
/ban"deuh/, n.
Hastings Kamuzu /kah mooh"zooh/, 1906-97, Malawi physician, political leader, and public official: 1st president of Malawi 1966-94.

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      city, southern Uttar Pradesh state, northern India, near the Ken River (a tributary of the Yamuna (Yamuna River)). An agricultural marketplace, Banda lies at a road junction on a major rail line. The city's trade has been declining, however, and the road leading southward is no longer maintained. Banda is noted for its agates from the Ken riverbed, which are exported. There are several mosques and Hindu temples, and outside the city are the ruins of an 18th-century fort, Kalinjar. The city and the fort changed hands repeatedly during struggles between the Muslims, Marathas, French, and British. Pop. (2001) 134,839.

      a people of the Central African Republic, some of whom also live in Congo (Kinshasa) (Congo) and Cameroon and possibly in the Sudan (Sudan, The). The Banda speak a language of the Adamawa-Ubangi subgroup (Adamawa-Ubangi languages) of the Niger-Congo language family (Niger-Congo languages) that is related to that of their Gbaya and Ngbandi neighbours. The Banda are the largest single ethnic group in the Central African Republic. They numbered about 1,300,000 at the beginning of the 21st century.

      The Banda observe patrilineal descent and live in hamlets of dispersed homesteads under the local governance of a headman. Rural Banda raise corn (maize), cassava, peanuts (groundnuts), sweet potatoes, yams, and tobacco. Men hunt and fish, and women gather wild foods and cultivate crops. Banda craftsmen produce carved wooden ritual and utilitarian objects; they are best known for their large slit drums (slit drum) carved in the shapes of animals.

      Stateless when first encountered by Europeans, the Banda selected war chiefs only during times of crisis, after which the warriors were divested of their power. Age grades and initiations called semali assured intergroup unity in time of war. Marriage traditionally required bridewealth, often in iron implements. Polygyny (polygamy), although still practiced, has declined with the rise of a money-based economy.

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