
/ri kawr"deuhr/, n.
1. a person who records, esp. as an official duty.
2. Eng. Law.
a. a judge in a city or borough court.
b. (formerly) the legal adviser of a city or borough, with responsibility for keeping a record of legal actions and local customs.
3. a recording or registering apparatus or device.
4. a device for recording sound, images, or data by electrical, magnetic, or optical means.
5. an end-blown flute having a fipple mouthpiece, eight finger holes, and a soft, mellow tone.
[1275-1325; ME recorder wind instrument (see RECORD, -ER1), recordour legal official ( < AF recordour, OF recordeour)]

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In music, a cylindrical, usually wooden, wind instrument with fingerholes.

As a fipple (duct) flute, its rather soft tones are produced by air blown against the sharp edge of an opening in the tube. The large recorder family includes instruments ranging from the sopranino to the contrabass. The recorder emerged in the 14th century and was widely used in ensembles and orchestras in the late Renaissance and throughout the Baroque era. Displaced by the transverse flute after the mid-18th century, it was revived in the 20th century.
(as used in expressions)

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legal official
      in Anglo-American judicial systems, an officer appointed by a city, county, or other administrative unit to keep legal records. In England and Wales the recorder, in the course of time, came to be a locality's chief legal officer and sole judge at quarter sessions. When the quarter sessions courts were abolished by the Courts Act of 1971, the recorder's jurisdiction moved to the Crown Court.

      Prior to 1971, recorders in England and Wales were required to be barristers of five years' standing; after that date they could be either barristers or solicitors, but they were required to have 10 years' standing.

      in music, wind instrument of the fipple, or whistle, flute class, closely related to the flageolet. Most recorders made since their revival in 1919 by the English instrument maker Arnold Dolmetsch follow the early 18th-century Baroque design: the cylindrical head joint is partly plugged to direct the wind against the sharp edge below, the plug being known as the block, or fipple; the body tapers, and its lowest part is usually made as a separate foot joint; and there are seven finger holes and one thumbhole. Often the lowest two holes are arranged as a pair, so that when one is left open it produces the semitone above the note made when both are covered. The upper register, at the octave, is obtained bypinchingthe thumbhole (flexing the thumb to make a narrow opening above the thumbnail). Larger recorders may have one or more keys.

      Most recorders are made in the following sizes (note names referring to the lowest note; c′ = middle C): descant (soprano) in c″; treble (alto) in f′; tenor in c′; and bass in f. Other, less commonly used recorders include the gar klein Flötlein in C‴; sopranino in f ″; great bass in c; and the contra bass in F. The treble and tenor recorders sound at written pitch; the sopranino and descant, an octave higher; the bass, the music for which is written in the bass staff, also sounds an octave higher.

      The recorder is a 14th-century improvement upon earlier kindred instruments. The first instruction books were written by the German theorist Sebastian Virdung (1511) and the Italian instrumentalist Silvestro Ganassi (1535). The Baroque repertory is almost exclusively for treble recorder (then called flute, or common flute). After the mid-18th century the instrument became obsolete until its modern revival. (For non-Western variants, see fipple flute.)

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  • recorder — [ r(ə)kɔrde ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1300; de re et corder ♦ Techn. Corder de nouveau; regarnir de cordes. Recorder une raquette. N. m. RECORDAGE , 1923 . ● recorder verbe transitif (de corder) Regarnir de cordes (une raquette) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Recorder — Re*cord er (r?*k?rd ?r), n. 1. One who records; specifically, a person whose official duty it is to make a record of writings or transactions. [1913 Webster] 2. The title of the chief judical officer of some cities and boroughs; also, of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • recorder — ► NOUN 1) an apparatus for recording sound, pictures, or data. 2) a person who keeps records. 3) (Recorder) (in England and Wales) a barrister appointed to serve as a part time judge. 4) a simple woodwind instrument without keys, played by… …   English terms dictionary

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