Hartmann von Aue

Hartmann von Aue
flourished 11901210

Middle High German poet.

Apparently a member of the Swabian court, he took part in the crusade of 1197. He is noted for his courtly epics, the Arthurian romances Erec (с 118085) and Iwein (с 1200), both based on works by Chrétien de Troyes. Through Erec, Arthurian legend first entered German literature. Der arme Heinrich ("Poor Heinrich"), his finest poem, is a didactic religious epic. He also wrote lyrics and allegorical love poems.

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German poet

born c. 1160
died c. 1210

      Middle High German poet, one of the masters of the courtly epic.

      Hartmann's works suggest that he received a learned education at a monastery school, that he was a ministerialis at a Swabian court, and that he may have taken part in the Third Crusade (118992) or the ill-fated Crusade of the Holy Roman emperor Henry VI in 1197. Hartmann's extant works consist of four extended narrative poems (Erec, Gregorius, Der arme Heinrich, Iwein), two shorter allegorical love poems (Büchlein I and II), and 16 lyrics (13 love songs and three Crusading songs). The lyrical poems and the two Büchlein appear to have been written first, followed by the narrative poemshis most important worksin the above order. Gregorius and Der arme Heinrich are religious works with an openly didactic purpose. The latter, Hartmann's finest poem, tells the story of a leper who is healed by the readiness of a pure young girl to sacrifice her life for him. The two secular epics Erec and Iwein, both based on works by Chrétien de Troyes and belonging to the Arthurian cycle, enshrine Hartmann's ethical ideal of restraint and moderation in human conduct, and are complementary in that they depict the return to grace of wayward knights.

      Hartmann regarded his works as instruments of a moral purpose. Edifying content mattered more than elegance of style, for his narratives are characterized by clarity and directness and by the avoidance of rhetorical devices and displays of poetic virtuosity.

Additional Reading
Susan L. Clark, Hartmann von Aue: Landscapes of Mind (1989); Will Hasty, Adventures in Interpretation: The Works of Hartmann von Aue and Their Critical Reception (1996); Francis G. Gentry (ed.), A Companion to the Works of Hartmann von Aue (2005).

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