Harnack, Adolf von

Harnack, Adolf von

German theologian and church historian
in full  Adolf Karl Gustav von Harnack 
born , May 7, 1851, Dorpat, Estonia, Russian Empire [now Tartus, Estonia]
died June 10, 1930, Berlin, Germany
 German theologian (theology) and historian; he was recognized also for his scientific endeavours. In such seminal works as The History of Dogma (188689; 4th ed. 1909) and The History of Ancient Christian Literature (18931904), he argued that the relevance of Christianity to the modern world lay not in theological dogmatism but in the understanding of the religion as a historical development. He was ennobled (with the addition of von to his name) in 1914.

      His father, Theodosius Harnack, was a professor of practical and systematic theology, first in Dorpat, Estonia, then for 13 years in Erlangen, Germany, and again, until his death, in Dorpat. His chief work dealt with the theology of Martin Luther (Luther, Martin).

      Adolf von Harnack was educated at the universities in Erlangen, Dorpat, and Leipzig. After obtaining a doctorate with a dissertation on a text of an early Christian heresy ( Gnosticism), he became a lecturer at the University of Leipzig in 1874. Two years later he was promoted to a professorship in church history. In 1879 he moved to Giessen and in 1886 to Marburg, and in 1888 he was awarded a professorship at the University of Berlin. Because of his liberal theological views, especially with respect to the validity of the historical Christian creeds, his appointment to the post at Berlin was opposed by the Evangelical Church of Prussia. The church's opposition was overruled by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (Bismarck, Otto von) and, on his advice, by William II, who had become emperor in the year of Harnack's appointment at Berlin.

      Although he held academic appointments in theology and church history, Harnack was denied ecclesiastical posts. He exercised broad influence in Protestant churches, however, because his masterful teaching and his solid learning earned him an enthusiastic following among his students, many of whom rose to positions of ecclesiastical leadership.

      On the Christian religion as a historical (history, philosophy of) “development,” Harnack in his voluminous writings refined the interpretation that had been taught by the earlier German biblical and historical theologians Johann Salomo Semler (Semler, Johann Salomo), Ferdinand Christian Baur (Baur, Ferdinand Christian), and Albrecht Ritschl (Ritschl, Albrecht). Harnack sought to achieve a historical understanding of Christianity wherein its original essence could be separated from subsequent accretions of dogma. He attempted to isolate this essence using a scholarly historical method that abjured all metaphysical speculation and instead depended on careful critical study of primary sources; analysis of the cultural factors that help to shape historical events; assessment of historical institutions and their relation to the spirit that produces them; and faithful representation of the facts. Harnack's purpose was thus to replace theological dogmatism with historical understanding.

      Harnack's most famous work, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (188689; The History of Dogma), is a monument of liberal Christian historiography. In this work, Harnack traced the origin and development of Christian dogma, which he understood to be the authoritative system of Christian doctrine that had formed by the 4th century AD. His thesis was that Christian dogma in its conception and development is a work of the Hellenistic Greek spirit based on the Gospel of Jesus in the New Testament. According to Harnack, the process begun at the Protestant Reformationthe overcoming of dogma by a recovery of the essence of the Gospelshould be completed, and the historical-critical approach would achieve this. Harnack defended this position in his most popular book, Das Wesen des Christentums (1900; What Is Christianity?), which was the transcript of a course of lectures he had delivered at the University of Berlin.

      Harnack's other major works are Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur bis Eusebius (18931904; The History of Ancient Christian Literature) and Die Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (1902; The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries). He was the chief editor of a critical edition of The Greek-Christian Authors of the First Three Centuries (1891– ). He also published numerous monographs on the New Testament and on the doctrines and institutions of the ancient church.

      In all these works, Harnack tried to show how the Gospel of Jesus (Jesus Christ), which in his view has nothing in common with authoritarian ecclesiastical statutes and doctrines, became embodied in the doctrines of the church. He also expressed the conviction that, if Christianity is to retain its power in the modern world, it must be freed from any connection with the dogmas of God and Christ with which it became identified to survive in the Hellenistic world.

      Harnack was the leading historian of the Christian church in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his impact on theological scholarship was profound. In addition to his post as professor of church history at the University of Berlin, he was a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin, director of the Prussian State Library, and, after 1911, president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (now the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science). Harnack secured the support of government and industry for this foundation and established research institutes in the natural and medical sciences. It was a signal honour that, although he was a theologian, Harnack was asked to write The History of the Prussian Academy of Sciences in connection with the celebration of its 200th anniversary in 1900. Harnack retired from his position at the University of Berlin in 1921.

Wilhelm Pauck Ed.

Additional Reading
Studies of his life and work include Agnes von Zahn-Harnack, Adolf von Harnack, 2nd ed. (1951), a biography written by his daughter; Wilhelm Pauck, Harnack and Troeltsch: Two Historical Theologians (1968); and G. Wayne Glick, The Reality of Christianity: A Study of Adolf von Harnack As Historian and Theologian (1967).

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