- Mallory, George
▪ British explorer and mountaineerborn June 18, 1886, Mobberley, Cheshire, Englanddied June 8, 1924, North Face of Mount Everest, Tibet [now in China]British explorer and mountaineer (mountaineering) who was a leading member of early expeditions to Mount Everest (Everest, Mount). His disappearance on that mountain in 1924 became one of the most celebrated mysteries of the 20th century.Mallory came from a long line of clergymen. While he was a student at Winchester College, one of the teachers recruited Mallory for an outing to the Alps, and he developed a strong aptitude for climbing. After graduating from the University of Cambridge, he became a schoolmaster, but he continued to refine his climbing skills in the Alps and in Wales. Other climbers of the era noted his natural, catlike climbing ability and his ability to find and conquer new and difficult routes.Mallory served in France during World War I. He resumed teaching after returning to England in 1919. He had been a longtime member of Britain's prestigious Alpine Club; when the club began assembling members for the first major expedition to Mount Everest, Mallory was a natural choice.The 1921 Everest expedition was mainly for reconnaissance, and the team had to first locate Everest before it could trek to and then around the mountain's base. Mallory and his old school friend Guy Bullock mapped out a likely route to the summit of Everest from the northern (Tibetan) side. In September the party attempted to climb the mountain, but high winds turned them back at the valley that came to be called the North Col.Mallory also was part of the second expedition, mounted in 1922, which featured the major innovation of using supplemental (bottled) oxygen on some of the ascents. Mallory and his team climbed without supplemental oxygen and reached a height of 27,300 feet (8,230 metres) but could go no farther. A second attempt a few days later ended disastrously when his party was caught in an avalanche that killed seven porters.In 1924 Mallory was selected for the third expedition, though he was less certain about returning. Before he left he was asked why climbers struggled to scale Everest, to which he gave the famous reply, “Because it's there.” The expedition had a difficult time with high winds and deep snows. On June 6 he and a young and less-experienced climber, Andrew Irvine, set off for an attempt on the summit. The two started out from their last camp at 26,800 feet (8,170 metres) on the morning of June 8. Another member of the expedition claimed to have caught a glimpse of the men climbing in the early afternoon when the mists briefly cleared. Mallory and Irvine were never seen again. The British public was shocked at Mallory's loss.The mystery of their fateful climb has been debated since that day, especially whether Mallory and Irvine had reached the summit. In the 1930s Irvine's ice axe was found at about 27,700 feet (8,440 metres), and in 1975 a Chinese climber discovered a body that he described as being that of an Englishman. In addition, an oxygen canister from the 1920s was found in 1991. With these clues, an expedition set out in 1999 to search for the two. Mallory's body was found at 26,760 feet (8,155 metres), and it was determined that he had died after a bad fall; Irvine was not found. It was hoped that the camera Mallory had with him would be recovered and that it might reveal if he and Irvine had made it to the top. Effects such as an altimeter, pocketknife, and letters were found but no camera. His body was buried where it had been discovered.
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Universalium. 2010.