Rudolf von Ems

Rudolf von Ems

German poet
born c. 1200, Hohenems, Swabia [now in Austria]
died c. 1254, Italy

      prolific and versatile Middle High German poet. Between about 1220 and 1254 he wrote five epic poems, totaling more than 93,000 lines.

      Though the influence of earlier masters of the courtly epic is evident in his workhis style is modeled on Gottfried von Strassburg, while his moral outlook derives from Hartmann von AueRudolf's poems show considerable originality in subject matter. His earliest preserved poem, Der guote Gerhart (“Gerhard the Good”), is the story of a Cologne merchant who, despite his unaristocratic calling, has all the courtly qualities of an Arthurian knight. His charity and humility result in his being offered the crown of England, which he rejects. The charm and realism of this poem were not equaled in Rudolf's other works: Barlaam und Josaphat, a Christian version of the legend of Buddha; and the three historical epics, Alexander, Willehalm von Orlens, and Weltchronik, an ambitious, uncompleted world chronicle that ends with the death of Solomon. The popularity of Rudolf's writings can be gauged by the fact that there are more than 80 extant manuscripts and manuscript fragments of the Weltchronik alone.

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Universalium. 2010.

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