Vivaldi, Antonio

Vivaldi, Antonio

Italian composer
in full  Antonio Lucio Vivaldi 
born March 4, 1678, Venice, Republic of Venice [Italy]
died July 28, 1741, Vienna, Austria
 Italian composer and violinist who left a decisive mark on the form of the concerto and the style of late Baroque instrumental music.

      Vivaldi's main teacher was probably his father, Giovanni Battista, who in 1685 was admitted as a violinist to the orchestra of the San Marco Basilica in Venice. Antonio, the eldest child, trained for the priesthood and was ordained in 1703. His distinctive reddish hair would later earn him the soubriquet Il Prete Rosso (“The Red Priest”). He made his first known public appearance playing alongside his father in the basilica as asupernumeraryviolinist in 1696. He became an excellent violinist, and in 1703 he was appointed violin master at the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for foundlings. The Pietà specialized in the musical training of its female wards, and those with musical aptitude were assigned to its excellent choir and orchestra, whose much-praised performances assisted the institution's quest for donations and legacies. Vivaldi had dealings with the Pietà for most of his career: as violin master (170309; 171115), director of instrumental music (171617; 173538), and paid external supplier of compositions (172329; 173940).

      Soon after his ordination as a priest, Vivaldi gave up celebrating mass because of a chronic ailment that is believed to have been bronchial asthma. Despite this circumstance, he took his status as a secular priest seriously and even earned the reputation of a religious bigot.

      Vivaldi's earliest musical compositions date from his first years at the Pietà. Printed collections of his trio sonatas and violin sonatas respectively appeared in 1705 and 1709, and in 1711 his first and most influential set of concerti for violin and string orchestra (Opus 3, L'estro armonico) was published by the Amsterdam music-publishing firm of Estienne Roger. In the years up to 1719, Roger published three more collections of his concerti (opuses 4, 6, and 7) and one collection of sonatas (Opus 5).

      Vivaldi made his debut as a composer of sacred vocal music in 1713, when the Pietà's choirmaster left his post and the institution had to turn to Vivaldi and other composers for new compositions. He achieved great success with his sacred vocal music, for which he later received commissions from other institutions. Another new field of endeavour for him opened in 1713 when his first opera, Ottone in villa, was produced in Vicenza. Returning to Venice, Vivaldi immediately plunged into operatic activity in the twin roles of composer and impresario. From 1718 to 1720 he worked in Mantua as director of secular music for that city's governor, Prince Philip of Hesse-Darmstadt. This was the only full-time post Vivaldi ever held; he seems to have preferred life as a freelance composer for the flexibility and entrepreneurial opportunities it offered. Vivaldi's major compositions in Mantua were operas, though he also composed cantatas and instrumental works.

      The 1720s were the zenith of Vivaldi's career. Based once more in Venice, but frequently traveling elsewhere, he supplied instrumental music to patrons and customers throughout Europe. Between 1725 and 1729 he entrusted five new collections of concerti (opuses 812) to Roger's publisher successor, Michel-Charles Le Cène. After 1729 Vivaldi stopped publishing his works, finding it more profitable to sell them in manuscript to individual purchasers. During this decade he also received numerous commissions for operas and resumed his activity as an impresario in Venice and other Italian cities.

      In 1726 the contralto Anna Girò sang for the first time in a Vivaldi opera. Born in Mantua about 1711, she had gone to Venice to further her career as a singer. Her voice was not strong, but she was attractive and acted well. She became part of Vivaldi's entourage and the indispensable prima donna of his subsequent operas, causing gossip to circulate that she was Vivaldi's mistress. After Vivaldi's death she continued to perform successfully in opera until quitting the stage in 1748 to marry a nobleman.

      In the 1730s Vivaldi's career gradually declined. The French traveler Charles de Brosses reported in 1739 with regret that his music was no longer fashionable. Vivaldi's impresarial forays became increasingly marked by failure. In 1740 he traveled to Vienna, but he fell ill and did not live to attend the production there of his opera L'oracolo in Messenia in 1742. The simplicity of his funeral on July 28, 1741, suggests that he died in considerable poverty.

      After Vivaldi's death, his huge collection of musical manuscripts, consisting mainly of autograph scores of his own works, was bound into 27 large volumes. These were acquired first by the Venetian bibliophile Jacopo Soranzo and later by Count Giacomo Durazzo, Christoph Willibald Gluck's patron. Rediscovered in the 1920s, these manuscripts today form part of the Foà and Giordano collections of the National Library in Turin.

