
/plaw"teuhs/, n.
Titus Maccius /tuy"teuhs mak"see euhs/, c254-c184 B.C., Roman dramatist.

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born с 254, Sarsina, Umbria?
died 184 BC

Roman comic playwright.

Little is known for certain about his life, but tradition holds that he was associated with the theatre from an early age. Like other Roman playwrights, he borrowed plots and dramatic techniques from Greek authors, especially New Comedy playwrights such as Menander. His plays, written in verse, were often farces marked by cases of mistaken identity and opportunities for slapstick, and he popularized character types such as the braggart soldier and the sly servant. Twenty-one of his comedies
among the earliest surviving works in Latin
are extant, including The Pot of Gold, The Captives, The Two Menaechmuses, The Braggart Warrior, and Pseudolus. His work influenced European comedy from the Renaissance onward, notably William Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors (159293) and Molière's The Miser (1669).

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Roman dramatist
born c. 254 BC , Sarsina, Umbria? [Italy]
died 184

      great Roman comic dramatist, whose works, loosely adapted from Greek plays, established a truly Roman drama in the Latin language.

      Little is known for certain about the life and personality of Plautus, who ranks with Terence as one of the two great Roman comic dramatists. His work, moreover, presents scholars with a variety of textual problems, since the manuscripts by which his plays survive are corrupt and sometimes incomplete. Nevertheless, his literary and dramatic skills make his plays enjoyable in their own right, while the achievement of his comic genius has had lasting significance in the history of Western literature and drama.

      According to the grammarian Festus (2nd or 3rd century AD), Plautus was born in northeastern central Italy. His customarily assigned birth and death dates are largely based on statements made by later Latin writers, notably Cicero in the 1st century BC. Even the three names usually given to himTitus Maccius Plautusare of questionable historical authenticity. Internal evidence in some of the plays does, it is true, suggest that these were the names of their author, but it is possible that they are stage names, even theatrical jokes or allusions. (“Maccus,” for example, was the traditional name of the clown in theAtellan farces,” a long-established popular burlesque, native to the Neapolitan region of southern Italy; “Plautus,” according to Festus, derives from planis pedibus, planipes [flat-footed] being a pantomime dancer.) There are further difficulties: the poet Lucius Accius (Accius, Lucius) (170c. 86 BC), who made a study of his fellow Umbrian, seems to have distinguished between one Plautus and one Titus Maccius. Tradition has it that Plautus was associated with the theatre from a young age. An early story says that he lost the profits made from his early success as a playwright in an unsuccessful business venture, and that for a while afterward he was obliged to earn a living by working in a grain mill.

Approach to drama
      The Roman predecessors of Plautus in both tragedy and comedy borrowed most of their plots and all of their dramatic techniques from Greece. Even when handling themes taken from Roman life or legend, they presented these in Greek forms, setting, and dress. Plautus, like them, took the bulk of his plots, if not all of them, from plays written by Greek authors of the late 4th and early 3rd centuries BC (who represented theNew Comedy,” as it was called), notably by Menander and Philemon. Plautus did not, however, borrow slavishly; although the life represented in his plays is superficially Greek, the flavour is Roman, and Plautus incorporated into his adaptations Roman concepts, terms, and usages. He referred to towns in Italy; to the gates, streets, and markets of Rome; to Roman laws and the business of the Roman law courts; to Roman magistrates and their duties; and to such Roman institutions as the Senate.

      Not all references, however, were Romanized: Plautus apparently set little store by consistency, despite the fact that some of the Greek allusions that were left may have been unintelligible to his audiences. Terence, the more studied and polished playwright, mentions Plautus' carelessness as a translator and upbraids him for omitting an entire scene from one of his adaptations from the Greek (though there is no criticism of him for borrowing material, such plagiarism being then regarded as wholly commendable). Plautus allowed himself many other liberties in adapting his material, even combining scenes from two Greek originals into one Latin play (a procedure known as contaminatio).

      Even more important was Plautus' approach to the language in which he wrote. His action was lively and slapstick, and he was able to marry the action to the word. In his hands, Latin became racy and colloquial, verse varied and choral.

      Whether these new characteristics derived from now lost Greek originalsmore vigorous than those of Menanderor whether they stemmed from the established forms and tastes of burlesque traditions native to Italy, cannot be determined with any certainty. The latter is the more likely. The result, at any rate, is that Plautus' plays read like originals rather than adaptations, such is his witty command of the Latin tonguea gift admired by Cicero himself. It has often been said that Plautus' Latin is crude andvulgar,” but it is in fact a literary idiom based upon the language of the Romans in his day.

