Gottfried von Strassburg

Gottfried von Strassburg
flourished с 1210

German poet, one of the greatest of the Middle Ages.

Little is known of his life. His courtly epic Tristan und Isolde (с 1210) is the classic version of the famous love story. The unfinished poem is based on an Anglo-Norman version of the story, which came from Celtic legend. One of the most perfect creations of the medieval courtly spirit, it is distinguished by its refined and elevated tone and its skillful technique.

Gottfried von Strassburg (right of centre), miniature from the Heidelberger Liederhandschrift; in ...

Courtesy of the Universitatsbibliothek, Heidelberg, Ger.

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German poet
died c. 1210
 one of the greatest medieval German poets, whose courtly epic Tristan und Isolde is the classic version of this famous love story.

      The dates of his birth and death are unknown, and the only information about him consists of references to him in the work of other poets and inferences from his own work. The breadth of learning displayed in Tristan und Isolde reveals that he must have enjoyed the fullest education offered by the cathedral and monastery schools of the Middle Ages. Together with the authoritative tone of his writing, this background indicates that, although not himself of noble birth, he spent his life in the society of the wellborn. Tristan was probably written about 1210. Gottfried is thus a literary contemporary of Hartmann von Aue, Walther von der Vogelweide, and Wolfram von Eschenbach.

      The Celtic legend of Tristan and Iseult (Tristan and Isolde) (German: Isolde) reached Germany through French sources. The first German version is that of Eilhart Von Oberg (c. 1170), but Gottfried, although he probably knew Eilhart's poem, based his own work on the Anglo-Norman version of Thomas of Brittany (116070).

      Gottfried's moral purpose, as he states it in the prologue, is to present to courtiers (courtly love) an ideal of love. The core of this ideal, which derives from the romantic cult of woman in medieval courtly society, is that love (minne) ennobles through the suffering with which it is inseparably linked. This ideal Gottfried enshrines in a story in which actions are motivated and justified not by a standard ethic but by the conventions of courtly love. Thus, the love potion, instead of being the direct cause of the tragedy as in primitive versions of the Tristan story, is sophisticatedly treated as a mere outward symbol of the nature of the lovers' passiontragic because adulterous but justified by thecourts of lovebecause of its spontaneity, its exclusiveness, and its completeness.

      Although unfinished, Gottfried's is the finest of the medieval versions of the Tristan legend and one of the most perfect creations of the medieval courtly spirit, distinguished alike by the refinement and elevated tone of its content and by the elaborate skill of its poetic technique. It was the inspiration for Richard Wagner (Wagner, Richard)'s opera Tristan und Isolde (1859).

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