
/mown'tn ear"ing/, n.
the sport of climbing mountains.
[1795-1805; MOUNTAINEER + -ING1]

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Sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the joy of the climb.

The pleasures of mountaineering lie not only in the conquest of the peak but also in the physical and spiritual satisfactions brought about through intense personal effort, ever-increasing proficiency, and contact with natural grandeur. The greater rewards do not come without considerable risk and danger. The first great peak ascended in modern times was Mont Blanc, in 1786. Other Alpine peaks followed, capped by the ascent of the Matterhorn in 1865. By the 1910s, most peaks of the Andes, the Rockies, and other Western Hemisphere ranges had been climbed, including Mount McKinley (1913). Beginning in the 1930s a series of successful ascents of mountains in the Himalayas occurred; the summits of many of the Himalayan mountains were not reached until the 1950s, however. Of these climbs, the best known is the 1953 ascent of Mount Everest by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. In the 1960s mountaineering became an increasingly technical sport, emphasizing the use of specialized anchoring, tethering, and grappling gear in the ascent of vertical rock or ice faces.

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also called  mountain climbing  

      the sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb. For the untrained, mountaineering is a dangerous pastime. Although the term is often loosely applied to walking up low mountains that offer only moderate difficulties, it is more properly restricted to climbing in localities where the terrain and weather conditions present such hazards that, for safety, a certain amount of previous experience will be found necessary. Mountaineering differs from other outdoor sports in that nature alone provides the field of actionand just about all of the oppositionfor the participant. Climbing mountains embodies the thrills produced by testing one's courage, resourcefulness, cunning, strength, ability, and stamina to the utmost in a situation of inherent risk. Mountaineering, to a greater degree than other sports, is a group activity, with each member both supporting and supported by the group's achievement at every stage. For most climbers, the pleasures of mountaineering lie not only in theconquestof a peak but also in the physical and spiritual satisfactions brought about through intense personal effort, ever-increasing proficiency, and contact with natural grandeur.

      Early attempts to ascend mountain peaks were inspired by other than sporting motives: to build altars or to see if spirits actually haunted once-forbidden heights, to get an overview of one's own or a neighbouring countryside, or to make meteorological or geological observations. Before the modern era, history has recorded few attempts to ascend mountain peaks for the mere sake of the accomplishment. During the 18th century more and more natural philosophersthe scientists of their daybegan making field trips into the Alps of Europe to make scientific observations. The area around Chamonix, France, became a special attraction to these investigators because of the great glaciers on the Mont Blanc chain. Mountaineering in a contemporary sporting sense was born when a young Genevese scientist, Horace-Bénédict de Saussure (Saussure, Horace Bénédict de), on a first visit to Chamonix in 1760, viewed Mont Blanc (Blanc, Mont) (at 15,771 feet [4,807 m] the tallest peak in Europe) and determined he would climb to the top of it or be responsible for its being climbed. He offered prize money for the first ascent of Mont Blanc, but it was not until 1786, more than 25 years later, that his money was claimed by a Chamonix doctor, Michel-Gabriel Paccard, and his porter, Jacques Balmat. A year later de Saussure himself climbed to the summit of Mont Blanc. After 1850 groups of British climbers with Swiss, Italian, or French guides scaled one after another of the high peaks of Switzerland. A landmark climb in the growth of the sport was the spectacular first ascent of the Matterhorn (14,692 feet) on July 14, 1865, by a party led by an English artist, Edward Whymper (Whymper, Edward). In the mid-19th century the Swiss developed a coterie of guides whose leadership helped make mountaineering a distinguished sport as they led the way to peak after peak throughout central Europe.

      By 1870 all of the principal Alpine summits had been scaled, and climbers began to seek new and more difficult routes on peaks that had already been ascended. As the few remaining minor peaks of the Alps were overcome, by the end of the 19th century climbers turned their attention to the Andes (Andes Mountains) of South America, the North American Rockies (Rocky Mountains), the Caucasus, Africa's peaks, and finally the Himalayan vastness. Aconcagua (Aconcagua, Mount) (22,831 feet), the highest peak of the Andes, was first climbed in 1897, and the Grand Teton (13,747 feet) in North America's Rocky Mountains was ascended in 1898. The Italian duke of the Abruzzi in 1897 made the first ascent of Mount St. Elias (Saint Elias, Mount) (18,009 feet), which stands athwart the international boundary of Alaska and Canada, and in 1906 successfully climbed Margherita (Margherita Peak) in the Ruwenzori Group (16,795 feet) in East Africa. In 1913 an American, Hudson Stuck, ascended Mount McKinley (McKinley, Mount) (20,320 feet) in Alaska, the highest peak in North America. The way was opening for greater conquests, but it would be midcentury before the final bastion, Mount Everest, was ascended.

