- first
—firstness, adj./ferrst/, adj.1. being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., used as the ordinal number of one: the first edition; the first vice president.2. Music. highest or chief among several voices or instruments of the same class: first alto; first horn.4. (often cap.) being a member of the household or an intimate acquaintance of the president of the U.S. or of the governor of a state: the First Lady; Checkers, the first dog.5. first thing, before anything else; at once; promptly: I'll call you first thing when I arrive.adv.6. before all others or anything else in time, order, rank, etc.7. before some other thing, event, etc.: If you're going, phone first.8. for the first time: She first visited Atlanta in 1980.9. in preference to something else; rather; sooner: I'd die first.10. in the first place; firstly.11. first and last, everything considered; above all else; altogether: First and last, it is important to know oneself.12. first off, Informal. at the outset; immediately: He wanted to know first off why he hadn't been notified.n.13. the person or thing that is first in time, order, rank, etc.14. the beginning.15. the first part; first member of a series.16. Music.a. the voice or instrument that takes the highest or chief part in its class, esp. in an orchestra or chorus.b. a leader of a part or group of performers.17. Auto. low gear; first gear: She shifted into first and drove off.18. the winning position or rank in a race or other competition.a. a product or goods of the first or highest quality.b. goods produced according to specifications, without visible flaws. Cf. second1 (def. 23), third (def. 12).21. Brit. Univ.b. a person who has won such honors.[bef. 1000; ME; OE fyr(e)st (see FORE1, -EST); c. G Fürst prince]
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(as used in expressions)first oneMarne First Battle of theNorthern War FirstPersian Gulf War First* * *
Universalium. 2010.