
ranchless, adj.ranchlike, adj.
/ranch/, n.
1. an establishment maintained for raising livestock under range conditions.
2. Chiefly Western U.S. and Canada. a large farm used primarily to raise one kind of crop or animal: a mink ranch.
3. a dude ranch.
4. the persons employed or living on a ranch.
5. See ranch house.
6. to manage or work on a ranch.
[1800-10, Amer.; < Sp rancho RANCHO]

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Large farm for breeding and raising cattle, sheep, or horses.

Ranching originated in South America and Mexico in early colonial times, when Spanish settlers introduced cattle and horses and tended them on the pampas. It was an itinerant form of livestock farming: herds were tended on open range, and biannual roundups were held for branding calves and driving mature animals to market. Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s. By the early 20th century, overstocking, quarantine laws, railroad competition, and barbed-wire fences had put an end to cattle drives and open-range farming. Ranching today is nearly all sedentary, but huge ranches still exist.

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      a farm, usually large, devoted to the breeding and raising of cattle, sheep, or horses on rangeland. Ranch farming, or ranching, originated in the imposition of European livestock-farming techniques onto the vast open grasslands of the New World. Spanish settlers introduced cattle and horses into the Argentine and Uruguayan pampas and the ranges of Mexico early in the colonial period, and the herding of these animals spread readily into what is now the southwestern United States.

      By the early 19th century the ranch had become an economic mainstay of the North American ranges. Its importance in the territorial United States was augmented as the progressive clearing and cultivation of grazing lands in the East drove cowherders west in pursuit of new pasture. The cowboy (q.v.) emerged during this period as essentially a rancher on horseback, who moved from camp to camp, grazing cattle on unfenced public ranges. Biannual roundups were held for branding calves and separating steers to be driven north and east for fattening and slaughter.

      On the pampas of South America, where cattle and horses roamed freely for more than a century, the cowboy's southern counterpart, the gaucho (q.v.), first hunted huge semiwild herds independently and later worked for landowners, as the fenced estancia (estate) changed the face of the pampas.

      The Homestead Act of 1862 in the United States generated the establishment of many grassland farms that were to expand into the huge western ranches of the late 19th century. Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s, when millions of cattle grazed the pastoral empire of the plains. Overstocking of ranges, the exceptionally hard winter of 188687, the passage of quarantine laws, increased railroad competition, and the encroachment of barbed-wire fencing all acted to check the northern cattle drives and diminish the glory of cattle country.

      By the second quarter of the 20th century, nearly all livestock farming in the United States was sedentary. Huge ranches continued to exist, however, and, despite periods of fragmentation, the future of such enterprises seemed secure in the late 20th-century era of corporate agriculture. Open-range ranching has remained an important economic activity in Australia and New Zealand and in parts of Africa, where it was introduced in the late 19th century.

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