came under attack at the outbreak of the American Civil War, when the territory suffered minor Confederate (Confederate States of America) cavalry raids. In the winter of 1862, Confederate soldiers led by Gen. H.H. Sibley captured the town and held it until March, when Union forces arrived. In the years following the war, New Mexico Territory experienced the rise of an important livestock industry, with cattle ranchers and sheepherders bringing livestock and other animals into the area. Faced with the need to drive their herds hundreds of miles overland to market, the livestock producers lobbied for a freight railroad in the 1870s. Several regional lines finally extended to the city by 1880.

      Albuquerque's Old Town had lost importance by the late 19th century, when the railroad depot was built 2 miles (3 km) away, closer to the city's present government centre. In the following years, Albuquerque appeared to be two cities in onethe Spanish Old Town, with its small buildings and winding lanes, and a sprawling American city.

      Albuquerque became a major regional transportation centre, with rail lines serving as important instruments of economic growth. The territory's population grew with the arrival of workers and immigrants, and Albuquerque was incorporated as a town in 1885. By 1891 the town had become a city. By 1918 thousands ofhealth seekers”—mostly victims of tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseaseshad flocked to Albuquerque, which was served by several hospitals built by the federal government.

      Newcomers to Albuquerque soon displaced the hidalgos, or noblemen, of the Spanish past to form a mostlywhitebusiness elite, made up of merchants, bankers, and ranchers. With the rise of this new elite by the start of World War I, Albuquerque emerged as a conservative, Republican-dominated political centre that exercised broad influence on both New Mexico and the neighbouring regions of eastern Arizona and western Texas. Among the first acts of the new Republican majority was the institution of the city manager form of government in 1917, an innovation that broke the power of the predominantly Democratic ward bosses and their Hispanic constituencies.

      The U.S. government's presence increased in the 1930s, when more than a hundred federal agencies established offices in the city. The federal mark on the city grew even stronger after World War II, when the government chose Albuquerque as the site for the Sandia Complex (now Sandia National Laboratories), a diverse group of industrial facilities, military bases, laboratories, and offices, which earned the city the nicknameLittle Washington.” Kirtland Air Force Base, established in 1942 as Kirtland Army Air Field, developed as an important testing ground for various weapons (some nuclear), while Albuquerque became a processing centre for stores of uranium mined on the nearby Colorado Plateau. During the Cold War period, Albuquerque was considered a strike target in the event of nuclear war with the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

The contemporary city
      At the end of the Cold War, Albuquerque's economy began to diversify, especially in the development of solar energy systems and computer equipment. Even so, it remains heavily dependent on federal and military expenditures. The city's explosive postwar growthfrom a population of 35,449 in 1940 to more than 500,000 by the turn of the 21st centurymirrored that of the entire Southwest, and it did not slow down in the first decade of the 21st century.

Gregory Lewis McNamee

Additional Reading
Mary Kay Cline (ed.), Albuquerque: Portrait of a Western City, Many Cultures & Opportunities (2006), is a broad-ranging guidebook. V.B. Price, Albuquerque: A City at the End of the World, 2nd ed. (2003), thoughtfully explores Albuquerque's unique character. Halka Chronic, Roadside Geology of New Mexico (1987, reissued 1992), is a somewhat technical guide to the state's landforms and geological history, with sections on the Albuquerque area.Marc Simmons, Albuquerque: A Narrative History (1982), provides a thorough account of the city's history, and his New Mexico: A Bicentennial History (1977, reprinted as New Mexico: An Interpretive History, 1988), is a useful study of the region's past that also contains information about Albuquerque. Richard Flint, No Settlement, No Conquest: A History of the Coronado Entrada (2008), offers a well-crafted account of the adventures of conquistador Francisco Vásquez de Coronado in the Southwest, including the Albuquerque area. Bradford Luckingham, The Urban Southwest (1982), includes an overview of the city's urban history.Gregory Lewis McNamee

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