Wundt, Wilhelm

Wundt, Wilhelm
born , Aug. 16, 1832, Neckarau, near Mannheim, Baden
died Aug. 31, 1920, Grossbothen, Ger.

German physiologist and psychologist, the founder of experimental psychology.

After earning a medical degree, he studied briefly with Johannes Peter Müller and later assisted Hermann von Helmholtz. At the University of Heidelberg in 1862, following publication of his Contributions to the Theory of Sense Perception (185862), he gave the first course in scientific psychology. In Principles of Physiological Psychology (187374) he claimed that psychology must be based directly on experience and that its proper method was that of controlled introspection. At the University of Leipzig (18751917), he established the first psychological laboratory (1879) and founded the first journal of psychology (1881). His later works include Outline of Psychology (1896) and Ethnic Psychology (10 vol., 190020).

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German physiologist and psychologist
born , Aug. 16, 1832, Neckarau, near Mannheim, Baden [Germany]
died Aug. 31, 1920, Grossbothen, Ger.

      German physiologist and psychologist who is generally acknowledged as the founder of experimental psychology.

      Wundt earned a medical degree at the University of Heidelberg in 1856. After studying briefly with Johannes Müller, he was appointed lecturer in physiology at the University of Heidelberg, where in 1858 he became an assistant to the physicist and physiologist Wilhelm von Helmholtz. There he wrote Beiträge zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung (185862; “Contributions to the Theory of Sense Perception”).

      It was during this period, in 1862, that Wundt offered the first course ever taught in scientific psychology. Until then, psychology had been regarded as a branch of philosophy and, hence, to be conducted primarily by rational analysis. Wundt instead stressed the use of experimental methods drawn from the natural sciences. His lectures on psychology were published as Vorlesungen über die Menschen und Thierseele (1863; “Lectures on the Mind of Humans and Animals”). He was promoted to assistant professor of physiology in 1864.

      Bypassed in 1871 for the appointment to succeed Helmholtz, Wundt then applied himself to writing a work that came to be one of the most important in the history of psychology, Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie, 2 vol. (187374; 3 vol., 6th ed., 190811; Principles of Physiological Psychology). The Grundzüge advanced a system of psychology that sought to investigate the immediate experiences of consciousness, including sensations, feelings, volitions, and ideas; it also contained the concept of apperception, or conscious perception. The methodology prescribed was introspection, or conscious examination of conscious experience.

      In 1874 Wundt went to the University of Zürich for a year before embarking on the most productive phase of his career, as professor at the University of Leipzig (18751917). There, in 1879, he established the first psychological laboratory in the world, and two years later he founded the first journal of psychology, Philosophische Studien (“Philosophical Studies”). Wundt's most important later works include Grundriss der Psychologie (1896; “Outline of Psychology”) and Völkerpsychologie, 10 vol. (190020; “Ethnic Psychology”).

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