
/ay"sir, ay"zir/, n. (often l.c.) (used with a pl. v.) Scand. Myth.
the principal race of gods, led by Odin and living at Asgard. Cf. Vanir.
[ < ON, pl. of ass god; c. OE os god, Os- in proper names (as Oswald), OHG Ans- in proper names (as Anselm); akin to Skt asura lord]

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In Germanic religion, one of the two main groups of deities, the other being the Vanir.

Odin, his wife Frigg, Tyr (the god of war), and Thor were the four Aesir common to the Germanic nations. Balder and Loki were considered Aesir by other peoples. The Aesir were a warlike race and were originally dominant over the Vanir, but after numerous defeats in battle they were forced to grant the Vanir equal status. The poet-god Kvasir was born out of the peace ritual in which the two races mingled their saliva in the same vessel.

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Scandinavian mythology
Old Norse  Æsir , singular  Áss 

      in Scandinavian mythology, either of two main groups of deities, four of whom were common to the Germanic nations: Odin (q.v.), chief of the Aesir; Frigg (q.v.), Odin's wife; Tyr (q.v.), god of war; and Thor (q.v.), whose name was the Teutonic word for thunder. Some of the other important Aesir were Balder, Jörd, Heimdall, and Loki (qq.v.).

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