      As the 20th century wore on, the truly international character of mountaineering began to reveal itself. Increasingly Austrians, Chinese, English, French, Germans, Indians, Italians, Japanese, and Russians turned their attention to opportunities inherent in the largest mountain landmass of the planet, the Himalayas. After World War I the British made Everest their particular goal. Meanwhile, climbers from other countries were making spectacularly successful climbs of other great Himalayan peaks. A Soviet team climbed Stalin Peak (24,590 feet), later renamed Communism Peak, in 1933; a German party succeeded on Siniolchu (22,600 feet) in 1936; and the English climbed Nanda Devi (25,643 feet) the same year. The Alpine Journal of London, a reliable chronicler of ascents, lists no peaks ascended for the first time between 194047, a reflection, of course, of the imperatives of World War II.

      In the 1950s came a series of successful ascents of mountains in the Himalayas: a first climb by the French of Annapūrna I (26,545 feet) in June 1950; Nānga Parbat (Nanga Parbat) (26,660 feet) by the Germans and Austrians in 1953; K2 (28,251 feet) by the Italians in 1954; Kānchenjunga (28,169 feet) by the British in 1955; and Lhotse (27,940 feet) by the Swiss in 1956. Beyond all of these, however, the success of the British on Mount Everest (Everest, Mount) (29,035 feet; see Researcher's Note: Height of Mount Everest) when a New Zealand beekeeper, Edmund Hillary (Hillary, Sir Edmund), and the Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay stood on the top of the world on May 29, 1953, was a culminating moment. This expedition, which was led by Colonel John Hunt (Hunt, John Hunt, Baron), was the eighth team in 30 years to attempt Everest, and there had also been three reconnaissance expeditions.

      K2 was climbed by two members of an Italian party in July 1954. An Austrian party reached the summit of Cho Oyu (26,906 feet), which is only slightly higher than Dhaulāgiri, in 1954. In May 1955 a French party succeeded in getting all of its members and a Sherpa guide to the summit of Makālu 1 (27,766 feet), a neighbour of Everest. Also in May 1955, as mentioned earlier, Kānchenjunga, at 28,169 feet often considered one of the world's most difficult mountaineering problems, was climbed by an English expedition led by Charles Evans, who had been deputy leader of the first successful climb of Everest.

      In the 1960s mountaineering underwent several transformations. As in the golden age of the Alps, once peaks were climbed, the emphasis moved to a search for more and more difficult routes up the mountain face to the summit. Moreover, vertical or other so-called impossible rock faces were being scaled through the use of newly developed artificial aids and advanced climbing techniques. Smooth, vertical faces of granite were overcome in climbs lasting days or even weeks at a timefor example, the 27-day conquest in 1970 of the sheer 3,000-foot southeast face of the granite monolith El Capitan in the North American Sierra Nevadas by American climbers.

      While it is necessary for the complete mountaineer to be competent in all three phases of the sporthiking, rock climbing, and snow and ice techniqueeach is quite different. There are wide variations within these categories, and even the most accomplished mountaineers will have varying degrees of competence in each. The good climber will strike that balance that is consonant with his own physical and mental capabilities and approach.

       hiking is the essential element of all climbing, for in the end mountains are climbed by placing one foot in front of another over and over again. The most arduous hours in mountaineering are those spent hiking or climbing slowly, steadily, but hour after hour, on the trails of a mountain's approach or lower slopes.

      Rock climbing, like hiking, is a widely practiced sport in its own right. The essentials of rock climbing are often learned on local cliffs, where the teamwork of mountaineering, the use of the rope, and the coordinated prerequisites of control and rhythm are mastered. The rope, the artificial anchor, and carabiner (or snap link, a metal loop or ring that can be snapped into an anchor and through which the rope may be passed) are used primarily as safety factors. An exception occurs in tension climbing, in which the leader is supported by a judiciously placed series of anchors and carabiners through which the rope is passed. He is then supported on the rope by his fellow climbers as he slowly moves upward to place another anchor and repeat the process.

