
In Norse mythology, the wisest of all men.

He was born from the saliva from two rival groups of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir. As a teacher, he never failed to answer a question correctly. Two dwarfs, Fjalar and Galar, became tired of his great learning, and they killed him and distilled his blood in a magic cauldron. His blood, when mixed with honey by the giant Sattung, formed the mead that gave wisdom and poetic inspiration to those who drank it. Kvasir's story is told in the Edda Braga Raedur.

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Norse mythology
      in Norse mythology, a poet and the wisest of all men. Kvasir was born of the saliva of two rival groups of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir, when they performed the ancient peace ritual of spitting into a common vessel. He wandered around teaching and instructing, never failing to give the right answer to a question. Two dwarfs, Fjalar and Galar, who were weary of academics and learning, killed Kvasir and distilled his blood in Odhrǫrir, the magic caldron. When mixed with honey by the giant Suttung, his blood formed mead that gave wisdom and poetic inspiration to those who drank it. The story of Kvasir's murder is told in the Braga Raedur (“Conversations of Bragi”), one of the Eddas.

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