Baur, Ferdinand Christian

Baur, Ferdinand Christian

German theologian
born June 21, 1792, Schmiden, near Stuttgart, Württemberg [Germany]
died Dec. 2, 1860, Tübingen
 German theologian and scholar who initiated the Protestant Tübingen school of biblical criticism and who has been called the father of modern studies in church history.

      Educated at the seminary at Blaubeuren and at the University of Tübingen, Baur became a professor of theology in 1817 at the seminary and in 1826 at the university, where he remained until his death. Influenced by the thought of the German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, Baur began to develop a new perspective on the history of Christianity.

      In general, Hegel saw history as a working out of opposing forcesthesis and antithesiswhich interact and form a third force, known as the synthesis. In studying the New Testament's pastoral letters, Baur came to view early Christianity as the outcome of a conflict between Jewish Christianity (an amalgam of practices of the two faiths) and Gentile Christianity (which was viewed as free of Jewish influence). Baur held that Jewish Christianity was the thesis; the Gentile version was the antithesis, or reaction; and catholic Christianity constituted the Hegelian synthesis.

      In his Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi (1845; Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ), Baur applied the same principles to the life and thought of the apostle Paul and concluded that Paul did not write all of the letters then attributed to him. Baur considered only the letters to the Galatians, Corinthians, and Romans to be genuinely Pauline. In addition, he believed that the author of Acts was postapostolic; Acts appeared to him to synthesize and harmonize the conflict between Jewish and Gentile Christianity and hence could not have been written in the 1st century, when a portrayal of Jewish and Gentile Christianity would have shown more clearly the conflict between them.

      Baur took a similar view of the authorship of the Gospels; his conclusions became known as thetendency theory,” for he asserted that the Gospels reveal a mediating, or conciliatory, Tendenz of their authors to overcome the Jewish-Gentile conflict. Baur posited the existence of an initial Gospel modified by later writers.

      Later in life Baur concentrated on church history. His five-volume Geschichte der christlichen Kirche (185363; “History of the Christian Church”) is still considered valuable, as are his works on the doctrines of the Atonement, the Trinity, and the Incarnation. Baur's methods helped to make Christianity subject to critical historical examination. His ideas were rejected at first, but both his methods and his conclusions emerged in the 20th century as important contributions to biblical scholarship and the study of church history.

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  • Baur, Ferdinand Christian — (1792 1860)    founder of the historical critical method of biblical study    Ferdinand Christian Baur, who helped introduce historical critical methods into the study of Scripture, church history, and theology, was born at Schmiden, Germany, on… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Baur, Ferdinand Christian — (1792–1860)    Theologian.    Baur was born near Württemberg in Germany. For many years he taught at the University of Tübingen and he is regarded as the leader of the Tübingen school of Biblical criticism. Among his many books were Symbolik und… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Baur, Ferdinand Christian — (1792–1860) German NT scholar and Church historian of Tübingen University. He denied the authenticity of many of the letters ascribed to Paul and maintained that a bitter struggle in the apostolic Church between Peter and Paul was concealed by… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • BAUR, FERDINAND CHRISTIAN —    head of the Tübingen school of rationalist divines, born near Stuttgart; distinguished by his scholarship and his labours in Biblical criticism and dogmatic theology; his dogmatic treatises were on the Christian Gnosis, the Atonement, the… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • BAUR, Ferdinand Christian — (1792 1860)    German theologian and founder of the Tübigen School. He was a disciple of SCHLEIERMACHER and greatly influenced by HEGEL S PHILOSOPHY of HISTORY. He caused great controversy by suggesting there was an essential conflict between the …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Ferdinand Christian Baur — Baur Ferdinand Christian Baur (* 21. Juni 1792 in Schmiden bei Fellbach; † 2. Dezember 1860 in Tübingen) war ein evangelischer Kirchen und Dogmenhistoriker. Er führte die historisch kritische Methode in die neutestamentliche Forschung ein und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ferdinand-Christian Baur — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Baur. Ferdinand Christian Baur. Ferdinand Christian Baur (21 juin 1792, 2& …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ferdinand Christian Baur — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ferdinand Christian Baur fue un teólogo alemán, líder de la escuela exegética de Tubinga, nacido en Schmiden el 21 de junio de 1792 y fallecido en Tubinga el 2 de diciembre de 1860. Estudiante del Seminario de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ferdinand Christian Baur — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Baur. Ferdinand Christian Baur. Ferdinand Christian Baur (né le 21 juin 1792 à Schmiden, près de Fellbach, dans le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ferdinand Christian Baur — (June 21, 1792 December 2, 1860), was a German theologian and leader of the Tübingen school of theology (named for University of Tübingen). Following Hegel s theory of dialectic, Baur argued that 2nd century Christianity represented the synthesis …   Wikipedia

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