      The plots of Plautus' plays are sometimes well organized and interestingly developed, but more often they simply provide a frame for scenes of pure farce, relying heavily on intrigue, mistaken identity, and similar devices. Plautus is a truly popular dramatist, whose comic effect springs from exaggeration, burlesque and often coarse humour, rapid action, and a deliberately upside-down portrayal of life, in which slaves give orders to their masters, parents are hoodwinked to the advantage of sons who need money for girls, and the procurer or braggart soldier is outwitted and fails to secure the seduction or possession of the desired girls. Plautus, however, did also recognize the virtue of honesty (as in Bacchides), of loyalty (as in Captivi), and of nobility of character (as in the heroine of Amphitruo).

      Plautus' plays, almost the earliest literary works in Latin that have survived, are written in verse, as were the Greek originals. The metres he used included the iambic six foot line (senarius) and the trochaic seven foot line (septenarius), which Menander had also employed. But Plautus varied these with longer iambic and trochaic lines and more elaborate rhythms. The metres are skillfully chosen and handled to emphasize the mood of the speaker or the action. Again, it is possible that now lost Greek plays inspired this metrical variety and inventiveness, but it is much more likely that Plautus was responding to features already existing in popular Italian dramatic traditions. The Senarii (conversational lines) were spoken, but the rest was sung or chanted to the accompaniment of double and fingered reed pipes (see aulos). It could indeed be said that, in their metrical and musical liveliness, performances of Plautus' plays somewhat resembled musicals of the mid-20th century.

      Although Plautus' original texts did not survive, some version of 21 of them did. Even by the time that Roman scholars such as Varro, a contemporary of Cicero, became interested in the playwright, only acting editions of his plays remained. These had been adapted, modified, cut, expanded, and generally brought up-to-date for production purposes. Critics and scholars have ever since attempted to establish aPlautinetext, but 20th- and 21st-century editors have admitted the impossibility of successfully accomplishing such a task. The plays had an active stage life at least until the time of Cicero and were occasionally performed afterward. Whereas Cicero had praised their language, the poet Horace was a more severe critic and considered the plays to lack polish. There was renewed scholarly and literary interest in Plautus during the 2nd century AD, but it is unlikely that this was accompanied by a stage revival, though a performance of Casina is reported to have been given in the early 4th century. St. Jerome, toward the end of that century, says that after a night of excessive penance he would read Plautus as a relaxation; in the mid-5th century, Sidonius Apollinaris, a Gallic bishop who was also a poet, found time to read the plays and praise the playwright amid the alarms of the barbarian invasions.

      During the Middle Ages, Plautus was little readif at allin contrast to the popular Terence. By the mid-14th century, however, the Humanist scholar and poet Petrarch knew eight of the comedies. As the remainder came to light, Plautus began to influence European domestic comedy after the Renaissance poet Ariosto had made the first imitations of Plautine comedy in the Italian vernacular. His influence was perhaps to be seen at its most sophisticated in the comedies of Molière (whose play L'Avare, for instance, was based on Aulularia), and it can be traced up to the present day in such adaptations as Jean Giraudoux's Amphitryon 38 (1929), Cole Porter's musical Out of This World (1950), and the musical and motion picture A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1963). Plautus' stock charactertypeshave similarly had a long line of successors: the braggart soldier of Miles Gloriosus, (Miles Gloriosus) for example, became theCapitanoof the Italian commedia dell'arte, is recognizable in Nicholas Udall's Ralph Roister Doister (16th century), in Shakespeare's Pistol, and even in his Falstaff, in Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac (1897), and in Bernard Shaw's Sergius in Arms and the Man (1894), while a trace of the character perhaps remains in Bertolt Brecht's Eilif in Mother Courage and Her Children (1941). Thus, Plautus, in adapting GreekNew Comedyto Roman conditions and taste, also significantly affected the course of the European theatre.

Additional Reading
Good introductions to Roman comedy are supplied by George E. Duckworth, The Nature of Roman Comedy, 2nd ed. (1994); W. Beare, The Roman Stage, 3rd ed. (1964, reprinted 1977); Bruno Gentili, Theatrical Performances in the Ancient World, rev. trans. from Italian (1979); and Richard C. Beacham, The Roman Theatre and Its Audience (1991).Useful books on Plautus include Netta Zagagi, Tradition and Originality in Plautus (1980); Erich Segal, Roman Laughter: The Comedy of Plautus, 2nd ed. (1987); William S. Anderson, Barbarian Play: Plautus' Roman Comedy (1993); Timothy J. Moore, The Theater of Plautus: Playing to the Audience (1998); and Niall W. Slater, Plautus in Performance: The Theatre of the Mind (1985, reissued 2000). A handful of essays on Plautus are included in Erich Segal (ed.), Oxford Readings in Menander, Plautus, and Terence (2001).

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