- Ritschl, F.W.
▪ German scholarborn April 6, 1806, Grossvargula, near Erfurt, Prussia [now in Germany]died Nov. 9, 1876, Leipzig, Ger.German classical scholar remembered for his work on Plautus and as the founder of the Bonn school of classical scholarship. Influenced by the textual criticism of the English and German classicists Richard Bentley and Gottfried Hermann, he made exhaustive studies that laid the scholarly foundations for research in archaic Latin. (Latin language)Following his education at the universities of Leipzig and Halle, Ritschl was professor at Halle (1832–33) and Breslau (1833–39). He traveled for a year in Italy (1836), gathering materials on Plautus with which he worked for the remainder of his life. He was later appointed professor of Latin at the University of Bonn (1839), and his research on Plautus attracted many students and stimulated Latin studies in Germany. He conceived of a new critical edition based on new manuscript evidence, and to this end he edited nine comedies of Plautus, Plauti Comoedia, 4 vol. (1848–54; incomplete), and an important prolegomena, Prolegomena de Rationibus Criticis Grammaticis Emendationis Plautinoe (1848; “Critical Grammatical Reasons for Correcting Plautus”). The complete text of Plautus' comedies was published in 1871–74 but contains only one translation by Ritschl, the Trinummus, the rest having been prepared by his pupils and collaborators.At Bonn, Ritschl published, with Theodor Mommsen, the Priscae Latinitatis Monumenta Epigraphica (1862; “Epigraphical Records of Ancient Latin”), an edition of Latin inscriptions from the earliest times to the end of the Roman Republic and a work that established Ritschl as one of the founders of modern epigraphy. He was named chief librarian at Bonn (1854) and director of the Museum of Antiquities of the Rhine. Ritschl resigned from Bonn (1865) after an academic quarrel with his colleague Otto Jahn and became professor at the University of Leipzig, where he remained until his death. His numerous studies, including papers on early Latin grammar and metre, and the manuscript tradition of Plautus, are collected in his Opuscula Philologica, 5 vol. (1867–79; “Philological Works”).
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Universalium. 2010.