
/haym"dahl'/, n. Scand. Myth.
the god of dawn and light.
Also, Heimdal, Heimdallr /haym"dahl'euhr/.
[ < ON Heimdallr, equiv. to heim(r) HOME, world + dallr, perh. c. OE deall bold, renowned]

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In Norse mythology, the watchman of the gods.

Called the shining god, he was noted for his white skin, and he dwelt at the entrance to Asgard and guarded the rainbow bridge that connected it with earth. Endowed with extraordinary vision and hearing, Heimdall carried a horn that could be heard throughout heaven and earth; with it he would one day announce Ragnarok, the end of the world, and on that day he and his enemy Loki would kill each other.

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Norse mythology
Old Norse  Heimdallr 

      in Norse mythology, the watchman of the gods. Called the shining god and whitest skinned of the gods, Heimdall dwelt at the entry to Asgard, where he guarded Bifrost, the rainbow bridge. He required less sleep than a bird, could see 100 leagues, and could hear grass growing in the meadows and wool growing on sheep. Heimdall kept theringinghorn, Gjallarhorn, which could be heard throughout heaven, earth, and the lower world; it was believed that he would sound the horn to summon the gods when their enemies, the giants, drew near at the Ragnarök, the end of the world of gods and men. When that time came, Heimdall and his enemy Loki would slay each other.

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