Abbās IIʿ

Abbās IIʿ

▪ khedive of Egypt
also called  ʿAbbās Ḥilmī II 
born July 14, 1874, Alexandria, Egypt
died Dec. 20, 1944, Geneva, Switz.

      last khedive (viceroy) of Egypt, from 1892 to 1914, when British hegemony was established. His opposition to British power in Egypt made him prominent in the nationalist movement.

      ʿAbbās became khedive following the sudden death of his father, Tawfīq Pasha (Tawfīq Pasha, Muḥammad), in 1892, while ʿAbbās was enrolled at the Theresianum in Vienna. At the beginning of his reign, ʿAbbās attempted to rule independently of Lord Cromer (Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of, Viscount Errington Of Hexham, Viscount Cromer, Baron Cromer Of Cromer), the British agent and consul general in Egypt (1883–1907). Encouraged by popular discontent with the increasing British influence over Egypt and by the enthusiastic support of the nationalists, ʿAbbās appointed a prime minister who was well-known for his opposition to the British. When in 1894 he criticized the military efficiency of the British troops, Lord Cromer took steps to curb the khedive's independence of action.

      After 1894, although ʿAbbās no longer headed the nationalist movement, he provided financial assistance to the pan-Islamic and anti-British daily newspaper Al-Muʿayyad (“The Supporter”). When in 1906 the nationalists demanded constitutional government for Egypt, however, ʿAbbās, now reconciled with the British, rejected their demands. The following year he agreed to the formation of the National Party, headed by Muṣṭafā Kāmil (Kāmil, Muṣṭafā), to counter the Ummah Party of the moderate nationalists, which was supported by the British. With the appointment of Lord Kitchener (Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl) as consul general (1912–14), the leaders of the National Party were exiled or imprisoned, and ʿAbbās's authority was curtailed.

      At the beginning of World War I, ʿAbbās issued an appeal to the Egyptians and the Sudanese to support the Central Powers and to fight the British. On Dec. 18, 1914, Britain declared Egypt its protectorate and deposed ʿAbbās the following day. His uncle Ḥusayn Kāmil (reigned 1914–17) replaced him and assumed the title of sultan. In 1922, when Egypt was declared independent, ʿAbbās lost all rights to the throne. He passed the rest of his life in exile, mainly in Switzerland.

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