Spearman, Charles E.

Spearman, Charles E.

▪ British psychologist
in full  Charles Edward Spearman 
born September 10, 1863, London, England
died September 17, 1945, London

      British psychologist who theorized that a general factor of intelligence, g, is present in varying degrees in different human abilities.

      While serving as an officer in the British army (1883–97), Spearman came to believe that any significant advance in philosophy would come about mainly through psychology. Over the next 10 years he worked intermittently with Wilhelm Wundt (Wundt, Wilhelm), the founder of experimental psychology, at the University of Leipzig, and he took his Ph.D. there. He joined the faculty of University College, London (1907), and was professor there from 1911 to 1931.

      Spearman's attempt to establish general, fundamental laws of psychology was based on his statistical work in determining correlations among mental abilities, reflected in his classic paper, “ ‘General Intelligence,' Objectively Determined and Measured” (1904). He sought to interpret correlations among several variables on the basis of a specific factor for each variable and a factor common to all. Because measures of seemingly different mental abilities consistently indicate correlations, he concluded that the prevalence of positive correlations must result from the general factor, g. By 1912 he and a coworker had developed an order of correlation coefficients separating various performances into the general factor, g, and varying specific factors, s1, s2, and so on. The fullest account of his work is to be found in The Abilities of Man (1927). His historical survey, Psychology Down the Ages, 2 vol. (1937), was followed by Human Ability (1950, with L.W. Jones).

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  • Spearman, Charles E(dward) — born Sept. 10, 1863, London, Eng. died Sept. 17, 1945, London British psychologist. He is known for his studies on human mental abilities, particularly intelligence, and especially for the statistical technique (factor analysis) he utilized to… …   Universalium

  • Spearman, Charles E(dward) — (10 sep. 1863, Londres, Inglaterra–17 sep. 1945, Londres). Psicólogo británico. Es conocido por sus estudios sobre capacidades mentales humanas, en particular la inteligencia, y especialmente por la técnica estadística (análisis factorial) que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Charles Spearman — Charles Edward Spearman, FRS (10 September 1863 17 September 1945) was an English psychologist known for work in statistics, as a pioneer of factor analysis, and for Spearman s rank correlation coefficient. He also did seminal work on models for… …   Wikipedia

  • SPEARMAN (C. E.) — SPEARMAN CHARLES EDWARD (1863 1945) Psychologue anglais, célèbre par ses recherches en matière d’analyse factorielle, Spearman travailla avec W. Wundt à Leipzig et fut professeur de 1911 à 1931, à l’University College de Londres. Il publia… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Charles Spearman — Charles Edward Spearman (* 10. September 1863 in London; † 7. September oder 17. September 1945 in London) war ein britischer Psychologe, der unter anderem durch seine 1904 publizierte Zweifaktorentheorie der Intelligenz bekannt wurde.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spearman — could refer to any of the following:* An ancient combat unit, armed with a spear, and in some cases, a shield. * Spearman is a city in Texas. * Charles Spearman was an English psychologist who invented the Spearman s rank correlation coefficient… …   Wikipedia

  • Spearman — ist der Name der Bezirkshauptstadt des Hansford County in Texas, siehe Spearman (Texas) und ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Charles Spearman (1863−1945), britischer Psychologe Glenn Spearman (1947−1989), US amerikanischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spearman —   [ spɪəmən], Charles Edward, britischer Psychologe, * London 10. 9. 1863, ✝ ebenda 17. 9. 1945; studierte Psychologie in Deutschland bei W. Wundt, G. E. Müller und O. Külpe. Spearman lehrte 1907 31 am University College in London. Seine… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Charles Spearman — Charles Edward Spearman, né le 10 septembre 1863 et décédé le 17 septembre 1945, est un psychologue anglais connu pour son travail en statistique (analyse factorielle et corrélation) et sur l intelligence (facteur g). Ce… …   Wikipédia en Français

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