Instrumental music
      Almost 500 concerti by Vivaldi survive. More than 300 are concerti for a solo instrument with string orchestra and continuo. Of these, approximately 230 are written for solo violin, 40 for bassoon, 25 for cello, 15 for oboe, and 10 for flute. There are also concerti for viola d'amore, recorder, mandolin, and other instruments. Vivaldi's remaining concerti are either double concerti (including about 25 written for two violins), concerti grossi (concerto grosso) using three or more soloists, concerti ripieni (string concerti without a soloist), or chamber (chamber music) concerti for a group of instruments without orchestra.

      Vivaldi perfected the form of what would become the classical three-movement concerto. Indeed, he helped establish the fast-slow-fast plan of the concerto's three movements. Perhaps more importantly, Vivaldi was the first to employ regularly in his concerti the ritornello form, in which recurrent restatements of a refrain alternate with more episodic passages featuring a solo instrument. Vivaldi's bold juxtapositions of the refrains (ritornelli) and the solo passages opened new possibilities for virtuosic display by solo instrumentalists. The fast movements in his concerti are notable for their rhythmic drive and the boldness of their themes, while the slow movements often present the character of arias written for the solo instrument.

      The energy, passion, and lyricism of Vivaldi's concerti and their instrumental colour and simple dramatic effects (which are obtained without recourse to contrapuntal artifice) rapidly passed into the general language of music. His concerti were taken as models of form by many late Baroque composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach (Bach, Johann Sebastian), who transcribed 10 of them for keyboard instruments. The highly virtuosic style of Vivaldi's writing for the solo violin in his concerti reflects his own renowned technical command of that instrument.

      Several of Vivaldi's concerti have picturesque or allusive titles. Four of them, the cycle of violin concerti entitled The Four Seasons (Opus 8, no. 14), are programmatic in a thoroughgoing fashion, with each concerto depicting a different season of the year, starting with spring. Vivaldi's effective representation of the sounds of nature inaugurated a tradition to which works such as Ludwig van Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony belong. Vivaldi also left more than 90 sonatas, mainly for stringed instruments. Their form and style are conventional by comparison with the concerti, but they contain many fluent, attractive works.

Vocal music
      More than 50 authentic sacred (liturgical music) vocal compositions by Vivaldi are extant. They range from short hymns (hymn) for solo voices to oratorios (oratorio) and elaborate psalm (Psalms) settings in several movements for double choir and orchestra. Many of them exhibit a spiritual depth and a command of counterpoint equal to the best of their time. The mutual independence of voices and instruments often anticipates the later symphonic masses of Joseph Haydn (Haydn, Joseph) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus). As more of this repertory becomes available in modern editions, its reputation seems likely to rise.

      The reception of Vivaldi's secular vocal works has been more problematic. Nearly 50 operas by him have been identified, and 16 survive complete. In their time they were influential works with appealing melodies and inventive orchestral accompaniments. Nevertheless, the general unfamiliarity of 20th-century audiences with Baroque poetry and dramaturgy, which often appear stilted and artificial, has in the past inhibited their appreciation among nonspecialists. Nonetheless, Vivaldi's Orlando furioso was successfully revived by the Dallas Civic Opera (now Dallas Opera) in 1980 and was issued in CD recording. Vivaldi's cantatas (cantata), numbering nearly 40 works, are more suitable candidates for general revival, though their quality is variable.

Michael Talbot Ed.

Additional Reading
Walter Kolneder, Antonio Vivaldi: His Life and Work (1970; originally published in German, 1965), is a comprehensive study, and Antonio Vivaldi: Documents of His Life and Works (1982; originally published in German, 1979), provides supplemental information. Michael Talbot, Vivaldi, 2nd ed. (1993), includes a biography and musical analyses, and Antonio Vivaldi: A Guide to Research (1988) surveys the literature on Vivaldi. Thematic catalogs include Peter Ryom, Répertoire des oeuvres d'Antonio Vivaldi: les compositions instrumentales (1986), and Antonio Vivaldi: table de concordances des oeuvres (1973). Specialized studies include Arthur Hutchings, The Baroque Concerto, rev. ed. (1979); Eric Cross, The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 17271738, 2 vol. (1981); Michael Collins and Elise K. Kirk (eds.), Opera & Vivaldi (1984); Michael Talbot, The Sacred Vocal Music of Antonio Vivaldi (1995); and Paul Everett, Vivaldi: The Four Seasons and Other Concertos, Op. 8 (1996).William V. Porter Raymond L. Knapp

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Universalium. 2010.

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