(in full the Radio Corporation of America)
a large US company producing electronic equipment, especially for radio, television and music. Started in 1919, it is owned by General Electric. It began the RKO film company in 1921, sent the first photographs by radio (from London to New York) in 1924, and established NBC in 1926.

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  • RCA — steht für: Ellsworth Air Force Base, ein US Militärflugplatz von Rapid City (South Dakota) nach dem IATA Code Fédération Centrafricaine de Football, der Fußballverband der Zentralafrikanischen Republik Rabbinical Council of America, eine 1935… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • RCA — ● RCA era, antiguamente, un acrónimo de la Radio Corporation of America. ● Evolucionado desde la antigua Radio Corporation of America, RCA, ahora, es una marca registrada usada por dos compañías de electrónica, audio y vídeo para los productos… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • RCA — sigla 1. Responsabilità Civile Autoveicoli 2. nelle targhe automobilistiche e in usi burocratici, Repubblica Centrafricana 3. ES ingl. Radio Corporation of America, società americana per la radiodiffusione …   Dizionario italiano

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  • RCA — Infobox Defunct Company company name = RCA Corporation company slogan = The most trusted name in electronics. fate = Taken over by General Electric and broken up successor = foundation = 1919 defunct = 1988 location = New York, USA… …   Wikipedia

  • RCA — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. RCA (значения). RCA («Ар си эй»; англ. Radio Corporation of America)  американская компания, существовавшая в 1919 86 гг. Основатель и главная движущая сила (но не владелец)  Дэвид… …   Википедия

  • RCA — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • RCA TK-40/41 — The RCA TK 40 is considered to be the first color television camera, initially used for special broadcasts in late 1953, and with the follow on TK 40A actually becoming the first to be produced in quantity in March 1954. The TK 40 was produced by …   Wikipedia

  • RCA — abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal College of Art. 2 (in the US) Radio Corporation of America. * * * abbrev 1. Central African Republic (ie République Centrafricaine; IVR) 2. Radio Corporation of America 3. Royal Canadian Academy 4. Royal College of Art …   Useful english dictionary

  • RCA — 1. Radio Corporation of America. Société créée en 1919, avec les brevets de General Electric et de Marconi. Cette création eut lieu sous la pression de la marine américaine qui ne souhaitait pas voir un brevet de General Electric racheté par une… …   Sigles et Acronymes francais

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