

Spanish-American history
(from Spanish:partition,” ordistribution”),also called  Mita, or Cuatequil,  

      in colonial Spanish America, a system by which the crown allowed certain colonists to recruit Indians for forced labour. The repartimiento system, frequently called the mita in Peru and the cuatequil in New Spain (Mexico), was in operation as early as 1499 and was given definite form about 1575. About 5 percent of the Indians in a given district might be subject to labour in mines and about 10 percent more for seasonal agricultural work. A colonist who wanted a repartimiento had to apply to the viceroy or the audiencia (provincial appeals court), stating that the Indian labour required on his plantation, ranch, or mine would provide the country with essential food and goods.

      Legally, the work period was not to exceed two weeks (five in the mines), three or four times annually, and wages were to be paid. These requirements were practically ignored, however, and, because the Indians were often brutally treated, the Spanish government modified the system in 1601 and 1609; under the new arrangement, 25 percent of the Indians in a given district were required to work for the Spaniards, but they were free to choose their own employer and term of service. The former system was permitted to continue in the mines until the owners could purchase enough black slaves to replace the Indians. The new system remained legally in force down to the end of the colonial period (c. 1820). In practice, however, impressment of Indian labourers under the earlier system continued in spite of additional royal prohibitive legislation in the 17th and 18th centuries. See also encomienda.

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Universalium. 2010.

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