

also spelled  Gbandi  or  Mogwandi 

      a people of the upper Ubangi River in southern Central African Republic and northern Congo (Kinshasa). Ngbandi speak a language of the Adamawa-Ubangi subgroup (Adamawa-Ubangi languages) of the Niger-Congo language family that is related to that of neighbouring Banda and Gbaya. Ngbandi is a term preferred by Belgian ethnographers, while the French include these people with suchUbangianpeoples as the Gbanziri, Nzakara, Sango, and Yakoma. The Ngbandi came from what are now the southern regions of The Sudan, converging upon and assimilating a number of small groups in their present lands. Ngbandi of the Bandia clan conquered Zande areas in the 18th century, creating a series of states; they assimilated Zande culture and language and are now indistinguishable from that group.

      Rural Ngbandi grow corn (maize), cassava (manioc), peanuts (groundnuts), sweet potatoes, lima beans, peppers, pineapples, papayas, and tobacco. Traditionally, men have hunted, fished, and cleared land for cultivation, while women have gathered wild foods and done the hoeing, planting, and harvesting. The migration of able-bodied men and women from rural areas to the city in search of work has been steadily increasing with the growth of the money economy.

      The Ngbandi traditionally lived in compact villages consisting of a single row of dwellings. They have been mainly patrilineal, though there have been circumstances in which a man might reside with his maternal uncle. Ngbandi chiefs have acted as arbiters and priests of the ancestral cult central to traditional social life. Polygyny is practiced but has been on the decline for many years.

      The Ngbandi were once renowned warriors, and their craftsmen produced lances and knives of high quality that were traded with many neighbouring groups; these are now prized by collectors of African art. Ngbandi also produced elegant curved-neck harps reminiscent of those of their ancestral peoples living in Chad and the southern part of The Sudan.

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Universalium. 2010.

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