      Anchors are used with discretion rather than in abundance. Anchors include the chock, which is a small piece of shaped metal that is attached to rope or wire cable and wedged by hand into a crack in the rock; the piton, which is a metal spike, with an eye or ring in one end, that is hammered into a crack; the bolt, which is a metal rod that is hammered into a hole drilled by the climber and to whose exposed, threaded end a hanger is then attached; and thefriend,” which is a form of chock with a camming device that automatically adjusts to a crack. Anchors are rarely used as handholds or footholds.

      For the majority of rock climbers, hands and feet alone are the essential, with the feet doing most of the labour. The layperson's notion that one must be extraordinarily strong in arms and shoulders is true only for such situations as the negotiation of serious overhangs. By and large, hands are used for balance, feet for support. Hands and arms are not used for dragging the climber up the cliff.

      Balance is essential, and the body weight is kept as directly over the feet as possible, the climber remaining as upright as the rock will permit. An erect stance enables the climber to use that fifth element of climbing, the eyes. Careful observation as one moves up a cliff will save many vain scrambles for footholds. Three points of contact with the rock are usually kept, either two hands and a foot or two feet and a hand. Jumping for holds is extremely dangerous because it allows no safety factor. Rhythmic climbing may be slow or fast according to the difficulty of the pitch. Rhythm is not easily mastered and, when achieved, becomes the mark of the truly fine climber.

      The harder the climb, the more the hands are used for support. They are used differently in different situations. In a chimney, a pipelike, nearly cylindrical vertical shaft, they press on opposite sides in opposition to each other. On slabs, the pressure of the palms of the hand on smooth rock may provide the necessary friction for the hold.

      Climbing down steep rock is usually harder than going up because of the difficulty in seeing holds from above and the normal reluctance of a climber to reach down and work his hands low enough as he descends. The quick way down is via the doubled rope in the technique called rappelling. The rope, one end being firmly held or secured, is wrapped around the body in such a way that it can be fed out by one hand slowly or quickly as desired to lower the body gradually down the face of the rock.

      Rope handling is a fine art that is equally essential on snow, ice, and rock. Sufficient rope for the pitch to be climbed and of sufficient length for rappelling is needed. As a lifeline the rope receives the greatest care and respect. A good rope handler is a valued person on the climb. The techniques involved are not easily learned and are mastered primarily through experience. Anchors and carabiners must be so placed and the rope strung in such a way as to provide maximum safety and to minimize effort in ascending and descending. This includes keeping the rope away from cracks where it might jam and from places where it might become caught on rock outcrops or shrubbery. A rope should not lay over rough or sharp-edged rock, where under tension it may be damaged from friction or cut by falling rock. The use of helmets while climbing is controversial (they may be uncomfortable or may limit vision or mobility) but is often recommended.

      Constantly changing conditions of snow and ice are important hazards faced by mountaineers. A good mountaineer must have an intimate knowledge of snow conditions; he must be able to detect hidden crevasses, be aware of potential avalanches, and be able to safely traverse other tricky or dangerous concentrations of snow or ice. In snow-and-ice technique, the use of the ice ax is extremely important as an adjunct to high mountaineering. Consisting of a pick and an adze opposed at one end of a shaft and a spike at the other, it is used for cutting steps in ice, probing crevasses, obtaining direct aid on steep slopes, achieving balance as necessary, and securing the rope (belaying). Crampons (sets of spikes that can be strapped on boot soles) are intended to preclude slipping and are useful on steep slopes of snow and ice and in steps that have been cut. By biting into the surface, they make progress possible where boots alone would not do. On many slopes crampons also render unnecessary the cutting of steps. On extremely difficult snow and ice, ice pitons and carabiners are used. The pitons, when driven in, are allowed to freeze in place.

      In climbing long snow slopes, a tedious task, it is necessary to strike a slow and rhythmic pace that can be sustained for a long time. It is desirable, too, to make a start on the mountain early in the day when the snow is in hard condition. As in all phases of mountaineering, judgment is important when engaging in snow and ice climbing. The length of the climb, the nature of the weather, the effect of the sun's heat on snow and ice, and the potential avalanche danger must all be considered.

      The basic organization of the sport is the mountaineering or rock-climbing club. Every nation with mountaineers has its own clubs, among which the Alpine Club in Great Britain, founded in 1857, is perhaps the most venerable. The largest numbers of clubs are found in the Alpine countries, in the British Isles, and in North America. Major mountaineering clubs frequently participate financially in the sponsorship of major expeditions. Most of the clubs publish annual or periodic reports, journals, or bulletins.

George Alan Smith Carol D. Kiesinger Ed.

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Universalium. 2010.

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